Thor the God the thunder fuses with a Midgardian mortal see how the story is played .please support me this is my first story.sorry for spelling mistakes and grammer problems english is not my first language thanks .
Another day of class. New chapters are assigned to the college students and I begin to pack up for the day. I couldn't be happier.
School was such a drag. I just want to unwind from the day but I still have a considerable walk of about a mile from my home.
My name is Levi and this is how my day goes every iteration. I'm not exactly on the tall side and I have met people that are mostly my height or taller. At around 5'8 in height isn't tall by any means, and that was fine with me. It was average, and some would even call it below average height. That only works in my favor. As my day progresses i return home meet my grandma had a long chat about the neighbour new car and about relatives that are coming home next week my aunt is coming with her 7 year old son her husband and her brother in law my aunt is an doctor and my uncle is an District magistrate .and during next morning in daily shower session i slipped and my head clashed to the th tap suddenly darkness started claiming my vison the blood started seeping through me like bullet train or super sonic jet plane in an i was gone my life was claimed but that wasn't end up there I merged with the diety thor i don't know how why but I suppose it was for greater good .
Third person
Of course the Midgardian couldn't be the in the front seat of personality from thousands of year of old god like Odinson the thunder god as began journey of new thor in the vast universe of Marvellous things .
Asgard Is one realm of ten realms other realms are , the other nine Realms are Alfheim, Asgard, Vanaheim, Jotunheim, Nidavellir, Svartalfheim, Niffleheim, Muspelheim, Midgard (Earth), and Heaven.
But the tenth realm has been banished by Odin All father himself.
Asgard Current time
The thor walked to his pals and greeted them with a big hug and kissed lady sif hands and after that the God started to get the hammer and started controlling the thunder suddenly sky cracks up suddenly boom sounds echoes all through the realm of gods and started practising by using hi wepong against a dummy made of pure uru for special all attack training with his divine weapon after half and hour of doing attacks he then stops and sitts and watch his compainon doing their own training and started thinking about a dual with no weapons
this rest his mighty weapon and challenges Warrior three in the hand to hand combat the asgardian hand to combat is harsh but no means premtive it's symbolic to the warrior people like Asgardins the first match starts by wrestling brutal head butting kicking of legs neck choking punch on lips being torn and thor finally decides to end match throws hogun out of the dual field .
Next spar
match began by thor throwing a low kick in the toe potion of the body this resulted in displacing fandral body and thor gopes his leg throws him out of Field of dual this time thor ended without wasting time to have some fun he brutally wins the fight against fandral.