
Chapter 11

Translator: 549690339

Fan Shengmei stared blankly at herself in the mirror.

Guan Ju'er had hoped that when Sister Fan came home she could help Qiu Yingying, but in the end, it was up to her to play the role of the responsible one. Although Qiu Yingying was wishfully convinced by her words, she was still anxious and clung to Guan Ju'er, making wild guesses.

Fortunately, Andy came home with two big bags of daily necessities and saw Qiu Yingying looking downhearted, so she asked, "What's wrong?" Guan Ju'er answered on her behalf, "We three just got a message from Qu Xiaojuan, it's a photo, that Bai... the one with Qu Xiaojuan..."

"Oh, I see, I bumped into them at lunch in the restaurant. Xiaoqu was treating the boys who helped her to fish head, Xiaobai was also there. I didn't greet them. What's wrong? Xiaoqiu isn't happy about her boyfriend helping others? That stingy?"

"No, why would I be angry? It's just Xiaoqu's message was so vague, too... too..."

"Xiaoqu is too playful, they say she never grows up, but she's shrewd about some things. We agreed tonight, I'm paying. Where's little sister Fan?"

"I'm changing clothes, oh my, I've gained weight lately, the zipper just won't go up when I'm in a hurry... Okay, I have no choice but to ask for help. Xiaoguan, give me a hand." Fan Shengmei came out in a bright red silk dress which highlighted the part of the zipper that wasn't pulled up, her skin gleaming like snow.

When Andy saw her, she paused for a moment, then excused herself to put down the shopping bags and went back to her room. So, Eastern women really did look beautiful in red, no wonder Eastern brides wore red wedding dresses, and no wonder her mother... Andy felt a tightness in her chest and had no choice but to bury her head in her work, systematically putting away the items from the two shopping bags. After a while, Fan Shengmei's voice came from the doorway, and when Andy went out, she saw that Fan Shengmei had changed into a golden-brown dress.

"Why aren't you wearing the red one anymore?"

"Tragedy, couldn't fit into it, I gave up. This one is alright, isn't it? Andy, I have an unreasonable request."

"You won the bet, the treat's on me, no question there. You as a seasoned HR really have an eye for people."

Fan Shengmei checked the hallway and closed the door. "An old high school flame of mine is in Hai City on a business trip, and after much effort, he got hold of me; he's invited me to dinner at the Hilton tonight. Then, I suspect he will insist on taking me home, or at the very least, want to have a look at the entrance of my house. I... I used to put on airs in front of him, and if he sees me living with others... Do you understand? Ah, I'd rather suffer than lose face."

"I understand. How about I invite the two of them to eat at the Hilton too, and we go together later? After dinner, we all drive back in one car, that way, your classmate won't have to take you home."

"Andy, you're the best. But would your car fit all of us?"

"I just got a four-door yesterday, it's convenient for when we have so many people. But on one condition, you have to give me a map of Hai City that details the addresses of restaurants and preferably their specialty dishes."

"And perhaps, include more of the restaurants near your office? I'll get on it tomorrow. Andy, let's pack up and head out quickly." Fan Shengmei, feeling like she had strong support, immediately transformed from her previously troubled expression to one of sparkling vivacity and dazzling charm.

However, Andy stopped her, "What exactly is going on between Xiaoqiu and Xiaoqu?"

"Let's look at it from a different angle; two girls of similar age are in front of you, one is a stunning beauty, fox-spirit-like, with a hefty dowry and quite wealthy, also a sea turtle, while the other is a girl from out of town with no hukou, nothing to her name, average in appearance. If you were a man, who would you pick? People in the city are very realistic."

Andy fell silent, indeed that was the case. While Fan Shengmei went back to room 2202 to do her makeup and get ready, Andy thought to herself, according to Yan Luming, back in the day, even though her mother was a beauty, she lived in a rural area with nothing to her name, and with a heavy family burden behind her, no wonder that man had vanished. Life was tough; everyone wanted to be a deserter.

Fan Shengmei wasn't much of a car person, she found Andy's new car looked like a regular four-door sedan, which while still very shiny didn't seem as flashy as the previous sports car. But something was better than nothing, and it was certainly better than taking a taxi or squeezing onto the subway. She naturally took the passenger seat, as she had to give Andy directions. However, as they got closer to the Hilton, Fan Shengmei grew increasingly impatient. She took out her phone to tell her old classmate that she would arrive in ten minutes. Behind her, Qiu Yingying and Guan Ju'er giggled nonstop, betting whether the old classmate would come out to meet her or if he would even recognize her. Even though the two didn't fully understand the past relationship between the old classmate and Fan Shengmei, they were convinced it was definitely an old flame. Only Andy was anxious; she was gripping the steering wheel, but once Fan Shengmei got talking to her old flame, she stopped giving Andy directions.