
Odd One Out

"When everything is extraordinary, everything becomes ordinary." What would happen when you aren't ordinary like everyone else? When you lack something that everyone else had? Would you be lesser than ordinary? Doll was such a being. A lesser person in a world of normal people. Normal people were more able because they could host parasite system intelligence. Accelerated learning, defined jobs and occupations, daily mission achievements and advanced knowledge already propelled humans into the future. He couldn't be like them. What can he do with body that couldn't be a host? Was there any worth to him? ...

WidestGrin · Fantasy
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19 Chs

The Cake is Delicious! (Part One)

Chapter 11: The Cake is Delicious!

His luggage was packed. It was meagre, only consisting of three sets of clothes, his broken crayons in a small tin box, a worn out letter and a book which was a gift from the orphanage.

The children didn't come to bid him farewell. Some just watched him with envy.

As he had his lunch in the hall, he overheard one of them saying that he would be sent back to the orphanage within a few days once his guardians got tired of him.

He was a useless Odd afterall.

And Odds don't know how to do anything. They could only put on their shoes with someone else's help and even worse- they couldn't do math. Even at the age of seven, Doll couldn't multiply three digit numbers together.

Odds needed to be spoon-fed the alphabet and most importantly, they hadn't an ounce of wisdom.

Soon it was almost time to leave. Rik and Fer were delayed speaking to some inspectors who showed up.

"Sister, may I take a walk around? It will only take a while," said Doll. He wanted to say farewell to some special friends.

"Come back in an hour," warned the nun thinking he wanted to have a final look around the place where he grew up.


"Hurry up, Eeyore!"


They were near the Thousand Acre Woods.

Doll ran all the way and even carried Eeyore for a while before feeling tired.

As he hurried along, he saw a tiny yellow rump peeking out from a tree hollow. "Pooh bear!"

"Is that you, Doll?" came a muffled voice from within the tree. The tiny, yellow backside moved a little. "Would you mind lending me some help?"

"How did you get stuck there?" Asked Doll as he grabbed the Pooh bear's hind limbs.

"Well, It was almost elevenses and -oof- I was on my way to Rabbit's to have a little something."

"Did you get lost then?"

"Oh, no. I was admiring the flowers -uff!- on this path and stumbled across this nice sweet-smelling hole."

Doll pulled and pulled but the bear was still stuck. What a dilemma it was!

Eeyore helped as he bit onto his shirt and they both tugged together.

"Oh dear, you're hurting!" Pooh whined and with a 'pop!' he came unstuck and the three of them crashed onto the ground.

"Pooh bear," said a rather out-of-breath boy, " you've become quite sticky."

"Oh yes, the honey. 'Twas past the elevenses and I thought the bees wouldn't mind if I had some of it," said the bear with a smack.

Doll licked a little of the sweet stickiness and liked it. "Is there any more of this, Pooh?" asked he, hoping to share a little with Rik and Fer.

I have to keep referring to old Winnie the Pooh stories.It's a little hard to be consistent since I keep forgetting the tone and everyone's way of speaking. Not happy with the last few chapters so gotta edit. British English is hard.... As someone from a non English speaking country, I keep mixing up British and American styles. The previous few chaps are slightly Americanized since I have been reading more of those sorts of books. Seems like I need to brush up on things like this.

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