
Ocular Menace: Misadventures of a Man with many Eyes

Johnathan Reed had just finished celebrating his 18 birthday, when like any self-respecting novel protagonist, died to the hands of Truck-Kun. He laments in his last moments the fact he never made it past 24 hours of adulthood, and should have looked before crossing the road. Next thing he knows he's in a old medieval style house. After successfully running away from the house, and whatever problems might come from meeting people, he's in the middle of nowhere until he hears the classic *Ding* any gamer would be familiar with. The Art Is Not Mine. If you are the owner of the art and want it down. let me know and I'll oblige. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Do I have you interested? please do let me know of any feedback you have, as again, this is solely for my own enjoyment and to improve my literary skills. I'm the only person proofreading this, and the grammar is probably killing you, so just bear with me, because English was never my best subject Also my jokes could be unfunny, let me know. Also I will do my best for compelling characters, but again first time writing. so stuff like romance might flop and be underwhelming for people and is probably gonna be a side bit, not the main focus and later on.

Literary_nightmare · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Congratulations! Your married to the head of a world power

"How long can you delay the party by?"

"I believe we should be able to stall the nobles for 3 days, your majesty"

"Perfect, have everything prepared for 3 days from now, I trust your all capable of this. Is there any other pressing matters at the moment, or can I bring over the new empress?"

"Nothing more urgent, your majesty" Taking this as his cue to leave, he teleports back to his mountain base, and starts thinking about how to break the news to Ruby.

After arriving in the house, he sits down on the couch, no one was there, so he probably had some time to think of a way to break the news. Around 5 minutes later, Ruby walks in, and notices Johnathan deep in thought, she decides to go sit down on the couch, Johnathan then notices her and turns around.

"Hey Ruby, don't know how else to tell you this, but congratulations on becoming empress..." Johnathan trails off at the end of his sentence, while Ruby just stares right at him.

"So I'm officially married to you now?" Ruby doesn't even sound shocked, she just looks at him blankly.

"You are, and now we have to go back to the castle, so please get ready." Ruby then stands up, and walks away., 10 minutes later Ruby walks back, he has no idea what she did, but she looks more dignified. They then teleport back to the throne room.

"Here is the empress, Ruby Ragnia, do what you must. What other issues are there to solve?"

"Your majesty, it is becoming more difficult to find talented children to learn magic or swordsmanship, causing a fall in our overall power."

"Bring me ever child in the empire, I will determine their talent with an artifact I found. Announce this in the morning, and then gather all the children in town, I don't care from where they are from, they must attend. Slaves included."

"Your majesty, other empires are furious about your refusal to give tributes, and a threatening conflict."

"Why should I give them anything, if they can give me a good reason, they can make a request for something. If they cannot give a satisfactory answer, deny them anything they request or demand using the name of a tribute as an excuse. Is that all?"

"That is all the issues that can be dealt with immediately, your majesty"

"Announce an inspection for everyone working for the empire, I have no time for corruption, it will only drag the empire down."

"Yes, your majesty"

"What is your name, by the way?"

"Sebas, your majesty"

After dealing with all the immediate issues, Johnathan goes to lie down on the bed inside his room. Nothing like faking sleep to invite assassins inside your room. He just lies there with his eyes open for a few minutes, looking over his other skill trees and looking at a new tab that had appeared.

[Racial Skill Tree]

[Stronger Wings] [Unlocked]

[Your wings are now as strong Orachalcum, the fifth strongest metal on Nyx]

[Skill points /3]

[More Feathers] [Unlocked]

[The amount of feathers you have increases to 1000]

[Skill points 2/2]

[Wing Size] [Unlocked]

[The size of yours wings increase to allow you a wingspan of 10 feet. Increases the height to 6 feet, increases the width of 5.5 feet.]

[Skill points 5/5]

[Weaponized Wings] [Unlocked]

[Your wings are able to be manipulated like weapons, and are now as hard as Adamantite]

[Skill points 20/20]

[Stronger Body] [Unlocked]

[Increase the Stamina stat by 10]

[Skill points 30/30]


[Increase the Agility stat by 10 points]

[Skill points 0/30]

[Energy efficient]

[Your body wastes no energy when doing something. 50% decrease in stamina consumption and perfect control over anything that requires energy to be used. Includes eyes ]


[Space Mage Skill Tree]

[Wider Portals] [Unlocked]

[Increases the width of portals to a max of 100 feet]

[Skill points 1/1]

[Taller Portals] [Unlocked]

[Increases the height of portals to a max of 100 feet]

[Skill points 1/1]

[Distance of Portals] [Unlocked]

[Allows portals going further to take 10% less Mana.]

[Skill points 1/1]

[3 dimensional portals] [Unlocked]

[Allows the user to make portals that are three dimensional, however the portal cannot overlap]

[Skill points 15/15]

[Larger Pocket Dimension] [Unlocked]

[Your pocket dimensions size increases to 1500 cubic meters]

[Skill points 25/25]

[Portal Size] [Unlocked]

[The portals you can make with space magic are solely dependent on how big you want them to be]

[Skill points 100/100]

[Ultimate Dimensional Space]

[There is no longer a limit to how large your pocket dimension is]

[Skill points 0/10000]

[Dimensional Overlap]

[You can now overlap your pocket dimension with the world. Beings cannot leave or enter the pocket dimension unless you want them to]

[Skill points 0/50000]


[Silver Dragon Skill Tree]

[Stronger Attacks] [Unlocked]

[All elemental attacks hit 10% harder.]

[Skill points 4/4]

[Efficient Manipulating] [Unlocked]

[5% less Mana is used in spells]

[Skill points 3/3]

[Elemental Infusion] [Unlocked]

[Allows the infusion of spells and elements or certain effects, using Mana to activate them]

[Skill points 8/8]

[Evolution] [Unlocked]

[The users eyes can evolve! Unlocking more of the potential of dragons. Requires 5 hours before evolution]

[Skill points 50/50]

[Dragon Fear]

[Your pressure and bloodlust are 100% stronger and you can force any weaker being to obey your commands while you're exerting your pressure. Added onto the passives of the eye]

[Skill points 0/500]

[Elemental Fusion]

[If your mastery is great enough, you can infuse elements to make stronger variants, such as black lighting]

[Skill points 0/1000]

[Dragon's Breath]

[You can fire beams of any element out of your mouth, these beams are 30% stronger than regular attacks and require 20% less mana]

[Skill points 0/2500]


[Life Mage Skill Tree]

[Faster Healing] [Unlocked]

[Your healing causes is 20% Faster]

[Skill points 4/4]

[Projectile Healing] [Unlocked]

[You can throw pure balls of healing magic to heal a teammate.]

[Skill points 6/6]

[Undeads bane] [Unlocked]

[Healing an undead will cause them disintegrate to ash if they are skeletons or zombies, or do 50% more damage to any other undead]

[Skill points 5/5]

[Soul Cleansing] [Unlocked]

[You can heal the pains of souls stuck to the world though their endless hatred]

[Skill points 10/10]

[Aura of life]

[Your presence can instantly heal small wounds of anyone within 100 feet of you]

[Skill points 0/100]

[Vampire Skill Tree]

[Inner Blood Manipulation] [Unlocked]

[Allows you to manipulate the blood in your, body you can make it speed up or slow down.]

[Skill points 7/7]

[Greater Blood Manipulation] [Unlocked]

[Allows you to manipulate greater quantities of blood. 100 Gallons of blood.]

[Skill points 4/4]

[Lesser Blood Clone] [Unlocked]

[Allows the user to make a clone of their own blood, it takes 2.5 gallons of blood to make, so it takes a few seconds to create, otherwise the user would die of blood loss. The clone is Intelligent if the user has the [Parallel Processing] or [Hive Mind] Skill.]

[Skill points 9/9]

[Blood Storage] [Unlocked]

[The user gains an organ in their body exclusively for storing blood. Allows the user to carry 1000 Gallons of blood to use at the users will. Requires 2 hours to be filled completely. Blood Storage is inaccessible unless any pair of Vampire eyes are active.

[Skill points 6/6]

[Partial Blood Giant's Skeleton] [Unlocked]

[The user can cause their blood to harden and form a giant rib cage around the user. Blood Clones can also use this ability.]

[Skill points 12/12]

[Evolution] [Unlocked]

[The users eyes can now evolve to the next level! Takes effect instantly after purchase. The user will remain concussions while the evolution is active, however the use of said eye will be disabled. Takes 4 hours to evolve]

[Skill points 50/50]

[Blood Servants] [Unlocked]

[Like a real vampire, you can now turn others into a vampire, however your power isn't great enough to make infinite, you can only make 10 currently. Anyone you turn will be eternally loyal to you. To turn someone into a vampire, you must feed them a drop of your blood in your true form]

[Skill points 60/60]

[Blood clone] [Unlocked]

[An improved version of lesser blood clone. The clones now do not need to be near the user to function properly.]

[Skill points 45/45]

[Blood Giant's Skeletal Arms] [Unlocked]

[Allows the creation of a skeletal arms for the blood giant, to attack or defend with. Blood Clones can use this ability]

[Skill points 65/65]

[Bloodline of the Progenitor]

[Your Vampiric trait will be that of the progenitor, blood. Allows perfect control of blood. As you further advance your bloodline, the more blood you can manipulate. Current limit is 1000 Gallons]

[Skill points 0/2500]


[Your able to evolve your eyes again, this evolution requires 12 hours of sleep to evolve]

[Skill points 0/5000]


After he had finished buying the new skills, he closes his eyes and waits for someone to pop inside the room. He had already place 20 invisible eyes all around the room with wind magic and could still see perfectly fine, so when a figure clad in black walks in around 3 hours later, he wonders if they thought of the possibility that his sleep was a trap. So when the figure walks up to him and pulls out dagger, Johnathan gets up and slaps the figure. They go flying right into a nearby wall. Johnathan then switches his eyes to vampire with the passive of silver dragon, and starts the interrogation.

Be prepared for space and time bs, becuase it is going to be his favourite, also he's going to go all in on agility soon. But if you have literaly anything you want to tell me/suggest comment, doing this with input makes it more fun to do. Time skill tree isin't present because he bought it all.

Literary_nightmarecreators' thoughts