
Octavius grimoire MMPORG: Let the search begin

Octavius, the last witch of Montague, the final survivor of a lineage of legendary witches. For centuries, her people had used their magic to protect their remote valley kingdom. But after the downfall of her tribe, she decides to stop practicing. When her beloved husband Hanbity falls gravely ill, nothing humanly possible could save him. In a desperate act of love, she performs a forbidden ritual that heals Hanbity but transforms him into a lethal hybrid creature. Slowly Hanbity's new powers corrupt him, twisting his soul. Octavius realizes she must end the threat before he unleashes devastation. But Hanbity, now a monster, refuses to die and the two engage in an epic magical battle that almost ends her life. Seeing no other choice, Octavius divides her ancient grimoire into four separate tomes and scatters them across the land. She believed that whoever reunited the grimoire will undo the curse that turned her husband into a demon. Centuries pass until game developer Edward Montenegro finds the grimoire. Inspired, he creates the virtual world of Octavius Grimoire. News reaches Hanbity, now immortal. Threatened, he offers ten thousand quantox to anyone who retrieves the grimoire and offers it to him, under the name "the mail man". Players from around flock to participate, each with their own motivations... And so the quest to solve Octavius’s mind and change the course of history begins for the players of Octavius Grimoire. Deception, betrayal and dark secrets await within the pages of this book. Will Hanbity finally get what he deserves? Note: Cover picture not mine please

monellawrites · Games
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11 Chs


It was late when the car turned down Elm Street, headlights barely cutting through sheets of pouring rain. Inside, warm laughter filled the quiet car as a family of three returned from a friend's birthday party. 9-year old Marie pressed her nose to the foggy window, breath leaving condensation trails as she watched blurred scenery drift by. A muffled "Are we home yet?" earned an indulgent chuckle from her mother in the passenger seat.

But as they rounded the corner, dazzling high beams blinded the driver momentarily. With a startled gasp, he jerked the wheel, tires skidding on wet asphalt. Marie's last memory was her father swearing, her mother screaming as the car rolled, rolling, rolling...

When Marie awoke in the darkness, rain drummed her aching skull like thunder. Groaning, she wiped blood from her eyes, taking in warped shadows within the overturned car. Then she saw them, slumped lifeless beside torn seatbelts. A sob perished in her throat. Numbly, Marie crawled free into the storm, stumbling down the road illuminated only by distant lightning. At last she found her way home to an empty house, silent but for pattering raindrops.


Marie awoke to another sun rising on an empty house. Stretching creaky limbs, she greeted the family portrait "Good morning, mum and dad." Two smiles gazed back, unchanging since the past six years.

Her morning run through the winding streets soothed weariness and loneliness. But passing the city's billboard, an eye-catching flyer stopped her short – "Quest through the immersive virtual world of Octavius!" intrigued, Marie scanned the vibrant advertisement for details. A link provided to an afternoon live stream promotional event, which she later watched avidly on her phone through fuzzy earbuds.

After streaming live, she gathered up funds to pay for the game. Ecstatic Marie, rushed to a nearby game store to get the game. On arrival, the place was flooded with a lot of people.

"It's just a game to find a fake children's magic book, why are a lot of people here?" she thought out loud.

"Well when there's a ten thousand quantox prize money attached to the magic book, you have no choice but to play" some random person replied to her comment.

"So you're telling me that most people here are playing for the money?" Marie asked.

"I don't know. But I sure am playing for the money" he said. "By the way, aren't you a bit too young for the game?" he continued.

"Aren't you a bit too old to play a game where you find a kid's books of magic? What are you, like 40?" Marie jeered.

"Rude! I'm 21" he insisted then walked away already pissed off as Marie blew raspberries at him.

She got the game successfully and headed back home. She laid on her bed with the VR helmet in between her legs as she thought about the name she was going to use for the game. "Esmeralda, no too girly" she brushed. "In the shadows, no…from the shadows… no, no, even better, Shadowdancer!" she jumped ecstatically.

A few hours later, her heartbeat quickened as she secured the VR helmet over her expectant eyes. At last, escape from her solitary prison seemed within reach through wonders beyond imagination.

A loading bar inched endlessly until a disembodied voice spoke – "Choose your username."

"Shadowdancer" she replied full of confidence.

"Okay Shadowdancer, create your avatar" she continued as an avatar customization followed. Small and lithe for stealth, dusky skin and silvery hair cascading over a mischievous grin. Soon, her profile was complete, Marie emerged into the game. She was surrounded by NPC townsfolks and players alike mingling freely.



XP: 10

HP: 50

PL: 3

ITEMS: ----

BANK: ----

KILLS: ----

As Marie explored the verdant town hub, every sight enraptured her like a child. Players skillfully crafted armor, haggling merchants offered supplies for upcoming exploits. With so many directions to turn, wonder never ceased. Suddenly, motion in her peripheral vision caught her eye. Floating innocuously above a nearby fountain was an unusual sight – a shining short sword, gently rotating as if suspended by unseen strings.

Curiosity lured Marie closer. Reaching out a tentative hand, her fingers passed through only faint resistance – this blade was clearly hers for the taking. Claiming her new prize with an intrigued smile, Marie admired graceful balance and keen edge honed for combat. Notes accompanying the gift explained it was but one of many free starter items scattered throughout the land, rewarding those observant enough to find them.

Minutes later, game creator, Montenegro's voice welcomed and addressed the players and minutes later, the first quest started in the mining facilities. Within the echoing mining facility, Shadowdancer and other players scanned the place listen carefully for any sign of hybrid robots. They all came to shock when a hybrid robot rendered a player dead. Panic erupted as one of the players demanded that everybody ran but Shadowdancer stood her ground, ready for the swarm closing in.

A torrent of robots poured fourth, her sword glinting murderously. She moved with peerless grace, sword dancing amid the melee to fell foe after foe. Oil splattered as piles of mangled metal parts grew around her booted feet. Still they came endlessly. She had acquired damages as her HP reduced before her eyes. Muscles burned and sweat stung her eyes as over hundreds of bots lay in ruins before the last fell, its head tumbling free in a shower of sparks. As more came charging towards her direction, a voice spoke revealing to the surviving players a vortex she had opened. Exhausted Marie ran towards the portal, reaching safety. She smiled, bloodied but unbroken, spirit fiercer than any weapon.

After surviving players had escaped the mining facility, Montenegro's voice addressed the players. Afterwards, she went to the shop to equip her inventory after earning over 200 coins from the robot hybrid she killed. She upgraded her avatar which now gave more meaning to her name- Shadowdancer.