
Octavius grimoire MMPORG: Let the search begin

Octavius, the last witch of Montague, the final survivor of a lineage of legendary witches. For centuries, her people had used their magic to protect their remote valley kingdom. But after the downfall of her tribe, she decides to stop practicing. When her beloved husband Hanbity falls gravely ill, nothing humanly possible could save him. In a desperate act of love, she performs a forbidden ritual that heals Hanbity but transforms him into a lethal hybrid creature. Slowly Hanbity's new powers corrupt him, twisting his soul. Octavius realizes she must end the threat before he unleashes devastation. But Hanbity, now a monster, refuses to die and the two engage in an epic magical battle that almost ends her life. Seeing no other choice, Octavius divides her ancient grimoire into four separate tomes and scatters them across the land. She believed that whoever reunited the grimoire will undo the curse that turned her husband into a demon. Centuries pass until game developer Edward Montenegro finds the grimoire. Inspired, he creates the virtual world of Octavius Grimoire. News reaches Hanbity, now immortal. Threatened, he offers ten thousand quantox to anyone who retrieves the grimoire and offers it to him, under the name "the mail man". Players from around flock to participate, each with their own motivations... And so the quest to solve Octavius’s mind and change the course of history begins for the players of Octavius Grimoire. Deception, betrayal and dark secrets await within the pages of this book. Will Hanbity finally get what he deserves? Note: Cover picture not mine please

monellawrites · Games
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11 Chs


The streets were busy, filled with various people going to various places. Then there was Greta. She walked passed a woman who was carrying an expensive purse half opened. In it was a debit card and she swiped it right from the purse walking as though she had done nothing grave. Then she walked pass a man wearing what seemed to be an expensive watch, she gave him a light touch on the hand and his watch was gone. He noticed it and called her out. Thief! He shouts and he starts chasing her. Everyone was astounded, some not knowing what was going on seeing as the place was very rowdy.

"Sorry, excuse me, pardon me" Greta says as she bumped into people in order to escape the man chasing her. She ran as fast as she could, scaling fences, climbing buildings, but the man still chased after her.

"Fuck off, it's just a watch!" She cussed

"Then give it back!"

"Don't you have somewhere to be old man" Greta said to piss him off but he was still persistent. The chase continued until the both realized they had reached the top of a building. The man had her cornered. There was nowhere left to go. It was either down the building which was straight death or to jump to the next building, which was also straight death. Greta wasn't ready to give up the watch. She admired a good chase. So she got ready to jump to the next building.

"You wouldn't" The man said with a clean smirk. Meanwhile Greta had her middle fingers in the air and jumped to the next building. Luckily, she was successful. She laughed hard at the guy and left for a pawn shop. She dropped the watch on the counter.

"How much is this bad boy going up for?" She asked as the owner of the shop picked it up to examine its' worth. It took several minutes before he finally came up with a verdict.

"It's a fake, sorry" he said as he put it down and continued with his business.

"You've gotta be shitting me check it again?!" Greta ordered.

"Are you telling me how to run my business chica, I'm telling you it's a fake, it's design is phenomenal but it's a fake, end of story. Now get out of my shop before I call the police!" The owner retorted making her leave his shop.

"All that trouble for a fake! At least I still have the debit card" Greta lamented. She stopped by an ATM to withdraw. As she took out the card, her eyes fell on the date and quickly she noticed it was expired.

"Damn it! Can this day get any worse?!" She asked the universe. That was when he Aunt sighted her

"Greta Shapen, why are you not in school?!" Greta's Aunt lashed out in shock

"Fuck!" Greta cussed.

Greta was escorted to school by her Aunt. She made sure Greta had entered a class before she left.

"You're late again Greta, take your seat" her geography teacher commanded.

"Or maybe you're early again" Greta mumbled as she took her seat.

"I'm just gonna pretend I didn't hear that. So as I was saying, in the Pinex, there's an island that is within a lake, on an island that's within a lake on an island..... I'm gonna need to repeat that okay... "

As he addressed the class, Greta and her friend Catalina conversed.

"The lacrosse team addressed us in the halls today and Auriela and her cheerleaders cheered them on" Catalina said in a low time smiling

"Good for them" Greta said with zero emotions

"I wanna be like Aurelia someday"

"You don't know what Aurelia's going through so don't wish to be her, ever. Just wish to be the better version of yourself okay Catalina?"

Catalina shocked at her reply just nodded astoundingly.

Meanwhile in the girls' bathroom, there laid the famous Aurelia. She sat on the bathroom floor crying on the phone with her dad.

"I just don't understand dad. Why won't he love me. I sit pretty, I wear a very expensive perfume, I get my toes and my nails done for him. But he doesn't see any of these things I do for him" She lamented sobbing.

"Honey he's missing out, you're my perfect baby girl" Her dad insisted trying to make her feel better.

"But it doesn't look like it daddy. Instead he sees that ugly bitch Andrea. Daddy he once told me that I looked cute when I'm jealous, well I'm about to look phenomenal"

"Just don't get suspended darling"

"Never....bye daddy" Aurelia said wiping her tears off. Then she adjusted her skirt and went out the bathroom. Bobby; the boy she loved, sighted her and called her to meet him. She was surprised and she hurriedly went to meet him.

"Hey umm....." Bobby stuttered scratching his head.

"Aurelia...don't you remember me?" She asked disappointed.

"Ok cool, umm.. can you take a pick of me and someone?"

"Sure who is it?" Aurelia asked smiling

Then he called Andrea and she quickly ran down smiling. As soon as he said the name, Aurelia's mood changed. She wanted to give the phone back but she decided to hold still.

"Umm..... Aurelia just hold on a second before you take the pic I'm not ready ye....." Before she had finished her sentence, Aurelia had already taken the picture. Bobby was looking his finest while Andrea on the other hand was looking quite hideous.

"Would have loved to retake the picture but I've got something to do so bye" Aurelia said as she left their sight leaving Bobby stunned by her act of jealousy and Andrea pissed by her nonchalance.

The students of Greenwood High soon came to a halt when their student announcer popped up on their hallway screen.

"A lovely afternoon it is to present a lovely news. We all know about the new game Octavius Grimoire, well, a new update just got to me. An unknown man alias 'the mail man' has set out ten thousand quantox for whoever brings him Octavius's grimoire. I'm sure with this new update, a lot of stores are going to be jam-packed. As always, I remain your announcer, Lola Glouberman"

Greta who happened to listen to Lola's announcement knew what she had to do already.

"Oh shit. I gotta by myself a VR helmet"