
Oceanside Myths

BE WARE THIS STORY IS CRINGE AS SHIT A man is seen sitting in front of a court. The man is revealed to be Yagoo. "You have been accused of bending the laws of reality. What do you plead?" the judge says "I plead... for you to join hololive!" "excuse me?"

TsukiOritsu · Others
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22 Chs


We see Ina and Gura getting ready to start a collab.

"Did you hear that we are getting a new member, and that their a guy?" Ina asked gura calmly.

"Yep! I even know who it is!" Gura said smugly

"Really now who is it?" Ina said with equal smugness.

"My dad!" Gura stated proudly.

Ina dropped what she was holding. "THE KING OF ATLANTIS?"

Gura looked confused for a second "what? No of course not. A.... he's more of a father figure, but he might as well be my real dad hahahahaha!"

Ina nodded in understanding, "well we need to start our collab now or manager will be upset..."

Gura nodded "yep! A. What are we doing again?"

Ina sighed "we are playing It Take's Two"

Gura jumped up "of course hahahaha... I totally knew that... if my dad asks I did...ok"

Ina nodded "of course"

—Timeskip brought to you by Avalon actively avoiding a certain mother nature. Why you may ask. The world may never know.—

Ina P.O.V

We were halfway through today's stream when our computers started to glitch.

"What's happening?" Gura asked me.

"I...I don't know"

Yagoo appeard on the screen

(Chat will be bolded)

KiaraSChkn: it's the best girl!

InaIsBoingBoing: you mean second best girl. A-CHAN IS BEST GIRL

ILoveNature: I love nature

OttersAreBest: he has returned

Holosimp: best girl!

"As you all know the first male member of the holoenglish team has been hinted at, well fans have waited long enough. HERE IS YOUR JUDGE JURY AND EXECUTIONER!"

(Neuvielttes from genshin impacts trailer)

While watching Avalons trailer I was frozen. He... he came back? Why? Why didn't he tell me? Where was he? Why not sooner?

ILoveNature: I love nature

CalliIsDaddy: ...calli might be getting replaces

Holosimp: I suddenly like men...

Ilikemenandwomen: welcome to the club!

IHateHOLOLIVE: fuck them

*IHateHOLOLIVE has been banned*

3rd pov

For all of Avalons trailer Ina was silent. Frozen in what the fans believed was either fear or happiness. Suddenly Ina shot up from her seat.

"Im... I'm going to leave the stream here gura you can play something else... I have to go talk with Yagoo" Ina said and immediately ended her part of the stream and running towards Yagoos office.

3rd P.O.V At Avalon area

"Tell me why I couldn't go say at least a simple hello too Gura Ina and the rest of the group I'm going to spend the rest of the foreseeable future?" Avalon asked with a calm angry expression.

"Suspense of course!" Yagoo laughed

"But Gu—" Avalon was about to finish when the door slammed open, revealing Ina.

Ina looked shooken up "where is he?"

Chapter end brought to you by Avalon reading Law and Order while Ina draws (their idea of a perfect day)

Do you want more then one love interest if so vote here.

Please tell me how I did for the first chapter.

Please suggest stream ideas for our otter/dragon Avalon (I already have a couple ideas in plan but suggestions are always welcome)