





The ground was wetty, rain fell heavily around, inside the sunnydale cemetery was filled with people putting on black, tears filled their eyes, while Jones and his friend were seen crying bitterly.

Mr Clark was seen shedding tears while holding umbrella which prevented the rain from touching him, Tears flowed freely from people eyes, their gaze were all fixed on a tomb which the description Mr Felix Brandon... And his picture was placed on it.

The sky rumbled ferociously and the sky darkened, wailing and mourning filled the air. Especially Jones who is brother sacrifice his life for. While inside the crowd a figure was seen and he was recognized to be Sam pearl.

" Please I don't understand what is going on here " Sam said facing the female at his front.

" This is the funeral of Mr Felix Brandon... He died last week " The woman replied and that got Sam confused.

" So you mean, Felix Brandon is dead... And by the way, what killed him?? " Sam asked curiously.

" He was drowned in the Pacific Ocean... His body was not found at all " The woman replied and Sam widened his eyes in shock.

" Hmmmm, something is fishy around here... I need to locate the Pacific Ocean because the locator stated at the Sunvale beach which is where the Pacific Ocean is " Sam muttered.

" Sir.. What are you saying?? " The woman asked confusily.

" Sorry ma'am... It is nothing " Sam replied and hurriedly left the burial scene to the Sunvale beach. But unknown to him that his face was already marked by Mr Clark. The priest came out of the congregation and he walked briskly towards the grave.

" Brothers and sisters, we are here to give a farewell to young and industrious Felix, he sacrificed his life to save his brother. He is the true definition of a hero and he deserves to be honored for his bravery and his ultimate sacrifice. He is a brother,a friend and a hero to all of us presence today. As he journey to the world beyond the living, May he soul finds rest "

" AMEN "

Each and every person went and drop flower on the grave of Felix, while Jones went bitterly with gnashing of teeth, All the girls wept because of their crush was gone, Mr Clark was seen sitting on the floor with his head bent and facing the ground.

" Alicia... I failed you "

" Alicia, I am sorry that I failed you "

" I couldn't even protect the child you died for "

Mr Clark screamed and broke into tears, one after the other... The people present all vacate the cemetery premises after they drop their flowers on the grave. The cemetery became empty while only Mr Clark, Jones and Jack were all that was left crying in the cemetery.

Mr Clark crawled towards Felix grave while on his knees, Felix grave was together with the one of Alicia(Mr Clark wife). Mr Clark cried like a baby and his men around were feeling emotional because they haven't seen Mr Clark cry before, he is always a killer and an assassin.

NOTE: Felix body wasn't found but they created a grave for him just to keep him in their hearts while Felix body drowned inside the ocean.

" Alicia.. I promise to avenge you by all means while Felix will always be in my heart forever " Mr Clark said and cleaned his eyes before standing up, He tilted his gaze towards Jack and Jones.

" Wanna have a lift?? "

" No sir... We will be coming on our own after we through with mourning " They chorusly replied Mr Clark who nodded and existed the cemetery with his guys or guards... Anyhow you call it sha.

" I regret ever going to the beach " Jones muttered and Jack cheered him up with a hug.

" Don't blame yourself... Everything happen for a reason, just calm down Jones " Jack cheered him and he used his thumb to dry the tears that were coming out of Jones eyes while Jones just only nodded in response.


🍀🍀THE WOODS ☢️☢️



The ferocious wind blew, The aura evolving around there was disastrous, two smokes emerged from the darkness that lurked around and the atmosphere reeked with danger. Their bodies were filled with smoke and it merge together in forming two beings.

The two beings were tiger and venom, their sharp claws could be seen, their eyes glowed while the atmosphere became foggy, their footsteps caused the ground to shake vigorously.

Out of the darkness around, four red glowing eyes were seen and the injured vampires emerged from the foggy area, The last one was brutally injured before and that made him to faint.

" Who are you guys?? " Tiger asked and he was prepared for attack.

" Pls... Calm down, can't you see that we are brutaly injured " A vampire answered.

" I don't care about your injuries but just tell us who the fvck you are " Venom half yelled.

" You don't know what you are going to face as a supernatural " the first vampire said and the Two badass plunged towards them. The badass halted as the heavy wind blew past them.

" So then tell me, who dares to hurt us all?? " Venom asked clenching his fists, by this time. All the vampires were already healed up except the last one that was still laying on the floor.

" I.. I.. I.. Don't know him, but he calls himself the phantom lord "

" Phantom lord...hmm,, I see..well let's see about that " Mamba chuckled evily, The two beings began their smoke transformation and they plunged towards the vampires on their smoke form. The vampires tried to run but they were stopped by the smokes as it pierced their way into them.

The two vampires glowed green and blue differently, Their bodies glowed and the aura thickened the more, Silent reigned in the woods and the leaves moved slightly. The ground rumble and slight wind blew eerily.

" Feels good to stay in a vampire... Once our mission is done, we will vacate this bodies " A vampire said but this time, his voice has changed to that of venom and his claws grew longer than before, mischievous smiles filled his face.

" You are right venom.. They won't be able to track us while we are in this vampire body " The other vampire who held mamba voice in him and his hair changed it blue with his eyes blue.

" What do we do about this last vampire?? "

" Hmmmmm.. I think we should leave him to die here "

The posssed vampires dashed out of the woods with vampire and the powers of the possessor at once and it gave them alot of powers at their disposal. Everywhere became calm, the auras all died down and the birds chirp happily and animals roamed around.




The realm all reeked with deadly auras around, the atmosphere was suppressed by a strong fog and The skibat guards were all prepared to launch any attack on an intruder. The realm was covered with magnanimous darkness.

Inside the skibat palace, skibat were seen bowing before a dark creature with dark wings hinges at his back and the figure was recognized to be. Lord Gaap.. The skibat lord, he was the general of the god of chaos before the god of chaos was bounded.

" The dark dagger of baigaki, the ocean ring.. All will be mine soon, I just need the ocean ring because it will be useful in defeating the atlanteans, but the dark dagger of baigaki is an ancient dark weapon forged by the golden smith of the gods " Lord Gaap muttered while relaxing on his throne filled with the councils of the skibat.

" My lord.. If I may.. "

" You may " Lord Gaap cut him shut and the figure composed himself before talking.

" My lord, Why don't we summon the enchantors to help us to defeat the atlantians once and for all " The figure spoke with an humble tone.

" No.. The enchantors always demand sacrifices and I am not ready to pay...my plans is going to work, just sit and watch " Lord Gaap retorted and immediately a portal appeared in their midst, revealing the figure that was once sent to find the dark dagger.

" My lord.. Your humble servant bow before you " The figure said and bowed before lord Gaap that was mischievously smiling.

" What brings you here.. I remembered that you were on a mission "

" Yes my lord... I came here because Jobo has already gotten signals of the ocean ring and I know we're the dark dagger of baigaki is.. But it is gonna be tough way ahead in taking it away from the demon masters "

" Wait.. Did you just say the demon masters ( And the figure nodded)... That means if the demon masters are guilding it... Then the dark dagger of baigaki will be at the isle of torment Piton " Lord Gaap retorted with his eyes wide open.

" Get the raven squad down into the human realm right now... I want them to locate the isle of piton " Lord Gaap ordered.

" Ehm... Ehm.. Ehm.. Ehm.. Ehm.. Lord Gaap, sorry I meant my lord.. There is an hunter of supernaturals down earth.. It was said that he took blood samples after beating up the supernatural down " The figure said and lord Gaap adjusted his sitting position.

" What is he called philo?? " Lord Gaap asked curiously.

" Your superiorness..he is called the phantom lord " The figure known as philo answered.


🤷🤷 UNKNOWN 👹👹👹



A bike sound illuminated around, while cars could be seen moving around the highway, The traffic lights were active and people spoke a different language which was Portuguese.. Yes they are now in Portugal.

A power bike was spotted driving fast on the main road, he was in haste to go somewhere, he drove fast until he got to the side of the woods. He drifted his bike into the woods without anyone noticing.

The wind blew calmly while the reflection of the sun beamed down from the sky, the weather was a hot one as sweat dripped down from the head of the bike rider. The bike halted as the rider sitted an elegant and gigantic building filled with guards around.

The guards were armed and the surveillance camera where active and they were been watched the surveillance hall with great guards on the screen while they scanned the entire woods with their other hidden cameras everywhere.

" An intruder approaching the building... Be on guard.. I repeat be on guard " The chief surveillance guys spoke into the intercom on his ear while on the other side, which was outside the building .

They were all prepared with their weapons immediately they heard the chief surveillance guys words, the leaves moved and faint footsteps were heard, the guards were ready to shoot anything that will try to attack them.

A male figure emerge from the bushy part with smirk on his face as he approached the guards who were already prepared to release fire at the figure. The figure continued to approach the guards and the chief guard already instructed many guards to be prepared from inside.

" Who are you intruder?? " A guard asked.

" I am here to see the master.. He sent for me " The figure replied and the guards held a confused look.

" And who are you if I may ask?? " The guard asked again.

" Bitches will you stop pointing your toys at me.. Well I am Dalton Fox.. Contract killer " The figure known as Dalton said showing the guards his ID and then showed the surveillance camera.

" Let him in.. The master needs him " The chief guard ordered from the intercom and the guards let him in, While Dalton walked in with pride.

Dalton was immediately taking to a mighty room with dim light and a man could be seen sitting on mighty chair, his face was not seen as a result of the dim light everywhere and strong and vibrant gangsters surrounded him with their fire arms for protection.

" Well.. Well.. Well.. It is good to see the great master.. Upon though you covered your face with the dim light, but it is a pleasure in meeting you " Dalton said and the man chuckled from his throne while all the gangsters gave him a bad stare.

" Dalton.. Don't mind my guys.. That is how they behave anytime they see a new guy " The great master said.

" great master.. Don't need to worry, it could kill all of them in just an hour or 20 minutes " Dalton said.

" Oh Dalton... You still remain brutal just as your father... Well I brought you here because I want you to eliminate somebody for me " The master said and Dalton countenance change.

" Name your price "

" I will pay you fifteen million dollars, if you complete the mission "

" Wonderful... So who is the target and where is he right now?? " Dalton asked.

" I believe he is the son of the man hunting me.. He is the son of the phantom lord according to our research, he doesn't know that the dark triangle are always a step ahead " The master boasted.

" So you want me to eliminate the phantom lord?? " Dalton asked with a stern look.

" No.. I want you to eliminate his son.. And I believe his name is Jones Brandon,according to our research.. He lives at sunnydale and attends to Sunvale high school "

" Hmmmmmmm.. So I should bring him to you right?? "

" No.. I want Jones Brandon dead instantly.. No one dares to challenge the great master " The master said with pride and his eyes glowed reddish and the aura radiating around became instense.