
Occupation: Psychopath

This is a dangerous psychiatric hospital ...... First we get out of here, then we do what we need to do to make up for six years of missing out, as well as meet a dear "family member", and finally ......

wangyuweijue · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The last conversation with Songren

Go to the third basement level after zero hour?

  Su Yi waited for the explanation from the surname Song.

  Song Ren: "There are some things that are difficult for me to explain to you in detail, when you go to the critical area after zero hour, you will naturally understand everything."

  "Wait for me to go?"

  Su Yi couldn't help but laugh as he listened to Song Ren's ambiguous explanation.

  "Perhaps you're wrong, there's more than one way to solve this, there's no need for me to risk my life to travel to the critical area after zero point! I also have another method here ... such as ... solving the problem from the root, taking care of that son of yours, Song Haisheng!"

  Anyway, that Song Haisheng was not a good thing, if he could have the opportunity to deal with him, Su Yi would not have any psychological burden at all.

  Song Ren said in a nonchalant manner, "If Song Haisheng is really that good to deal with then of course you can do that. But I don't think you, or even anyone, can win against him, he is far more powerful than all of you can imagine."

  "If you still have a chance of surviving going to the third underground floor, when faced with Song Haisheng, you will definitely die."

  "He ..."

  "Perhaps the most dangerous existence amongst this asylum!"

  As the words fell, the atmosphere suddenly became somewhat oppressive.

  Song Ren said to himself, "I hope that you will be able to make a trip to the intensive care area after zero hour, where I have left two things that should be useful to you."

  "The third basement level of the intensive care area, I left all the secrets of this hospital there, find the dean's office on the third basement level, pull open the drawer of the desk, there is an empty layer in the middle of the drawer, if you are lucky that no one has touched it, you will find a diary in that empty layer."

  "In addition to the diary, there should also be a USB flash drive, the contents of the USB flash drive can't be remembered, but it seems to relate to Song Haisheng that animal, he has been looking for that USB flash drive ..."

  "No need to be skeptical, all of these things can only be found if you enter the third underground floor after zero hour you can find."

  Su Yi listened silently, keeping everything Song Ren said in his mind.

  Something that could threaten Song Haisheng should exist amongst that USB flash drive, or else there was no need for him to bother searching for it.

  In other words, Song Haisheng could be dealt with as long as he found that USB drive! Only by dealing with Song Haisheng could the problem be completely ended!

  Thinking of the promise he had made to that female college student in ward 0326, Su Yi's eyes slowly became solemn.

  Song Ren, including those white coats, thought that he just wanted to escape from this hospital, that was indeed Su Yi's purpose, but it was only one of them.

  He would try his best to make sure that all the abusers here were duly punished! It wasn't just an empty phrase.

  Although the world was broken, there was always someone to mend it!

  On the other hand, Su also had to plan for what would happen after he escaped!

  "A trip to the third basement floor after zero hour is a must, and both that diary and the USB drive must be obtained!"

  Su Yi: "I'll go to the critical area."

  Song Ren was not surprised by this.

  "In the intensive care area after zero hour, any of the wards can be opened from the outside without the need for a key. However, you should note that apart from the dean's office, even unoccupied empty wards can become very dangerous, so don't enter any of them as a last resort!

  "If you hear some special voices also never pay attention to them, you can't trust anyone on the third basement floor!"

  "There are five wards amongst the entire hospital that should never be approached, they are ward 0402, ward 0401, ward 0407 and ward 0421."

  Su Yi listened carefully.

  He knew that this information was related to whether or not he could get out of the third underground floor alive, so he listened very carefully, especially to those ward numbers.

  "Before entering there, I suggest that you make a trip to the archive room on the second floor and check the relevant patient's information, this is the key to your survival."

  "Also I must warn you, don't completely trust what's on the files, the information on there doesn't rule out the possibility that it's wrong."

  ? The archive room?

  Wasn't this the location mentioned in the career quest, and without Song Ren's reminder, he would have taken the initiative to go there.

  Just, was this too much of a coincidence ...

  "Right, didn't you say before that there are five wards that can't be approached, and there's one more?"Su Yi thought it was because Song Ren was old and missed one.

  After waiting for a moment, the other party said.


  "Hm? 0310?"

  "That's 0310."

  Seeing that Su Yi's side was silent for a long time without saying anything, he heard Song Ren's meaningful voice come out.

  "If you really encounter a danger that can't be solved, you can try to open the door to 0310's room, but it might make things worse."

  "Might make things worse? Then why would I still want to open the door;this old guy ... said he would tell me everything he knows, but in fact there are still a lot of things hidden that he hasn't told me."Su Yi thought truthfully in his mind.

  "I have one last question, why do you want to help me?"

  "... Haven't I already stated my request."

  "No, this is not enough to be the reason for you to help me."

  "It's just that you think it's insufficient ... Don't forget that you're talking to a psychopath, is the correctness of logic that important ..."

  Song Ren was silent for a long time and sighed, "You're very smart, has anyone ever told you that you sound a lot like a person? Unfortunately, that person is much dumber than you."

  "Who was that person?"

  Silence answered him.


  Su Yi eventually did not wait for a reply from the opposite side, and there was no more movement coming from ward 0315.

  No matter how much Su Yi's side shouted, Song Ren did not respond.

  Was the other party unwilling to answer, or was it a sudden onset of illness with no way to communicate?

  Silently leaving that wall, Su Yi stepped on his slippers and went straight to the washroom that came with ward 0314.

  First, he rinsed the water and washed his face, and incidentally drank two mouthfuls of the not-so-sanitary tap water, and then his gaze went to the only two bars of soap in the washroom.

  Soap issued by the hospital are the kind of natural non-polluting non-toxic edible soap, after all, this is taken to the use of mental illnesses, have to prevent mental patients accidentally eat the situation occurs.

  Bathing, washing hair, washing clothes, washing face, washing hands and even brushing teeth all rely on this soap.

  And these two pieces of ordinary soap at the moment Su also seems to have another role.

  Probing hand one by one, holding two palm-sized orange soap, will one of the water stains on the gown dry, Su also slowly step out of the washroom.

  Turning off the chandelier used for lighting in the hospital room, placing himself in the darkness, Su Yi stood in a position close to the door of the room and began to wait quietly.

  About half an hour later.

  The sound of footsteps resounded in the corridor outside the door, followed by the sound of a key being inserted into the lock hole.

  As the door handle turned, the door to ward 0314 was opened, and two white coats carrying throwing sticks appeared outside the door.

  They were doctors responsible for regular room checks, not the two white coats Su Yi had seen before, yet it was not the first time they had come to ward 0314.

  After the door to the room was opened, the two just walked in one after the other with a lack of defense.

  What they didn't know was that Su Yi, who was hiding in the dead corner of the room door's line of sight, had long been waiting for this moment!

  Tonight, so everything will end!
