
Occupation: Psychopath

This is a dangerous psychiatric hospital ...... First we get out of here, then we do what we need to do to make up for six years of missing out, as well as meet a dear "family member", and finally ......

wangyuweijue · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Interrogate with force

In the office, looking at Director Sun's hands covering his face curled up on the ground in pain, his mouth still continuously emitting painful moans, Su Yi's face sank.

  Directly fast step rushed to the front, to that face is a messy fist smashed.

  In the face of Su Yi who did not hold back, Director Sun simply did not have the ability to counterattack, can only be begging for mercy while constantly reaching out to try to block the fists smashed into their own.

  A dozen or so punches down, the face is already blood, snot and tears are mixed together.

  Glancing at the blood sticking to his fists, Su Yi rather disgustedly wiped it on Director Sun's clothes before calling out.

  "Sun Lai Haste!"

  Lying on the ground, Director Sun heard the voice and felt some familiarity, barely raising his head to look at the doctor in front of him, and when he saw that familiar face, it seemed like he thought of something, and his expression instantly became agitated.

  "It's you! Su Yi! How did you run out from the ward?!"

  "How dare you, someone come, a patient escaped from the ward!"

  Hearing Sun Lord Ren's incredulous roar, Su Yi revealed a sneering smile.

  In the next moment, without giving the opportunity for the surname Sun to continue calling out, he picked him up from the ground, twisted his arm backward, and pressed half of his face against the wall.

  Su Yi lowered his voice and laughed fiercely, ''If you dare to scream again, I'll take a shaking stick and blow your head off right now! You should know better than me, it is not uncommon for people to die amongst this hospital!"

  Out of the corner of his eye, Director Sun saw Su Yi's raised club and fierce expression, he knew that the other party wasn't joking with him, and that he might really die in the other party's hands.

  Immediately, his voice ended abruptly.

  Seeing this, Su Yi nodded in satisfaction.

  Right at this moment, a familiar beep suddenly came from Su Yi's mind.

  [Occupation Task 3 Released: It's not the patient who is sick, but the doctor]

  "They all say that I'm sick, but in reality the one who's sick isn't a patient at all, but a doctor, and they're all 'sick' very, very, very heavy ... Perhaps they need treatment even more..."

  Quest Requirement: Treat your primary care physician and make sure that the person you're treating gets a 'cure' as well as a good quality 'sleep', after all, treatment itself comes with risks, doesn't it?

  Quest Reward: Occupation "Mental Patient" perfection increased by ten percent, one random occupation attribute point.

  [Current Occupation Perfection Level 30%]


  After learning that it was Occupation Task 3, Su Yi couldn't help but be a little surprised, in the case of Task 2, 'Archives', which hadn't yet been completed, there was actually a new task.

  "Could it be that after completing the first quest, multiple quests can be issued at the same time?"

  "But this mission is right up my alley."

  The treatment itself comes with risks ...

  The meaning implied in the mission was already more than understandable, and Su Yi comprehended it in an instant.

  Only before that, he had other things to deal with.

  "Next, answer whatever I ask, and do whatever I tell you to do, understand!"Su Yi said to Director Sun, who was pressed dead against the wall.

  Director Sun hurriedly said in a trembling voice, "I'll listen to you in everything, you calm down first, don't be impulsive."

  Did not try to bargain, at this time he did not dare to test the bottom line of this emotionally unstable guy behind him, must first stabilize the other party, first ensure their own safety is the focus.

  "Six years ago, you were clear that I didn't have a mental illness right!"

  In the face of this question, Sun Lord Ren knew that he couldn't hide it, but he still wanted to struggle a little, "I ... am not clear about it, a ... must have misdiagnosed it, yes, it must have been a misdiagnosis! You do not know, mental illness is difficult to judge, misdiagnosis this are often things."

  "Originally I also think so, but now ..."

  Originally Su did think so too, but with the voice in his head backing him up, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became, and then listening to the squeaky words of Director Sun at this moment, he was very sure that this Director Sun in front of him was lying!

  "So those precision instruments on the first floor of the hospital are all just for show right, you psychiatrists are all wastes right!"

  Six years down the line, Sun Laihuang, the attending physician, not only never gave Su Yi a review, but also didn't care about how his mental condition actually was.

  Just a force Su also a large number of drugs, injections of nerve paralyzing drugs, and once a little resistance to him will be subjected to inhuman beatings, this will not be a normal treatment process!

  Su Yi also didn't believe that this hospital was really treating psychiatric patients.

  He had seen more than enough of the filth here!

  "It seems like you don't want to communicate with me properly!"

  Hearing the cold voice coming from behind him, a bad feeling suddenly rose in Director Sun's heart.

  Suddenly, Director Sun's mouth was covered by a large hand, his eyes instantly widened, and in the next moment, one of the fingers on his left hand that had been twisted over backwards was roughly and directly broken one hundred and eighty degrees by Su Yi.

  Then came the second, the third.


  Sharp pain traveled through the nerves into the brain like an electric current!

  Three fingers in a row were wasted, where has the pampered Director Sun suffered this kind of crime, his mouth was covered and he couldn't scream even if he wanted to, his tears and snot couldn't be stopped at all.

  However, this also makes his brain suddenly become incomparably clear, no longer hold a fluke.

  This youth called Su Yi has gone crazy, he can do anything!

  A few minutes passed, feeling that Sun Laihuang slowly stopped screaming, only then did Su Yi let go of the hand covering his mouth.

  "You can organize your words once more, we have plenty of time."

  "No, no ... I'll say, I'll say. I know you don't have mental problems, it was me who lied and cheated you in the first place, please let me go, I know I'm wrong!"

  Hearing the other party admitted, Su Yi pressed on Director Sun's hands unintentionally aggravated a few points, for the other party's pleas for forgiveness are uniformly ignored.

  Director Sun let out another burst of cold air.

  "Why did you do this."

  "No, it wasn't me! It was ... that person who told me to do this! It has nothing to do with me, I'm just listening to the arrangement from above ... It says that whether there is a disease or not, try to find a way to leave the person behind."

  There is one thing that Sun Lai hurriedly did not say, that is, he himself also enjoys that kind of feeling of dominating other people's destiny, watching those normal people struggle helplessly in their own hands, which can fully satisfy a certain aspect of his perverted psychology.

  "Who is that person?"

  "That person ..."

  Speaking of this, a look of fear unconsciously appeared in Director Sun's eyes, hesitating whether to say it or not.

  But when he felt the gaze coming from behind him, he couldn't help but tremble.

  Immediately, he blurted out, "It's the dean, it's the dean!"


  "Song Haisheng!"

  Su Yi spat out these three words through gritted teeth in his mouth! Sure enough, it was that bastard Song Haisheng.

  "Why did he do that? Also, besides me how many other people are not sick?"

  "Together with you, there are almost twelve people before and after being handled by me, Director Han and Director Li's side should be almost the same number, as for the dean why he asked for this I'm not sure."

  Knowing that there are actually so many people, Su Yi's heart's anger can't be suppressed, whether it's Song Haisheng or in front of this director Sun should die!

  Only now director Sun is still useful to himself, can let him live for a while longer.

  "I need a certificate of discharge, you should be able to understand what I mean."

  Su Yi came to find Sun to hurry of course not just to vent anger, venting anger that is only one side of the reason, but the more important reason is for the hospital discharge certificate.

  General patient discharge only need to do a discharge formalities on the line, and like Su also this kind of compulsory treatment of patients, want to be discharged need to meet the other conditions.

  Director Sun could not fail to understand Su Yi's meaning, this was for him to issue a discharge certificate.

  Otherwise Su Yi would be sent back even if he escaped the hospital.

  With a discharge certificate, it means that the patient can basically control his mental illness, the mental problem will no longer have too much influence on the patient's subjective behavior, to determine that the patient will not cause too much harm to the society, and at the same time, the patient has the ability to live on his own.

  As well as the patient no longer needs to receive compulsory treatment!

  "Ok ... understands, I will open a certificate of discharge, the pen and a copy of the certificate sheet are in my desk drawer, I will go and get it."

  Seeing that this bastard is so sensible, Su also loosened the arm that was pressing on his body, only that his hand was still tightly gripping the thrown stick.

  "I advise you not to have any other thoughts, and I don't care about those thoughts of yours, but for those thoughts you may have, I have prepared different ways of death for you here!"

  At the sound of Director Sun's body trembled, topped with a bruised and swollen face, tears, snot, nose and blood smeared all over his face, his feet staggered towards his desk, where there was once a director's appearance

  Su Yi followed closely behind him, observing his every move.

  Under Su Yi's gaze, he didn't dare to move the cell phone and phone on the desk, and honestly pulled open the bottom drawer of the desk.

  He took out two copies of hospital discharge certificates from a pile of dusty copies, and then wanted to close the drawer again.

  At this moment, suddenly, a stick was stuck between the seams of the drawer that was about to be closed, and then Su Yi's emotionless voice came out.

  "What's underneath that stack of papers!"