
Obtaining The System Heart! Reincarnated As A Side Character.

A boy who enjoyed nothing more but reading light novels throughout his short lifetime. He became so engrossed that he wanted to do nothing but create a story of his own. Just when his story was on the verge of completion, he was run over by a car and woke up to find himself reborn into the very same world he had created. A world ravaged by curses with nothing in mind but fulfilling the negative thoughts through which they were born. He is left defenseless in this cruel world with a classless system but being the author, he was determined to find the best source of power he could. "The system heart," an artifact capable of binding any system to the bearer while allowing a link to their system classes and stats as well. That was his target and his only golden finger worthwhile if he was to see things through in the devastating cruelty he found himself in. [System has successfully merged with the heart] [Adapting to current system Tier] [Only Tier 1 systems can be linked] ******* [System heart link successful] [Tier 1 elemental class system] After twelve years of his long search, his golden finger was finally found and his journey of survival was about to begin.

Riler3 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

13: Moving Forward, The Plot's Unfolding P3

The gunshot had him aching back as he bent slightly with his hand on his abdomen.

His gaze slowly began to blur until he blacked out and collapsed on the ground with an unusual smile on his face.

He woke up to find himself stuck inside a dark room with his hands and legs bound to the hard surface.

" This feels kinda metallic. Where the hell am I?"

He continued to struggle; pulling hard against the chains as they continued to rattle against the iron-laid floor and wall.

" Damn it, how long has it been since I was down here-? Any longer and I'm sure I'll suffocate - there's literally no air space in here."

He wanted to kick forward in rage but every attempt he made to break free ended in futility before it could even begin.

" Somebody! Is anyone there!?"

" Oh... The bunker's soundproof and it's all my fault... If only there was a way to re-write this fucking story." He said as he stared blankly into the dark in rage.

He stayed in there for a few more minutes, exhaling greatly before the door finally opened.

The light from the sun hit and he felt like a tremendous amount of air immediately gushed in at that moment.

He instantly opened his mouth wide and let out a long and loud yawn.

" Shut you worthless runt!" A voice boomed in the tight space.

He looked up to see a man staring in from the top, his face was completely dark from his view angle; he was squinting his eyes in an attempt to get a better view but nothing happened.

" Get him out of there Russell... what's the point of keeping him anyway if he'll only be nothing but trouble?"

He watched as the man left and another one came, untying him from the bounds and slowly bringing him out of the bunker.

After what felt like such a long time, he was finally able to see the brilliant sunshine once again; a great feeling which he couldn't describe.

" Well then kid, follow me."

" Well, he seems quite nice from what I imagined when I hear the word " kidnappers"."

From the distance, he saw the girl being pushed forward by a group of men into a vehicle with her gaze fixed on the ground.

The ground was dusty and filled with sand and the only building he could see in their current location certified his suspicion; they were in the middle of nowhere.

" Ehh... Who knew memorizing maps could be so hard. Everything I'm seeing just makes it hard for me to believe I was even the one who made this world."

While he was still deep in thought, he didn't realize when he was brought to the same vehicle he had seen the girl walk into and was asked to go in as well.

He slowly looked over at the strange land mobile which he was about to step into.

It was a car but not what he would typically describe as one; this world was still quite underdeveloped and the collision of cultures was simply due to the sudden attack and invasion of curses.

The front of the vehicle was slightly pointed with lights fixed at the front while the back was squared out and rectangular when in combination with the body of the car.

There was no door leading to the back seats so they had to enter through the front of the vehicle.

" This is far too manual for my liking." He grumbled, slowly sitting next to the girl.

Their ride was bumpy and rustly with no dialogue exchanged after the thirty minutes worth of their journey.

Their destination was somewhere although not disclosed yet had him brimming with so much joy; a secret he couldn't stop brimming with joy about.

He began to look around the tight space he found himself in after realizing how boring the place was.

That was when he noticed the glances being thrown at the girl from the guard who sat opposite the both of them.

She didn't care about whatever it was he was trying to see and simply kept her gaze on the driver all through to the current point of their journey.

Their hands and legs were bound to their necks and so allowed for nothing but a slight twisting from it; he didn't what would happen if she had been forced to stare at the grumpy old man for that long.

It wouldn't take long for anyone to figure out what the old man was looking at; his shameless action was throwing in a great amount of secondhand embarrassment for him.

But either way, he couldn't deny that the girl next to him had grown in a manner that he would describe as "marvelous".

It wasn't long before they arrived at their designated location and were made to get out of the vehicle.

" It's tomorrow before the auction starts, seems like everything is going according to plan."

They stayed at an inn for the night and it wasn't long after the next day that they both found themselves alone in a room with their limbs bound to their necks once again.

There was no one else in the room aside from two guards and three other children who seemed to be in the same age allinement as both of them.

" Up first we have a sword crafted in the very realms of the ancient first continent."

" A second-class Tier 6 weapon with no restrictions to One's system. The care put into its craftsmanship has led to its survival for more than a hundred years without any decline in its efficiency and effectiveness."

" We are willing to offer this grand piece of art at a price of not less than a million paxri."

" One million for a damn sword?"

" I'll give a hundred-million and two-hundred thousand."

A moment of silence followed before the next bidder finally decided to speak up.

" A hundred-million and two-hundred and fifty thousand paxri."

" A hundred-million and two-hundred and fifty-one thousand paxri."

He struggled to keep his mouth shut as soon as he heard the last line; one which he had created for the sole sake of amusement and couldn't forget.

" It actually sounds more amusing than I imagined."

The bids continued in the same fashion until the long-awaited moment finally arrived.

" For our tenth item if the day we have a system defiance that has far exceeded the gratifying gains of a system."

" Come to think of it, I never really put much thought into the reasons behind human trafficking here did I? Now why would anyone want to experiment on me?"

No one had made a single bid after the next good was introduced mainly because they were all still contemplating on what uses she could be of.

But he didn't care either way since he already the outcome that was to come.

" Five million."