
Obtaining The System Heart! Reincarnated As A Side Character.

A boy who enjoyed nothing more but reading light novels throughout his short lifetime. He became so engrossed that he wanted to do nothing but create a story of his own. Just when his story was on the verge of completion, he was run over by a car and woke up to find himself reborn into the very same world he had created. A world ravaged by curses with nothing in mind but fulfilling the negative thoughts through which they were born. He is left defenseless in this cruel world with a classless system but being the author, he was determined to find the best source of power he could. "The system heart," an artifact capable of binding any system to the bearer while allowing a link to their system classes and stats as well. That was his target and his only golden finger worthwhile if he was to see things through in the devastating cruelty he found himself in. [System has successfully merged with the heart] [Adapting to current system Tier] [Only Tier 1 systems can be linked] ******* [System heart link successful] [Tier 1 elemental class system] After twelve years of his long search, his golden finger was finally found and his journey of survival was about to begin.

Riler3 · Fantasy
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24 Chs

12: Stealing The Scenes, The Plot's Unfolding P2.

Whatever was happening in there was one thing he wanted to keep his keen eyes on.

"Ahh!" Came the loud grunt of a man.

That was when he rushed in to see a pumped man holding onto his bleeding abdomen as he backed away from the girl who was lying face down on the floor.

" Such shameless acts." He mumbled as he peeped in through the door.

It was a store and apparently, the girl was on her way out after another almost successful day of stealing.

Her hood had been torn off and it turned out that the man was on his way to do just more than that; though her actions were rash, he deserved every ounce of pain he felt.

Her gown had been torn open from the side and just as she stabbed him with the piece of broken glass, she stood up and punched him in his abdomen once more.

The groaned in pain as he backed away, going off balance until he finally fell with his butt to the ground.

As soon as she did that, she picked up her hood and ran straight for the exit with the blood-stained glass still held firmly in her right hand.

He quickly backed out of the way, watching as she ran past him, and just as she was about to cross the door, he reached out and grabbed a hold of her hand.

She quickly turned around as soon as he pulled her back, aiming to stab his arm with the pie piece of glass she held.

He quickly let go of her, backing away as he gasped in shock while slowly clenching his fist.

Her eyes met his and the cold stare he received sent chills running down his spine.

" That stare, I couldn't have mistaken it; it's the one she usually gives when she's angry and out to kill."

Those thoughts ran through his mind as he chased after her while his heart continued to beat heavily; he had to be careful or this confrontation would mark the end of his life.

" Damn it, if only I had a sealing class at least."

She was quite fast but he was able to keep up with her with proper control of his mystic energy, he was able to increase his pace even more.

He soon caught up with her and just as he came close, he placed his feet just before hers, quickly grabbing her by the collar of her dress.

She tripped against his feet and using the momentum of her sudden movement to his advantage; he pushed her, sending her descending face down to the ground.

She didn't fall like he had expected, placing her hands on the ground as she tumbled a few times on the ground before getting back on her feet.

" Could you at least give me a second to talk to you?" He asked, staring sternly at her.

" Touch me... again... I'll kill you."

He didn't say or do anything else as they both stayed still exchanging glances at each other.

Whatever she was doing was what he didn't know but he was currently analyzing their current location in accordance with his plan.

" A trash can twenty meters to the right and a group of kidnappers forty-five meters down the alley south; they should be close enough to be attracted by a loud noise right?"

His mind was clouded with thoughts as he kept his gaze on the girl before him; she was violent and stubborn so he would have to do things his way.

He watched as she slowly reached into her hoodie, lingering her hands in there for longer than he had expected; he couldn't see anything from his position but wanted to know what it was she could be hiding.

Though he was curious, the knowledge that a single step past his standing point would prove fatal was clear to him.

She instantly flung out her hand, releasing the piece of glass she held between her fingers.

Her movements were too swift for him to react to and all he could do was watch as the piece went flying until it pierced through his abdomen.

He gulped hard in an attempt to hold in the scream that lingered within him at that moment.

" What the hell."

His eyes rolled in and his mouth widened at the immense pain he felt at that moment; this was his first time receiving such an injury and it hurt greatly.

Quickly pulling out the glass, he placed his palm over his wound and took to his heels; she had run off as soon as she threw the glass.

She was faster than before and he was finding it hard to keep up due to his current condition.

This was a point where he placed everything else behind and looked forward; he had already come this far and couldn't afford to lose now.

[Mystic Surge now active]

With the use of mystic energy, he was able to reduce the effects of the bleeding and the pain from his wound, allowing him to move just as fast as he did earlier.

But his current use of mystic energy had one major downside; mystic energy was one factor that wasn't bound to one's system but mystic restoration was a skill that could only be mastered at level ten.

This meant that the moment he ran out of mystic energy, he would dead meat in the hands of her and a group of kidnappers just up ahead.

Realizing his predicament, he raised his right hand and threw the pie piece of glass which he held forward, piercing her leg with great precision.

She screamed loud in pain as she went tumbling against the ground and it was only then that he was finally able to catch up to her.

The glass had hit exactly where he wanted it to; her thigh which had now rendered her partially lame.

She barely managed to stand up but ended up on the ground once again, trying to crawl away from him as quickly as possible.

Now standing just a few meters away from her, he held his hand forward and quickly fired a ball of yellow glowing energy.

He knew the pain she was feeling was far greater than his and it was only a matter before she was breathing heavily on the ground.

She turned with a cold stare at the very person who had caused it all and the only thing she felt was shock; he was smiling as he stared blankly at the distance like he was enjoying every moment of what was happening.

" This is it, right where it all begins." He thought with a mischievous smile on his face as a bullet went flying straight towards him.

30 Powerstones = two extra chapters

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