
Obtaining The System Heart! Reincarnated As A Side Character.

If you happened to come across this book now, please know that it was promptly restarted by the author due to some very serious grammatical issues. Don't worry, nothing changed in the storyline so all past readers can wait patiently for the current chapters and the story will also be free until the current locked chapter. We can call it my way of compensation and I hope it's enough. A boy who enjoyed nothing more but reading light novels throughout his short lifetime. He became so engrossed that he wanted to do nothing but create a story of his own. Just when his story was on the verge of completion, he was run over by a car and woke up to find himself reborn into the very same world he had created. A world ravaged by curses with nothing in mind but fulfilling the negative thoughts through which they were born. He is left defenseless in this cruel world with a classless system but being the author, he was determined to find the best source of power he could. "The system heart," an artifact capable of binding any system to the bearer while allowing a link to their system classes and stats as well. That was his target and his only golden finger worthwhile if he was to see things through in the devastating cruelty he found himself in. [System has successfully merged with the heart] [Adapting to current system Tier] [Only Tier 1 systems can be linked] ******* [System heart link successful] [Tier 1 elemental class system] After twelve years of his long search, his golden finger was finally found and his journey of survival was about to begin.

Riler3 · Fantasy
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43 Chs

10: Plotting An Escape, A New Problem Arises.

" Well then, nice meeting you."

Those words caught him by surprise - like he had just seen a ghost right before his eyes.

" Ugh h-hello there." He stammered, backing away with an expression of surprise.

" An invitation - one of my invitees I see. Well why don't you come to have a sit, I'm quite sure it must have been the heavens that made me prepare a welcoming on this glorious day."

Her words came flying out of her mouth like they had no thought put to them; whatever was her reason for speaking like that was something he didn't want to dwell on.

" I guess the introductions can wait then?" He asked, regaining his composure.

She had already turned around by this time and quickly turned back at him as soon as he asked the question.

" You seem quite knowledgeable of the situation you're currently in - that card is your only saving grace at this moment." She said, her smirk appearing once again, "Now then, cut to the chase and tell who the hell you are."

" Nexus Mystic; fifth heir to the Mystic clan lineage."

Her eyes instantly widened as soon as she heard his words, she couldn't forget that name even if she suffered suffered amnesia.

" Please then, follow me."

"Of course, she forgot, but she seems quite nicer than I anticipated." He thought, following behind her.

His planning was finally coming in handy; a constant study of all the characters and how and with what to deal with them.

For Lana, intellect was one thing she favored more than the universe itself, and outstanding in that field, well, is her greatest weakness.

It seemed that her twin didn't care as to who his sister had brought in and simply kept whacking at the doll even after they both walked in.

" This is it, just a few more steps and my ticket to the outside world will be right at the tip of my fingers." He thought as they both arrived at the table.

As luck would have it, there was an empty seat by the end of the table and he was allowed to sit on it, next to me two dolls that both had filled tea cups before them.

" I can remember vividly the exact time at which I gave you that card, so why choose now of all times? Time is of the essence nowadays - who knows what could crumble in the blink of an eye." She said, taking a sip of her tea, " Or perhaps you've thought very little of me."

" Well, I also remember vividly you saying that you enjoyed reading a few works by very few specific authors. Finding the right kind of books to fit your taste seemed futile, so I brought this - honestly, getting a copy was harder than surviving a battle under the sun's scorching heat." He said, revealing the book he had with him.

She slowly reached for the book and stared at the title for a moment, turning it around for a few moments before finally lifting the cover.

She closed it a few seconds later and looked up at him with a stern expression on her face.

" Tell me, how exactly were you able to get this book - the copies were all sold out as soon as they came, I thought I would have to pay triple to get my hands on one."

" Well... let's say it's a secret I'll have to keep to myself... Unless you're willing to pay the price for such valuable information." He said, staring back at her, trying to hide the ecstasy building up in him.

" Very well then, name prices between five hundred to a thousand, but don't try to get too greedy - all I'm doing is gracing you with my riches, finding your riches would only take a matter of planning and execution."

While this was arrogant of her, it also made him realize what situation he was in once again, he was the one in desperate need, and putting her in his shoes was his goal from the start.

" Fine then, I'll tell you the secret, but I get the name the price; one very well below five hundred... But first, I want a guarantee, a blood contract for-."

He was cut short by her before he could finish his sentence; placing her now bleeding thumb right before him.

" Geez, what's her obsession with the Owen series anyway." He thought, proceeding to place his thumb by the tip of his teeth.

A cut was made and they both placed their bleeding fingers against each other.


[Blood oath in process]

" I, Nexus Mystic, vow to reveal my secret at a cost below five hundred paxri."

[Blood oath successful]

[Details: An oath to provide information concerning your obtaining of a novel by the Owen series to Lana Mystic, violation of the oat will result in punishment.]

She had also received a notification and it was only then that she finally leaned away but before she could do that, he pulled her closer to him.

With his hands still on her shoulder, he whispered some long words into her ear.

She leaned away from him after that, pausing for a moment as she stared at him with a vivid expression of shock.

" You're involved in a black market organization and managed to get the book? If so, why come to me with it?"

" Come on now, I already explained that to you - besides no one is gonna read it so why leave it on the shelve to just go to waste."

" You make a fair point... Well then, I'll give you whatever you need to have become a part of this organization, I just wanna reap whatever benefits I can." She said, the usual smirk apparent on her face.

He looked at her, gazing into her eyes in an attempt to calm her enthusiasm.

" Calm down okay, we're both still too young - I joined through a beneficiary but I'll need to see him outside the clan... It could prove to be a problem." He said, turning down his head as he mumbled the last parts.

" How exactly will going outside the clan cause you trouble?" She asked, looking curiously at him.

" Well, you see, I have some highly restrictive orders placed on me by my mother and one of them includes the fact that I'm not allowed to leave the clan until I am of age to become an exorcist."


He returned back home, happier than ever with a huge smile on his face as he quickly hopped up the stairs.

He was humming as he quickly went for the knob of the door leading into his room.

As soon as he opened the door, he froze for a moment and all the joy he was feeling went away like they were never there.

He tried to close the door but it wouldn't budge, prompting him to look over and see a band of red strings tied onto it.

" Damn her." He said with a grunt, quickly letting go of the door in an attempt to make a run for it.

Before he could move, red strings bound his legs and pulled him into the room.

His body was upsidedown down as he stayed, twisting from side to side.

" Please... Just please, let me go." He begged constantly.

" Not only did you ignore me, you tried to run away the moment you found out I was here. I told you I would be back and nothing here proves your anticipation of my return."

He couldn't help but grit his teeth at all the words that went flying into his ears; the clan guardian of theirs was surely going to be a huge problem.

Mile stone bonus! 30 Power stones = 2 extra daily chapters.

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