
Obsessive Love: The CEO's Addiction

Five years ago, he pushed her into the abyss with his own hands as revenge, causing her to lose everything and become destitute. Five years later, they meet again and she is happily with a new partner. He grits his teeth and corners her, "Pei Nian, who gave you the right to cheat on me?" She responds coldly with a distant smile, "Mr. Fu, do we really know each other that well?"

JIAG · Urban
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16 Chs

Chapter 9 Deterioration of the Condition

Watching them leave, Pei Nian looked at the business card in her hand, feeling a bit complicated. She never expected to have this chance encounter with Professor Li.

After the lecture, as expected, Pei Nian received a phone call from Professor Li Ming. He sent someone to take her to his lounge.

Upon seeing her, Professor Li warmly exclaimed, "Miss Pei, you're here. Come and sit down."

Pei Nian smiled and walked over to sit down.

At this moment, the assistant handed her a cup of tea, to which she said thanks.

Professor Li turned to her and said, "Miss Pei, thank you so much today. If it weren't for you, I might be lying in the hospital emergency room right now."

Pei Nian smiled and replied, "It wasn't that serious."

"Don't be modest, it's true..."

After a few moments of small talk, Professor Li instructed his assistant, "Go and get the thing."

The assistant quickly brought it over.

Professor Li then handed it to Pei Nian and said, "Miss Pei, I was going to give you money as a thank you, but I thought that would be too tacky...so I'm giving you my personal seal instead. Take it, and if you ever need my help, just bring it to me in Haicheng."

Pei Nian was surprised and flattered, but she quickly declined, "Professor Li, this is too valuable, I can't accept it..."

Professor Li raised an eyebrow and joked, "Miss Pei, if you don't take it, does that mean you're not satisfied with my thanks?"

Pei Nian felt a bit choked up, and decided to be honest with him, "Professor Li, to be honest, I came here today specifically to see you."

"To see me?" Professor Li finally looked at her, "What do you need from me?"

Pei Nian looked at him imploringly and said, "My father had surgery for a brain hemorrhage six months ago, but he still hasn't woken up. I was hoping you could perform surgery on him."

Upon hearing this, Professor Li Ming did not immediately respond, but instead showed a hint of embarrassment in his expression.

Pei Nian became increasingly nervous when she saw that he remained silent. "Professor Li, is there something wrong?" she asked.

At this point, Professor Li gave a bitter smile and spoke up. "Miss Pei, technically speaking, this matter is not a big problem. However..."

"However, what?" Pei Nian asked.

Professor Li looked at her and candidly said, "But in the past two years, as I have gotten older, my health has deteriorated, and I can no longer handle major surgeries like this. Moreover, I've been having some health issues lately and I'm on medication, so I may not be able to agree to your request..."

Upon hearing this, Pei Nian's expression immediately became bleak. She didn't expect to go through all the trouble of finding him only to get this kind of result. However, she quickly thought of something and made a proposal to him. "Professor Li, since that's the case, could you please go and see my father's condition? He's been in a coma for almost half a year now, and we've consulted many doctors but no one has been able to help."

"That's not a problem," Professor Li readily agreed. He then asked his assistant, "What's my schedule for the next few days?"

"You have a meeting next, and then there's a banquet hosted by the organizers at the hotel tonight. You won't have time until tomorrow morning," the assistant replied.

"In that case," Professor Li said to Pei Nian, "I'll go and see him tomorrow morning. Is that okay?"

Pei Nian naturally had no objections. "Yes, that's fine," she said.

Regardless, being able to have him look at her father's specific condition was good, even if he couldn't perform surgery on him.

After ending the conversation with Professor Li, Pei Nian left the hotel and looked at the street outside, exhaling a breath.

She then went to the hospital and told Dean Jiang about the situation.

After hearing her story, Dean Jiang was not at all surprised. "Is that so?" he said. Seeing her looking so dejected, he comforted her, "Nian Nian, don't be too disappointed. Although he can't perform surgery on your father, he can help find out the cause of your father's coma, so it's not a wasted trip, is it?"

Pei Nian forced a smile at the words and thought, "I can only think this way now."

She chatted with President Jiang about her father's condition for a while, then glanced at her father in the ward before leaving to go home. She had thought that with this, she could finally take a breather.

But in the afternoon, Pei Nian suddenly received a call from her sister-in-law.

"Miss Pei, please come to the hospital quickly! Your father's condition is not looking good..." her sister-in-law urgently said over the phone.

Pei Nian was shocked at the news and quickly agreed, "Okay, I'll come right away."

After ending the call, she hastily told her Aunt Yun before rushing to the hospital.

In the hospital ward, Pei Nian pushed open the door and saw a crowd gathered around her father's bed. President Jiang was also there and called out to her, "Nian Nian, you're here."

Pei Nian walked over and looked at her father lying on the bed. His complexion was pale, and she asked, "Uncle Jiang, what's wrong with my dad? He was fine before, wasn't he?"

President Jiang reluctantly told her, "Not long ago, your father's health suddenly declined, and his various health indicators started to drop. Several professors worked hard to stabilize him."

Hearing this, Pei Nian looked at her father on the bed and suddenly felt powerless. Was this a new wave of trouble?

She weakly asked, "What should we do now?"

"We need to quickly find a specialist to perform surgery on him, or he might not make it through the night," President Jiang replied.

Pei Nian furrowed her brows at the news. But where could she find a specialist to perform surgery on her father in such a short amount of time? Should she look for Fu Yanchen? Even if she did, he would need to find a doctor from abroad, and they couldn't arrive in time, could they?

After much thought, Pei Nian realized that the only person she could turn to for help was Professor Li.