
Obsession...in another lifetime (MVManalo)

Haaa…I am happy for Miles but I just couldn’t take my mind off the worry, what if?, I smiled at Miles and hugged him. I know that look Ericka, if you are worried about me, don’t be, I can take care of myself now. You’ll see. We are not children anymore and I will prove to you that I am more capable of handling myself and those filthy monsters, so rest assured that I will come back home for you and Sarah!, Miles said and I hugged him again but now tighter. I don’t think that he will make it unless I am there with him to protect him. I love my friends and though I am a good Barista, I love war games and killing monsters is my specialty. But I don’t really know if my special ability could help the aviators but I want to try and put it to good use which way possible, I thought and decided to check on DOGS Academy the next day and tried to sign up for the course. I got accepted right away and when I checked on the systems they use it’s almost the same as the simulators I usually play with and this is making life more interesting and exciting for me. Miles didn’t know I will be joining him for the eight months training. And this is going to be a hell of a game in real life, fighting, killing monsters, here we go!

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · Sci-fi
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223 Chs


You're that hungry babe? Haha, okay we will eat after this! Maybe you can eat me too…hih! So let's hurry killing these guys so we can rest and eat at home!, Ericka added and gave Dunea a flying kiss. Which the blue girl accepted lovingly giving off a sneaky smile and horny vibe. Whoah really, hehe. Well then let's kill these monsters right away, soI'll get my goodies! Thank you babe! Alright, here we go! Yeahhh...Punching and kicking every Sentinel that are moving towards Dunea. About ten of them are already in her shoes but Ericka flew and jumped in the middle to ruin their fun in ganging up on her girl. Not my girlfriend, you freaks, fight me!

 The Sentinels are being manipulated and controlled by the system. Xerxian asked Krosko what he did so their soldiers aren't responding to orders. Krosko said that they are on auto-pilot. And when Schlors got destroyed, we can no longer stop them or interfere with my previous orders. We can only do that if Schlors system is back up and operational. In order to make this happen, Violet ordered Michelin to call for help and Aoi was adviced to come to USN office for this.

 Sisi is only observing Violet and smiled when the woman breathed as Michelin tapped her shoulder to relax. Michelin went out of the Loft and met with his team about the scientist soming over to help restore Schlors operating systems. Xerxian and Krosko are recuperating in the hospital now as Violet and Michelin left them in G-Force Police Officers care.

 Babe, take it easy, come here!, Sisi said and while Claudia is still asleep I her room, they moved to the terrace in the USN condominium loft to take a breather. Yeah, thanks honey! How's Claudia doing?, Violet said while sitting in the glass chair near the metal railing of the terrace.

 She's good, and I think she is having fun while here on Earth. Thanks babe!, Sisi said and sat beside Violet now pouring hot coffee on to the leader's cup which were already on the table when they walked towards it.

 Thank me for what?, Violet said drinking the cup.

 Well, for the doctors who helped me get well and all. Then, you saved me from Mars and from death!, Sisi added and hugged the leader from behind.

 I love you and I will do anything for you just like I care about the universe and will do anything in my power to save it!, Violet cried getting emotional.

 Then, to relieve you from your worries I will do this!...., Sisi said then kissed Violet on the lips and bit it a little. The leader grown a bit but smiled and kissed Sisi with so much gusto and passion they both made out in the chair with Violet forgetting her coffee as it turns cold and tasteless.

 Maestros and Gantes flew swiftly since UASA, USN and Carpathia with Sergeant Co advises that Sentinels are about to cross War Front towards Earth's grid and premise.

 Bulldogs were adviced to return to Carpathia to recharge and eat then will resume their battle rounds later. STOICS and Gantes are already in the War Front when Jax, Bonnie and their teams moved out of the way to go back to Carpathia to retire for a while.

 Skull and Absalom are also at the the Front when Sentinels sort of regrouped and now charging in by fives. F*ck, this is a nightmare!, Dax said. Guys, we are here to fight and die fro our universe. Let's go!, Priscilla shouted and all agreed.

 Absalom also confirmed he is in for the fight too. His Gantes flew to the Front as well as STOICS. Yuri and Tina are all fired up and ready to charge.

 Now!!!!, Absalom said and all moved in a V formation that every Sentinel that comes before them and in the front of the V's way explodes or destroys into tiny metallic pieces.

 Awesomeee!! Tina said while everyone is destroying every Sentinel from where they are posted and in every blow, hit and slice, the Sentinels dies and explodes.

 Bull Dogs and the other teams are watching the battle on the holo TV inside Carpathia cafeteria lounge while eating their meals. Each Flighter and soldier have ordered multiple foods , from soups, meats, veges to deserts, as if that this is their last meal from what it looked like as their massive orders are placed and set on their own tables at the lounge. Yumm….,Yogi said.

 Wow, those are STOICS, and the others are Gantes! Amazing!, Ericka added while Dunea is munching on the vegie lumpia dipped in spicy vinegar.

STOICS one by one moved away from V-formation while the Gantes already grab, decapitate or pulverize the Sentinels by hands. They are just strong and huge that even the Sentinels aren't a match for the giants.

 The fifty Gantes have already destroyed a thousand of Sentinels and we're only left with 8,000. STOICS have annihilated two thousand so we're now left with 6,000 Sentinels. The STOICS like Silver Surfer moved in such smooth and precise mobility that Sentinels didn't know what hit them. Yuri and Tina is on one STOIC which played a classical song entitled Storm by Vivaldi that when it hit a Sentinel with two balls of fire coming out of his palms, Yuri felt blood flow through his veins. Fire Ball on!!!!!, yahoo!, Yuri screamed.

Bull Dogs are sent back to the Front after their meal and hours of rest. At night, Lloyd adviced the Flighters to get ready fort heir orders has changed. That they need to fly to Earth's grid to protect it from Sentinels that mysteriously appeared and now moving towards our home planet. Miles, Cecilia, Dunea, Ericka, Akhmed, Yogi, Rene, Hayley, including Hayaka and Jon who are from G-Force and International Flyers are at awe and speechless. STOICS And Gantes didn't see this coming. And that Priscilla of Skull Ship and Governor Pache's soldiers weren't able to stop the the Sentinels who secretly regrouped and made their way out of the Blackhole towards Earth. Now some three thousand Sentinels out of the 6,000 are about to enter earth's atmosphere but Bulldogs flew as fast as they could to stop the villains.