
Obsession...in another lifetime (MVManalo)

Haaa…I am happy for Miles but I just couldn’t take my mind off the worry, what if?, I smiled at Miles and hugged him. I know that look Ericka, if you are worried about me, don’t be, I can take care of myself now. You’ll see. We are not children anymore and I will prove to you that I am more capable of handling myself and those filthy monsters, so rest assured that I will come back home for you and Sarah!, Miles said and I hugged him again but now tighter. I don’t think that he will make it unless I am there with him to protect him. I love my friends and though I am a good Barista, I love war games and killing monsters is my specialty. But I don’t really know if my special ability could help the aviators but I want to try and put it to good use which way possible, I thought and decided to check on DOGS Academy the next day and tried to sign up for the course. I got accepted right away and when I checked on the systems they use it’s almost the same as the simulators I usually play with and this is making life more interesting and exciting for me. Miles didn’t know I will be joining him for the eight months training. And this is going to be a hell of a game in real life, fighting, killing monsters, here we go!

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · Sci-fi
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223 Chs

Past & Present

Hmm…I want to see how she fights. Ic an only do that after work or in between breaks at this lousy computer assistant job at a local digital housing store in the Bronx.

Though lower LA is still conjusive to live, some of the cities in the U.S. let alone the popular and exquisite ones were obsolete and sort of like ghost towns now. San Francisco, New York, Las Vegas and Canada are still magnificent but some areas that were overpopulated or overcrowded either became dump sites or slums since people nowadays look for secured and low cost type of homes or that can only support average living expenses unlike in the 21st century that if you are rich one can take advantage of their money to the fullest and live on pent houses or condominiums. Now it's totally different, you would rather live on Ground Level, eat three times a day or live on Zero ground and live under bridges or sewerage systems. I lived on one of them zero expense paid homes. It smelled awful but living rent free is still a commodity for a simple folk like me who can only afford to eat twice a day since I am alone and don't have siblings or parents to take care of. I'm perfectly good on my own.

I am Jon Damon. Actually my real name is Johanna but since I needed to act tough and be a boy living in and out of the slums for three years. I pretended, no, I lived as a boy than be harassed or killed in ouo dirty and malicious society until today, it's already 30.000 years but still we can be monsters if we chose to especially when we have power, influence and money in this day and age.

Call me Jon and I chose to become a young man than a girl who is seen as weak and undecisive. I worked day and night to a get a scholarship for the university and now that I'm in, I was able to get a one bedroom apartment near the school. While doing part-time at a bar this summer, they gifted me a free one way ticket to California so I can use my extra money, the last salary my boss gave me for food and personal expenses. I love them so much and thanked their generosity. Indeed there are still good people in the universe!

Haa…this is the flyers school, wow…awesome! I never thought that after going through that hell of a ride down the mountain filled with people in Los Angeles I didn't think I would make it this far!, Jon thought thinking about the earthquake that hit the city due to extreme weathers but was able to hold up and rise again with its people coming together to thank God for the blessing and protection for their children and home.

I admire Hayaka so much that I even try to mimic her astral progection andmoves but I have my own powerful move which is the 'death blow'. Death Blow, or a punch that smashes anything or anyone in front of me. I can do it several times since it comprises of my inner aura energy I learned to cultivate when I was sent to train in the Himalayas and Buddhist Monks in Tibet. As an apprentice of Tibetan Buddhist monks I learned multiple powers that only them can control and use in meditaion and levitation during yoga or prayers. I have mastered replicating my body's image, makemyself invisible, pass through solid objects, sink into solid groundwalk on water, touch the sun and moon a bit and still practicing the most critical of all powers which is ascending the heavens with god Brahma or what others call Creator or God in other religions.

Haa….Ericka shouldn't have known that I am the supreme leader for since when she was little I have been protecting her from the shadows, Violet thought while relaxing inside her five people jakuzi. She is staying in USN's headquarters, the head office located somewhere in Sky level. USN has numerous locations all over the solar system and universe. So, one wouldn't be sure if SL 1 has a clone or dopple ganger. Violet is sometimes seen in vacations hotspots or in a meeting with the governor or something. That is the power of giga net. World wide web was the prevalent inet system during the 21st century but nowadays it is already obsolete so GIGANET came through when systems were affected by one huge data storm ten years ago. I wonder what was its cause that aliens from other galaxies suddenly came crashing and engaging on online wars and digital battles. It promoted a serious problem for USN and the Guilds, since our supreme leader Dorothea already received numerous death threats and I was assigned to fix the people behind these annoyances.

One time when I was with Ericka who was still thirteen years old then, shopping for I don't know her juniors prom. I heard a man said thinking that my daughter is so cute she is so f*ckable so I gave him a striking look and when he saw my eyes flicker towards him he suddenly swerved away and left quickly. He is just passing by yet he was able to check my daughter out from head to foot. I pmed Michelin to take care of the guy and gave him the personal details of the sexual offender.If Ericka sees negative aura or vibes of people, I hear what people's thoughts are especially when what they are thinking are bad and are sexually inclined or imposed (in other words, lewd). Michelin moved fast and gave an order to catch the culprit. The guy was standing outside of a restaurant and still waiting for teen agers to pass by and him to victimize with his lewd thoughts and sexual fantacies. Michelin was so disgusted when he found out through scanning the man from head to foot that he is an ex-principal an was relieved of his position due to numerous complaints on harassing his grade school students. He was detained for this sexual acts but since rich and influential he was able to pay for the moral damages against the families he did wrong, especially the kids he molested. But now since I am here as the government official, I won't allow that mistake and physical harassment let alone him having the nerve to do that with my daughter while I'm with her. Sorry but his sorry won't work for me!

We found all this principal's victims and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Then after that, I always keep an eye or let skilled men or women to guard Ericka that wherever she goes I know. I do this not only for my peace but for her security as well. Now that I'm the supreme leader I made sure that all children and the youth especially the girls and women under my leadership are secured and protected, everywhere in the world, planets or universes. So, beware harassers and lewd men or women in the universe!, Violet thought while plunging herself on the hot but relaxing bath bubbling her worries and problems of the state or universe away…hmmm…..this is so amazing! Haaa…..Giga I want wine inside my bath, please! Thank you!, Violet ticked a holoscreen and when it beamed there numerous buttons appeared. Starting from bath, bedroom, resto bar, home lights, veranda, all the amenities electrical dn digital dash to control and push when needed. USN built a home for all supreme leaders depending on their taste and where it would be placed whatever location it will be built it's USN's responsibility and paid resources.