
Obsession...in another lifetime (MVManalo)

Haaa…I am happy for Miles but I just couldn’t take my mind off the worry, what if?, I smiled at Miles and hugged him. I know that look Ericka, if you are worried about me, don’t be, I can take care of myself now. You’ll see. We are not children anymore and I will prove to you that I am more capable of handling myself and those filthy monsters, so rest assured that I will come back home for you and Sarah!, Miles said and I hugged him again but now tighter. I don’t think that he will make it unless I am there with him to protect him. I love my friends and though I am a good Barista, I love war games and killing monsters is my specialty. But I don’t really know if my special ability could help the aviators but I want to try and put it to good use which way possible, I thought and decided to check on DOGS Academy the next day and tried to sign up for the course. I got accepted right away and when I checked on the systems they use it’s almost the same as the simulators I usually play with and this is making life more interesting and exciting for me. Miles didn’t know I will be joining him for the eight months training. And this is going to be a hell of a game in real life, fighting, killing monsters, here we go!

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · Sci-fi
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223 Chs


Don't push it, Ericka, or you'll…., Miles said and when Jax called out to him to assist the newbies the girl collapsed and fell to the ground.

Ericka!, Hayley, Akhmed and Yogi ran up to the girl and helped her. Ren is indifferent and Hayley thought how come, Ren is so close to Ericka that she changed all of a sudden.

Hey, take it easy. You don't need to work so hard when you are already one of the finest DOGS in the academy, hihi!, Hayley added and placed her palm on the girl's forehead. Oh, shoot, she is burning up! Let's take her to the clinic!

Got yah!, Akhmed and Yogi said.

Miles is still busy training the other newbies and Ren is assisting him and still unbothered by the incident.

Hayley is worried about Ericka but the girl insisted she and the others go back to the training grounds. It is important they don't miss it for the world. The basics in fighting 'bacas' are the most trivial in becoming DOGS. The group of friends nodded though still worried about Ericka they one by one fled to the school grounds to attend their trainings.

Hayley kept a snobbish eye on Ren. What's wrong with you? Ericka is sick and you're just standing there coldly not even lifting a finger to help her!, Hayley said.

Hayley it's not like that, you are important too and this part of training is the most essential, why you shouldn't miss the classes and I am one of the assistant instructors and so does Ericka. She will be fine, don't worry too much! Now back to our topic! Ren added and continued to point out the facts and wrong information about the bacteriums and viruses roaming in the wet and dry lands.

Miles is on the other training room talking about the facilities that DG-1 and other districts built to keep and study the viral creatures.

Ericka is medicated and after a while she recovered. She skipped breakfast and ate an apple this morning that led to a bad stomach ache. When tested, the doctor said she caught amoebiasis and needed to take antibiotics. I think it was because of the apple she still ate though it's been out in the open on top of their dining table for days now. Maybe it caught bacteria and that made her tummy issues worse.

Okay thanks doc!, I rested for a couple of days in the clinic and Miles visited me to try to comfort me so does Ren. She talked about how the newbies were worried about me that made me feel warm inside to get well as soon as possible. After three days I got better and decided to go back to training. Though the doctor said that I need to take things slow, I did and ate healthily starting the day I was diagnosed with the illness.

I am okay now, don't worry. I will eat better and drink lots of liquids. Thanks, haha!, I said when Hayley, Akhmed and Yogi brought me gifts and food consists of fruits, salads and home cooked meals. Thank you guys, you are all so sweet. I love you!

Ren is looking at me intently and just smiling. She is indeed weird. After these kids entered the academy, Ren had been more quiet and aloof. I wonder what she is thinking about right now?, Ericka thought.

Hey, what's up?, I said.

Oh, Ericka, nothing much, just checking through the training modules for tomorrow. How are you feeling?, Ren added then extended her palm on my forehead.

I'm better. I have been eating well now and I hope you are taking care of yourself too! I missed you!, Ericka said and about to kiss Ren but she avoided the girl. They were alone in the class room but Ren didn't want her now, maybe.

Yeah, I'm fine, and I hope you won't exert too much effort after what happened and please be good to yourself! I need to study these, see you later!, Ren said and left.

I felt sad and alone. Why is she avoiding me? I don't know what's wrong or if I did something wrong to offend her!, Ericka thought exhaling hard and ran through her notes for the lesson later. Then….What the….what's that?, Ericka said out loud and ran towards the window. A beaming light shone outside of the academy building. Students and professors saw it along with Jax and Head master Eco.

It seems near the academy but I think it's many miles away from here. Maybe it's just an asteroid and or meteor rock that usually fall every now and then on Earth and in every district it wishes to fall to.

It's very beautiful, the lights, I mean, but is it really just rocks from the sky or space or a spaceship called Star Fleet. Ericka didn't know that the person she was wishing to be with forever is boarding that star ship. Dunea doesn't have a clue too that the one she would truly love is somewhere near the sea where the academy is sitting a couple of miles from where Star Fleet docked.

Lena and Dan started checking out DG-1's perimeters along with Aoi and Kaori assisting them on the search. The systems advised that a ship has entered earth's atmosphere and it fell somewhere near DOGS academy. Military soldiers and UASA, NASA, scientists are so happy to have discovered an alien ship but they don't seem to find the said unidentified flying object. It's been twenty four hours and there's no sign of the alien ship or if it really was a ship or just a meteor.

Haaa… it's no use, your boys are despicable. They are mongrels who doesn't even know where to look. I think I should go there to find this ship!, Lena said angrily then standing up with enthusiasm.

I didn't know you look so cute when you're angry!?, Dan laughed with his fist rolled as it rested on his cheek still looking at the woman with amazement. Be patient, as if we have been looking for it for forever. Besides, we aren't sure if what we're really searching for is indeed a ship, we can't even identify if it is or if there's life in it. Be cool, we will find it and if not then I will just treat you for a drink after this has transpired, what do you say?

Grrrr… you're hopeless!, Lena replied. Jerk!

Dan laughed but deep inside he is worried that what if it is a ship and an alien fleet sought to destroy the world. They need to find it soon just to make sure it's not a threat to Earth and humanity. I trust you my boys to find it. Just be aware and beware.