
Obsession...in another lifetime (MVManalo)

Haaa…I am happy for Miles but I just couldn’t take my mind off the worry, what if?, I smiled at Miles and hugged him. I know that look Ericka, if you are worried about me, don’t be, I can take care of myself now. You’ll see. We are not children anymore and I will prove to you that I am more capable of handling myself and those filthy monsters, so rest assured that I will come back home for you and Sarah!, Miles said and I hugged him again but now tighter. I don’t think that he will make it unless I am there with him to protect him. I love my friends and though I am a good Barista, I love war games and killing monsters is my specialty. But I don’t really know if my special ability could help the aviators but I want to try and put it to good use which way possible, I thought and decided to check on DOGS Academy the next day and tried to sign up for the course. I got accepted right away and when I checked on the systems they use it’s almost the same as the simulators I usually play with and this is making life more interesting and exciting for me. Miles didn’t know I will be joining him for the eight months training. And this is going to be a hell of a game in real life, fighting, killing monsters, here we go!

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
223 Chs

Can't get enough

Thursday morning, I asked Hayaka to accompany me to buy stuff for my mom at the mall. Though we have training schedules later in the morning, I wanted to do some shopping and since I have income from the Bout, I can buy whatever Mon wants and I believe she likes chocolates like Ferreiro and roses, usually, the red ones. But since I want my gifts to be memorable, I bought her signature bags, dresses and shoes. I also added some jewelry like a gold butterfly necklace and earrings, then a gold ring to match her watch, belt and purse.

            Okay, did I get all that I need for my mom!?, Jon thought and Hayaka signaled her that they need to go back to the academy to train for one last time. For tomorrow or Friday they will need to drive down Ground Zero to prepare for the party on Saturday and the Championship Fight at Zero Dome on Sunday. The fight will consist of two sets. Set A and B, just like the prelimenaries, semis and the finals. Hayaka won't need to fight anyone since she still holds the VOF Champion title for two years and she will just need to wait for the contenders to battle out each other to choose the surviving contender. Then, after the two set of fighters have fought each other, the winner from it will then face the Champion who is Hayaka.

            Hayaka and the challenger will do the VOF Bout Championship Battle which has secret rules since every champion bout, the reigning champion fighter is the only one to choose the weapons both fighters can use and how long they will fight to determine who is the true winner and so on.

            The Championship Bout is a fight to the end where the bouters can hurt or even kill their opponent since the rules say that the fighters are to do a live show like in the actual battle at the war front. Scary but valid since all Flighters, Police Officers, Solders and Militaries live and die everyday at the Front and Zone for the people of the universe's freedom and security.

            So, why not do the actual battle at VOF Bout Championship Challenge, right?, Gail said while recording for the VOF Bout Championship commercial with Polo who is acting as announcer to replace Cid Crest. Gail don't really like Polo but she doesn't have a choice since she is the official AI of VOF who neiher can complain nor go against the officials, judges or owners of VOF corporation's decisions or choices.

            How about this?, Hayaka said while hanging on to a dildo toy with the shape of a p*nis.

Ah, for my mom?, Jon added shocked. No, for you?, hihi!, Hayaka replied naughtily. Aha…funny, why not I use my f*cking f*ingers with you now, huh, your bitch!, Jon added and ran after Hayaka that when she caught her tickled her sides that both fell inside the changing room.  Jon felt blood and excitement rushing to her cheeks, her upper body that she touched Hayaka's back and was about to kiss her. Sorry!

            Hayaka didn't mind, in fact when Jon is about to get off her, she immediately held on the girl's face and kissed her on the lips so she couldn't get away. Tsuppp!

            Hmm…again, please!, Jon added and smiled kissing Hayaka back while inside the changing room. Pile of women are already getting impatient when Hayaka and Jon went out of the room without fitting anything at all  but were already fixing their tops and pants, embarassingly smiling at the women and girls who are surprised there's two of them inside it.

            Hihi!, both girls said and left the clothing store without buying anything at all. Hayaka is holding the dildo that she took from the side counter and placed inside her bag. She didn't exactly want to bring it but since it's already here, what the heck, maybe it'll come very useful to her and Jon soon or in the future, hehe!