
Prologue ....

A boy ordered “ Remove your clothes ...

Girl start crying and begging “ no plz no I m sorry plz don’t do this with me ..

Boy replied “ you like to show your this body to other so why not show this body to the person whom this body belong ....to...

Girl replied ‘ No I didn’t show my body to anyone ...

Boy shouts and replied ‘ now babygirl you are going to remove your clothes or you want me to do that I can do more things then this ..

Girl start removing her clothes and after removing her clothes she stand naked Infront of him ..

Boy start roaming his eyes on her whole body like a prey ..

And then he start taking her pictures ..

And after taking pictures he said “ Now think About this before showing your body to another man .



A boy said “ How dare you punch me ..

Girl replied “By my hands ..did you want more ..

Boy replied “ don’t you dare to give me these types of answer little brat ...

Girl replied “ what if I did ...what can you do motherfucker..

Boy punched her in her stomach and replied “ I can do many things and you knew what this is a trial .

Blood came out from girl mouth but sh replied “ you knew what mentally retarded person only knew how to show trailer ..

I m Going to show you whole picture..

And then she kicked him on his balls ..

Scene 3


You slut how dare you say you don’t knew me “ boy asked ..

Girls replied “ I m not a slut and it’s true I don’t knew you .. because I don’t have any interest in knowing a person like you ..

And then that boy slam his lips on her ..

Scence 4

In a dark room a girl is lying on a floor without any clothes and anything..

Boy came and see her with his hungry eyes and said to her “ Now came here princess ..

Girl thinks “ if I didn’t go he is going to beat me and torture me again .....

Girl wakes up with her naked body and went toward him and sit on his lap ...

But replied “ Princess if you listened to me like this before... I never have to do things like that ...

Girl didn’t replied .. anything...

And boy again slap her on her womanhood..

She whimper in pain ...

Boy replied “ word's princess I think you didn’t get your lesson how about giving you punishment..

Girl start crying and replied “ I m not going to do this again plz don’t do that ..it’s very painful..

Boy replied “ But that pain is going to make you remember what to do or what not ..

So this is the story when the girls caged because of obsession .but is this story in which female leads are going to accept there faith ...

Is faith is what you have to accept or you can change ... because sometimes something’s are not just faith but destiny ...is this is their destiny...is they are going to lose their fight ...

Sometime we don’t have power to fight for ourselves but we have to fight for our love ones ....People believe in friends ..in love but why don’t we believe in ourselves..


Girl “ I m disgusting I want to die I can’t live like this what is the motive to live like this ...I hate myself ..I disgust from myself ..I just hate myself ..

She went toward the window and think about to jump from it ..

But then she thinks" is it right to die because of someone else is right to do this" ..is it right to not think about my family ..

What they are going to do when I just gave up like this...

What about me... is I only want to see darkness of the world why can't I just see the light of the world ..is it necessary to only see darkness ....

Then she said in determined to herself“ I m going to fight I can break I can cry I can fall ..but I have to stand up for myself and for my family ....I have to fight for my friends ...

Why I have to give up my life Because of some monster ...I can fight I have to fight ..and I m Going to fight ....

Life give many opportunities to cry ..many opportunities to shatter us in pieces ...many opportunities to break ..

But it gives .. only few chances to stand... to be happy... to see light ..for that we have to fight ...it’s not easy to live but is it easy to die ???


Scene ...

Come here babygirl “ boys said .”

Girl go toward him with wobbly legs and stand close to him ...

Boy slapped her on her face “ what you think ...huh I m Going to leave you what you think ...is this going to end ....

Girl start crying .. everybody in class seeing them ....but nobody have guts to say anything to him because they knew what is going to happen if they are going to say anything..

Boy again slapped her on her left cheek and said “ what you think huh you can defy me ..

Girl start crying more and said “ Plz don’t hurt me I m not in the fault it’s not my mistake plz don’t ...

Boy again slapped her and said “ Did I asked you whose mistake is this no ..so why explaining ....

Girl fainted because of so much force ...

Boy rushed toward her and took her in bridal style and then he took her in infirmity and after treatment he sit close to her and said “ why you have to do this I really love you but why you always have to go against me ..I can’t see you like this ....but I have to because you left no option to me .....

And no matter what I just want you how can you just go away from me and you knew I want you but why can’t you see the love in my eyes ...

Is my love for you this much worthless ..

Is I m this worthless ...

Why can’t anybody love me why can’t nobody see I want someone with whom I can share everything ...I want someone whom I can hug close to me ..I want someone whom I can keep close to me I want someone who will be with me no matter what ....

Why everyone only see evilness inside me why no-one can see how much I m suffering is I m this much bad ..

But if loving you means doing something bad so I m ready to do more bad even if I have to torture you to keep with me I am not going to back off ...I just want you it’s not matter to me what path I have to chose I m Going to chose that path which is going to take me toward you ...

Your hate is strength of my love ....

And this strength I m not going to lose ......

I hurt you ..but you didn’t knew how much it’s hurts me ..it’s just killing me from inside ...but by not keeping you with me is going to kill me from outside ....

Want is the thing which make you obseesed with a person ..

Love is something which everyone wants ....

What is going to happen when that want and love is going to mix and going to form a love story ...is this is a love story ???

But one thing for sure nobody is perfect but sometimes we need someone to make us perfect ..we need someone for hug .. we. Need someone to have beside us to sleep ..

But is it right to have that someone with force ...is right to torture that someone ...


A girl came and said “ PLZ protect my boyfriend this is only you can do ..plz do something he is going to kill him

Girl replied “ no ...no I can’t he is going to kill me if I m going to interfere ..I can’t ..

Girl replied “ no you have to save him plz he need you ...we both need you plz....I m begging you I just have him in my life I m an orphan I can’t live without him I just love him beyond anything..

Girl nodded her head forward the crowd where a boy in his glory is beating someone like an animal ...

Girl shouted and said “ plz leave him ...

Everybody start seeing her .....

Boy stop beating and said “ what I m Going to get if I m going to leave him ...

Girl start shivering and said “ whatever you want ..plz leave him he is going to die ...if you are going to beat him more .

Boy replied okay “ so I want ....you kiss me in front of whole college how is that ...so I m going to think about leaving him ...

Girl nodded her head in yes ..

And then she kissed him In front of whole college .....

And then that boys start taking lead with passionate kiss ....kiss start becoming deeper ..

He is showing in his kiss how much he want her ...how deeply he loves her ...

But his love is not the light which came in her life for lighting her world ...

He came to darken her world ..it’s came to show what limit can be a person go to love another person ..

“ sometime is love something which make you feel like you are in invisible ropes who is just tying you ..

to make you close to them ..

Is it right to love someone beyond this level .. because of this that person start fealing suffocated because of love .

“ Love is something which is very pure so why we have to make it dark ..but can you see that love also have its dark side ..

And In this story I m going to show that dark side of love ...

Scene ...

Girl start begging “ PLZ don’t kill them .I can do whatever you want but just leave them ..plz... plz ...

Boy replied “ what can you do for saving them ..

Girl replied “ Anything just don’t kill them just don’t kill them ...

Boy replied “ what if I say that strip ...

Girl replied “ I can do that also just leave them ..

Boy replied “ so do it first then I am going to leave them ...

Girl start stripping and boy start seeing her with something in his eyes ..

Is it lust ????

Lust is something which make you blind .....

Love is also something which make you blind ..

But can you differentiate when love and lust start mixing. ...can you differentiate between the love he have inside his lust ..

Can you see that what he really have in his dark eyes for you ..

Why you can't see that he have need in his eyes... he have want in his eyes ..

No you can’t see it because you are selfish and this selfishness is stopping you to see the reality..

Is it right to accept the dark side of love ???

But why you only have to accept the brightest side of love...

some time darkness is more stronger then the light ...

Why can’t you see that ?????