
Bloody lips ...

In corridor of college....

Melody Interrupt and shouts " why the hell you have to punch her ...

Vince Replied " Don't you dare to shout in front on me ..

Melody Replied " what if I did ...and why your friend have to punch mine friend ....

Vince didn't Replied Anything and slam his lips on melody lips and start kissing her ..hungrily ....

After sometime he stop devouring her mouth ...

Melody lips start bleeding slightly .. because of kiss ...

Vince then bite her on her collarbone and it start bleeding..

Melody shouts in pain ....and think " why this is happening with me I came here for my studies but this is happening with me on my first day . ..

Melody shouts and said " leave me you Bastard..

Vince leave her ..and his eyes showing anger which he is trying to suppress.

Rose who is seeing everything .. Interrupt and said " you bastard why you have kiss my friend forcefully ..

and why you Mr ...have to punch Lisa...

Tae came forward and said " little girl keep your preety mouth shut ..good children's don't like there nose in adult business...

Rose Replied " I m not a child ..you idiot ....and what if I don't shut ...

Lisa Replied " yeah what if we don't shut ..what you think by punching me ..

you motherfucker can make me shut

Blake Replied " you are not going to get your lesson ..huh brat .

" you don't knew how to behave with elders ...

Lisa start laughing in Mocking way and said " oh don't worry grandpa ..I think you are old hag...

Blake became more angry ...and said ' keep your tongue in control...

Lisa Replied " what if I said " this is my mouth ...and my tongue and I m not going to control ...

Blake Replied " I think one punch is not sufficient ...for you .

Rose said to Tae " told your both friends leave my friends ...you mental

by listening that Tae slapped her in anger.

and said " Don't give me orders .

Rose put in hand on her cheek where Tae slapped her.

Rose start crying. .

Lisa saw this and went close to Tae and kick him in his balls ...

Tae groan in pain ...

Blake shouts and said " how dare you raise your hand on him . you bitch ...

Lisa came close to him and said " oh I think Mr grandpa have problem in seeing also he can't see I raise my leg on him not my hands ...

Blake again punched her on her stomach ...

Lisa again spit blood .....

Blake said ' this is the trailer what I can't do with you ...so don't dare to provoke me ...

with bloody lips ...

Lisa Replied " you knew what ' I don't believe in seeing trailer ..I believe in showing whole picture...

she punched Blake on his face. ...

Melody who is crying and seeing everything .. took opportunity and run toward Lisa and rose and took them with her and start running From there ...

Blake shouts and said " Don't worry little brat you are going to pay for this little action if yours ..

while Reaching far away from them ..

Melody leave Lisa and Rose hand and said to Lisa " why you always have to be this impulsive you can atleast keep your calm ...

note .

plz go and check on community page if you want to saw pictures related to this novel ...

plz read mine other novel " obseession of Immortal..

and I going to give regular updates of both stories....❤️....
