
Obsession (1)

This story is dark romance type and you will find the true meaning of Dark in this story. Not recommended for Minors, Fainted-hearts. Love is Beautiful. Obsession is Lethal. _______________ The main character Vivan Kieran, who had a tragic beauty that didn't make a good fate and bring her the personal hell. A multi-millionaire Damien Martin( Micheal ) who was traumatized, didn't miss a chance to take the sudden undeniable interest in Vivan. But not sure what he really wanted from this ordinary little girl. But he was to ready to find out what he wanted, even if that involved claiming her in most brutal ways. *Mature content* *Age gap* *Sexual words* Only 18+ Please read at your own risk.

DiLF4 · Urban
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Chapter 9



I stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom and glared at the ink on my shoulder. 'D.M' My hand went up to scratch the letters on my skin till it turned red, disgusted with myself as the scratch turned into an ugly bloody piece.

I felt nauseous at the thought of him mentioning that he had a surprise for me. What would be next? Or should I say what's God's next plan for me??!

I didn't give a fuck about that too, I got the fucking tattoo without my consent. The whole fucking tattoo!!


I laid flat on my bed, staring at the ceiling as usual and killing the time. I heard Michael's voice behind the door yelling at someone. I didn't bother to get up from my position as I felt him approach me to place a kiss on my forehead. As usual, he headed to the bathroom.

I had slept a gargantuan amount of hours. I didn't even recognize myself as a human, being trapped like an animal for years. So I sat up lazily waiting for him to finish showering that I could at least pretend to be eager about the bullshits he would talk, that could turn into a bloody shit in a minute.

I just got used to it...

After a while, Micheal stepped out with a towel around his waist. Water drops were dripping down his bare chest, as I bored my eyes on his muscles.

I hate him.

"Are you done eye-fucking me? " He chuckled.

I sighed and turned away from him. I was just too exhausted to argue with him, like always he would win.

He sat on the couch opposite to me and mumbled, " I have a surprise for you, "

I raised a brow with a bored expression. Then he changed into casual attire, stood in front of me, motioned me to get up with an amused expression on his face.

I got up as he dragged me by my hand. And there, he led me outside of the room. Oh, finally, I got to breathe some fresh air again. I got excited as he didn't stop till he reached the main door. I realized he was letting me out of this place!!

He led me to his Ferrari and drove off. He would glance at me from time to time though he was driving but he didn't say a word. My curiosity was killing me from the inside. So I mouthed, "Where are you taking me?"


He still focused on the road completely ignoring me with a smirk. Oh, god. How much I want to scratch that face. But I knew, angry Michael would be more powerful than angry Vivan.

After it felt like two hours, he pulled over at a place. I was exhausted completely but as soon as I took a look at the house, I freaked out. I would say mansion.

I didn't even realize till Michael was holding my waist from the back. "Home sweet home," he said and kissed my temple with a smile, a real smile. He looked good with a smile, I must say.

But I exposed myself with a bored face. He chuckled at my reaction and pulled me inside. More than a dozen maids were standing in a line and greeted us.

"You're the queen, you're in charge," he whispered into my ears and kissed my cheek in front of them. I felt so embarrassed that my ears started itching at a point.

Then he grabbed my chin and kissed me forcefully. Touching me wherever he wanted in front of people was really an uncomfortable thing. He didn't break the kiss.

"Stop, Ca- Can't breathe," I tried to push him.

But instead, he broke the kiss, threw me onto his shoulders, and carried me upstairs. I looked down in embarrassment as I was sure the maids would see it. I didn't protest because it would be useless.

He laid me on a soft mattress and hovered me with wet kisses. I lay there, as usual, staring at the ceiling, tears streaming down my face.

No one, no one had touched me in such a way. Michael was here, over me, crushing down my ego and pride and I couldn't even protest. This had been going this way ever since I could remember.

His hands were squeezing my hands, breasts, forearms, butt and thighs while trying to shove his disgusting tongue into my mouth. He would pinch me every time I refused to open it.

He pulled away with a peck and wiped my tears gently. "Beautiful," he whispered while looking down at me. Then he walked out leaving me alone in the room but not before saying I could tour the house.

I wandered around the mansion including the amazing backyard, filled with lily flowers. He knew I loved lilies. But...I never did give him this information...

I ran through the grasses with bare feet. I felt overjoyed, confident, and relieved. And the fact there are no walls, not even a fence around the mansion made me happy.

This was an isolated palace with never-ending green fields in eyesight.

I laid there till the sun sank while relaxing my back on the ground. I didn't even realize I fell asleep till I woke up on Michael's arms carrying me in bridal style.

I felt some sort of relief. Finally, he let me outside of that prison. Should I be thankful to him? No!? I mentally cursed at myself. He's the one who caused all of this.

I stayed still as he carried me into the bathroom. Wait, bathroom? I looked up at his stoic face. I smelled something brandy. Wait, was he drunk??

He ran the warm water and started undressing.

"What are you doing?" I blurted out.

"Take off your clothes," he said while roaming his eyes over my body.

"No, are you out of your mind!?" I said angrily while covering myself with my hands.

He raised a brow in a challenging manner. I tried to run out of the bathroom but he grabbed my waist easily and pinned me into the wall forcefully.

He inhaled my neck and mumbled, " I've given what you want. I took you here. Now, don't you wanna do a favour for Daddy, huh?"

I shooked my head furiously, with  trembling nerves, I blurted out, "You're drunk"

I could sense he froze. He groaned and left me in the bathroom alone but not before saying to shower quickly.

I showered quickly and peeked inside the room. There he was sitting on the bed with his head hanging low. I rushed out towards the wardrobe as quietly as I can.

I could feel his burning stare on my back. I rushed to put the sweater I could grab, but the harsh tuck on my scalp sent me backwards as I fall on my butt.

The sweater in my hand was gone. His grip on that piece of cloth had me hanging on the edge with the look he was giving.

" Get on the bed, " he gritted.

"No," I whimpered.

He simply strides towards me and picks me up by my armpits.

"Shut the fuck up and don't fucking move," he bounced me onto the bed and started at me with his jaws clenched. I was holding onto the robe I have on me. But to my horror, I saw him pulling out the belt.

I stared at him bewildered readying to beg to not hit me.

I could see his eyes soften a bit, "Shh. It's okay. Just don't move," he soothes and started pulling down my robe.

I shooked my head and tried to push him. He growled, " Last warning, Vivan, "

I tried to cover myself but he was striding me. Effects of alcohol made him blind to my cries. He ripped off my robe leaving my chest bare. He pinned down my wrists over my head with one hand as he sucked in a breath looking down at me.

A weird sensation was chilling inside my chest, as I felt his lips attached to my nipple. His lip was so soft, sucking and teasing with his tongue. I couldn't help but moan. I could feel him smirking against my skin.

The realization hit me. Dammit, Vivan. He's your captor. Kick his ass. I tried to struggle but it seemed to make him angry that he slapped me hard. Tears streaming down my cheeks again.

"I hate you," I whispered and...He just smirked at me.

"Why? Why the fuck me!? You can get anyone you want!" I cried with my face turned aside.

"Because I own you, my doll. The day I laid my eyes on you, you were destined to be mine," He whispered while gripping my chin to turn my face, exposing my neck in a vulnerable position.

Then he started biting my neck and shoulder. Not soft ones, more like punishment. As if he was wanting to rip my skin off.

Oh god. When would this hell end???


"On the contrary of hell, it held eight varieties and she was yet swelling on the surface,"