
Obsession (1)

This story is dark romance type and you will find the true meaning of Dark in this story. Not recommended for Minors, Fainted-hearts. Love is Beautiful. Obsession is Lethal. _______________ The main character Vivan Kieran, who had a tragic beauty that didn't make a good fate and bring her the personal hell. A multi-millionaire Damien Martin( Micheal ) who was traumatized, didn't miss a chance to take the sudden undeniable interest in Vivan. But not sure what he really wanted from this ordinary little girl. But he was to ready to find out what he wanted, even if that involved claiming her in most brutal ways. *Mature content* *Age gap* *Sexual words* Only 18+ Please read at your own risk.

DiLF4 · Urban
Not enough ratings
39 Chs

Chapter 6



I sat on the bed wearing a beautiful fancy dress.

Micheal would be here at any minute. My hands were shaking with excitement. After one year, I was going to step outside of this prison.' After the whole fucking year!'

I twisted my hands and sighed deeply. But I smiled to myself. I could smell the freedom. All I needed was to get through the main door and the outer gates that I wouldn't be able to pass by myself.

I tensed as I heard the door crack open.

Micheal walked in with a usual smirk. Then he looked at me from head to toe.

" Hey, beautiful, ready?" He said while stretching his hand towards me.

I simply nodded and took his hand. He led me outside, and I took in a deep breath to remain calm. We walked towards the car. Instead of getting in the car, Micheal stopped and stood sternly in his trace, making me stop in my track.

He then turned around slowly leaning his back on the super expensive car. He folded his hands and looked me dead in the eyes. It was more like he was hesitating or debating at the back of his mind. What was he planning? He checked me out again and nodded his head slowly.

Then he sighed and opened the door for me to get in the car. He then joined with me and ordered the driver to go. He pulled me into his lap making my headrest on his chest as he gently patted my hair.

" I hope you will behave. Or there will be consequences '' he said but whispered the last part. I looked up at his face. I could see his eyes darkened.

I gasped as his hands went up to my breasts. I tried to push his hands but he only chuckled and smacked my ass. " Bad girl. Don't want your daddy to touch you? Hmmm?" He bit my earlobes making me shiver in disgust.

Along the way, he was whispering how much he loved me.

I didn't pay heed to him and his words. I tried to focus on where were we. After it felt like forever, the car was pulled up at a shiny place. That was a restaurant? But it was more like a mansion.

I was admiring the decorations while Micheal was on his phone barking at someone on the line. His hands never left my waist, tugging along as he continued rumbling on the phone.

I wasn't paying attention to him. All I needed now was food. And the exist that would lead to my freedom.

We were led inside by a waitress. My stomach was in full excitement as the decorations are such a sight for me.

Maybe living in that fucking prison made me blind. Everything was new to me.

I could feel the stares and Micheal's death grip on me. He offered me a chair that was under serene lights radiating warmth, the whole place was just aesthetically pleasing to me. I cast my eyes around unable to calm my nerves.

With a cough, he interrupted my trance. He plopped his chin in his palm, his elbows supporting the budge muscle beneath his white shirt, and looked at me as if I'm the won ticket.

I snapped, "What?"

He chuckled, " You look so beautiful tonight,"

I was kinda taken back and shattered awkwardly,

" Thanks, umm. You look good too,"

He replied with a smirk, "I know''

Jerk! I had to admit. He was actually looking good. More like a model. But who knew. I've seen his evil side. And what he was capable of...

Was he really hoping me to forgive him back after all the things he had done to me? Because from the looks he had been offering, almost had me thinking he was finally feeling pity for me? I once thought about it and couldn't get answers.

But now, I chose to ignore it. I chose my survival and not to give in... He wasn't someone to predict and contradict with.

After a while, the food was served and we ate in silence. I was peeking to and fro to make my plans of escaping. But my sane mind kept telling me that was a bad idea. I had bad feelings about this. I better be careful...

I looked around the place. Of course, there were dozen of guards.

Ignoring my instincts, I glanced at Micheal. He looked unbothered with a slight stubble resting on his eyebrows. He wasn't paying attention to me which was weird. I excused myself for the toilet. Micheal was on his phone again.

He did let me go, without further instructions. I came to realise he made a reservation, and maybe that's why he was letting me use the bathroom on my own.

I washed my face and looked at my reflection. " You can do it. Vivan, be patient. Just relax." I sucked in a sharp breath and tried to calm down.

I walked out of there and sneaked up behind the waiter who walked past me.

I glanced around like one minute before entering the "staff only" room and I looked for the exist. But instead, I was lost in there. There were so many doors. It was more like ten minutes since I left him. Weird. Wasn't he looking for me?

After having mental breakdowns, I finally managed to find the door that led me to the streets.

It was already dark outside. I stepped outside and looked around. It was so quiet. I ran along the alleys. I could feel my stomach twist. Wasn't this so easy?

I took off my heels and ran with bare feet. Tears were running down my cheeks. It was more like dreaming. I kept casting glances behind my back as if someone would jump out.

" I need to find the police, "I mumbled to myself and wiped the never-ending tears. Finally, I found the police station. I rushed inside without hesitation.

I held up to the officer's hand and begged him to help.

" Miss, calm down," he was mumbling things. But I couldn't focus.

"Help me. I was being kidnapped, my name is VIVAN Kieran," I kept repeating, "Help me. Don't let him take me again,"

I didn't care if I had to hug and beg under anyone's shoes. There was no turning back.

"Don't worry. You are safe now," he said in a low voice.

I could see the officers staring at me and kept exchanging glances.

They gave me a blanket and put me in a room. After almost like an hour, an officer came inside the room and asked me some questions.

" His name is Micheal. I never knew his last name. I don't know where he took me,'' I said everything I could remember. He noted down with a nod. After that, he walked out of the room.

I could feel a panic attack rising through my throat, it was stuck and I had severe pain in my chest. I got that instinct something had wronged, terribly.

My nerves were on the end when the door was opened again, revealing the last person I would want to see.

" Well. Well. It seems my girlfriend wandered off around my city and reported me as a kidnapper."He said with a grin.

I stood frozen scaring to death.

When he made that sinister smirk, my knees gave out as I fell limp on the floor, backing away from him as much as I can.

He approached me making me burst into tears. I hid my face in the blanket with uncontrollable shaking of my body.

I expected the beatings but none came. He pulled me into a hug and lifted my chin. I squeaked out, " I- I'm sorry. I d-didn't mean to... I'm s-sorry. Please, Please. D-Don't hurt me."

My vision was blurred from the continuous tears.

He tilted his head in a psychotic manner as I continuously bubbled not to hurt me. I was hyperventilating. I couldn't remember the rest till he placed me in the car and joined me.

His face lacked emotions.

" I think I warned you,'' he said coldly.

" I know. I'm sorry,'' I mumbled.

" You brought it upon yourself," he shot back instantly.

" What do you mean?" I asked him panicked. Gosh. Was I in his trap?

Then I noticed the car stopped. He pulled me out harshly into a building.

" Where are we going?" I asked panicked.

He remained quiet and continued to drag me into the old building, till he reached a room. There was a bedpost with women. I could see the tools. Wait a minute. Were those tattoo supplies?? It was a trap...

I started to wiggle out of his grip.

But he simply held me in bridal style and put me on that bed. I was now struggling like a wild animal. The woman held me in place and Micheal was patting my head.

" No. Micheal. Please don't. I'm sorry." I begged him.

'' I gave you a chance Vivan. At first, I was trying to use the anesthetizer. But you deserve this punishment." He said with an evil grin, "I need you to be very much aware of this coming pain, a reminder for your stupidity," he spat with venom,

" I was expecting you to do such. It was much easier,'' He continued.

I was shaking with anger. Maniac!

Then the woman walked out after restraining me with the restraints. I couldn't even move. The room was silent but filled with my sobs. It was only me, Micheal, and the tattooed woman.

I tried to plead with him one last time. " Micheal, please. " I sobbed with pleading eyes.

For a split second, I thought he could have changed his mind, but as sickening as the prediction was right. He had made up his mind.

He snapped the woman to start. I cried and looked at the woman with a pleading look.

She seemed to hesitate at first but she gave me a shot, then starts to tattoo me on my shoulder. I cried and cried. I was so helpless. But Micheal seemed unaffected by my pleas. He enjoyed it!

The pain was so excruciating. I could feel my lungs deflating with the amount of screaming. I couldn't even breathe. The next thing I knew was Micheal's shoutings.

I could feel someone was shaking me to wake up. The darkness took over me, ceasing the pain at the instant.


"Reasoning was a dirty compromise.

For which he was still confused, she suffered as ever."