

BloodyWritter · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

Two weeks later

~Hospital ~

Andi POV

It's been two weeks since Nasuka visit me. The girls told me he was with Rose. I will never get use to them dating. I can't help but feel more hurt each day. The girl visit me each day after school. I still never thanked that guy for saving me.

" Andi you can leave in two days okay"

" okay Aunt Tilly but I got a question."

" What is it sweetie. " she says in a gentle voice as she rubs my back.

" Is the boy that saved me awake yet. "

"Yes he woke up this morning. "

"Really that's good can I see him later today if that's okay with you. "

" maybe but you need to rest to okay "

"I know Aunt Tilly"

She smiles and leaves as I think about the boy.  He reminds me of the boy that saved me when I was younger. His voice was soft and tinder. He made me feel safe. All I could do was think about him and the accident.  I have to thank him for saving me. As I was thinking. I didn't notice that someone had walked in. Until someone put there hand on my shoulder. I flinched as I look at the person to see Nasuka.

"Hey Andi sorry I scared you"

I hit Nasuka shoulder. As I cross my arms over my chest.

" Don't just walk in without knocking. What if I was changing. "

Nasuka blushes out of nowhere.

"Don't think about it Nasuka. "

I smile as I look at the nightstand to see roses.

"I knew you loved roses so I got you a few. "

"Thank you but you didn't have to get me any."

Nasuka sits down on the bed as he rubs my hand. I smile as I look at the roses.

"Andi when do you get released. "

"My aunt told me I can get release tomorrow or Saturday. "

"That's good to hear and that mean you will be able to go on the school camping  trip next week. "

"That's next week man I have to pack. "

"I hear that there is a new boy at are school but he is in the hospital recovering from an accident. "

"Really I hope he gets better. "

"Me too I think we will be good friends. "

I nod as time goes by and Nasuka had to leave to go to work.

I get up and walk to my Aunts office. As she tells me what room the boy was in. I knock on the door. I hear a soft voice saying

"The door is open. "

I walk in slowly.

"Close the door please I don't like the light its to bright."

I close the door as my eyes adjust to the dime light in the room. I look around the room as I see a lot of cards and gifts. I look at the boy as he smiles. All I could do was bow

"Thank you for saving me."

"You don't have to thank me Andi. "

"I do have to thank you uh um."

"Ren my name is Ren. "

I looked at the boy surprise. No he can't be the same boy that saved me. I can't find any words anymore.