

BloodyWritter · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

Andi Pov

"I came to see you of course."

I looked up at Nasuka as he smiled.

"Also to give you this."

He handed me a few papers and I looked at them.  They were my assignments.

"Thank you for caring about me." I smiled and then looked at the Roses that were next to me.

"Andi I have to tell you something important."

I looked at Nasuka worried.  But he was smiling.

"What is it Nasuka."

"I finally have a girlfriend." I felt my whole body go numb.


"I have a girlfriend and she is really nice and pretty ." I had no words to explain how hurt I felt.

"When did this happen."I felt like I want to cry. 

"Well it happen about a week ago but I didn't want to tell you yet until are friend anniversary."

"What's her name Nasuka" I really don't want to know her name. I could care less about it.

" Her name is Rose she says that she is one of your closes friends."

Rose is no good she was never a friend she always tried to get me in trouble. She had used me to get what she wanted.  She is a stupid bitch and I hate her. She will always be my enemy.

"Well thats good to hear. Nasuka I'm proud you found that one person who makes you happy. " I could not help but smile on the outside but in the inside I was crying and screaming. I have done so much for him and still does not know my feelings for him.

"Andi why are you crying did I say something wrong."

I looked at him confused then i felt my cheek as tears fell down slowly. "No I'm fine i was just thinking of something."

" Are you sure you know that you can tell me anything." He came to me as he huged me lighly so he won't hurt me.

"Nasuka I'm fine I promise." I had forced a smile. When my best-friends Luna and Juna walked in as they looked at me then Nasuka. Jane and luna walked to me and notice that I was crying but before they could ask Nasuka speak.

"Jane and Luna I have a girlfriend. "

"Nasuka you have a girlfriend." Luna raises her eyebrow

"Yes her name is Rose."

Both Jane and Luna eyes widen as they Looked at me.  They saw how hurt I was when he mentioned that name.

" Well We are happy to hear that right Luna" Jane looks at Luna as she talks as Luna had the face that see was going to attack Nasuka.