
part 3


A group of people got down and started asking questions as she was a criminal standing in court. She looked all around her this many people. This was the first time she was Facing all by herself. Her body was stuck in one place her throat became dry in seconds to think of any reply.

The only thing she could think of is running.....


Finding the way out of that crowd, suddenly another man in that crowd grabbed her wrist forcefully.

" you bitch! Tell me what to do to the prince? Why he is so disgusted? "

" Yes! Tell us you *ucker what is your intentions to approach "The prince of Lawrence? "

All the rich arrogant kids started barking like street dogs. She is not able to think of anything to say in that situation.

If someone brave person would have been at her place that person would have barked back to them or even defend themselves. But this girl is too sensitive. Growing up in a household without fights how can she be able to think of a way out of this situation?

Since it's her first time to be caught in a fight like this, her nervous system only tells her to run away, from there as soon as possible, but it is not happening cause a di*khead had his tight grip on her hand.

As she started crying in the middle of this je*ks.

" what is happening here?

A sudden bold voice from the back startled everybody including her. They all started to look at the source of the voice and fixed their graze on one person standing in a white T-shirt and white pants. His skin tone is a little bit pale, he is more heightened than any other boy standing her, he looks decent but hella handsome.

All the people here look luxurious but only him in the crowd was like a normal person with normal clothes on.

" Mr.save me please, please save me!"

She cried out loud to him, hoping that at least he could help her out. He looked at her and something in his heart he felt it, felt like he was in some kind of dilemma.

" let her go!"

He shouted, back at the boy who was holding her hands, while his eyes were on that girl struggling to getaway. He is not able to express but sadness can be seen through him watching her struggle, it reminds him of something he had long forgotten.

" and who are you to give orders?"

The red-haired boy came forward with untold rage in his eyes, he stood before the man in White like a lion ready for attack.

Both of them surely had something fishy. All the boys stood behind the red-haired guy while the white was alone.

She was crying heavily after facing this much tension, her wrist is now hurting enough to stop her blood from circulating in her arms. That boy's grip was this hard.

" I told you, let her go it's nothing to do with her it's between us came to me"

" oh! Really between us?!

The redhead boy grabbed her hand out of blue and pulled her between them. Now she is standing in The middle of this to boys crying like a baby. They both looked at her one was smiling and the other seems sad.

" it's between us and not you Richard! So you can fu*k off from here"

He pulled her to himself when the white shirt guy grabbed her other hand. Now the situation became tighter as hell, they both had a grip on her wrist.

What the hell is this situation two boys, one girl holding hands while the girl is crying? What is it?