
Obsessed With My Beauty

❤️love changed these two people ❤️ what will happen when two people who hated each other to the core are arranged to or forced to marry?? " see I hate you, so stay away from me," Myra warned him. Reyansh glared at her and said " I married you just for my family. don't expect me to love you. And I am not even interested in a girl like you." SCENE CHANGE- " You are caged with me love and no one can snatch you from me. YOU ARE MINE. Be ready to face the devil. " Reyansh smirked devilishly What will happen when Myra and Reyansh who hated each other from childhood are forced to marry each other just because of their parents?? will they accept each other ?? Will this relationship work or not ?? If Myra is fire, Reyansh is ice. if Myra is kind, Reyansh is arrogant. ❤️ but at the end they both are caring for their loved ones ❤️ -------------------------------------- SECOND LEADS- from the day he saw her he fell for her. For him it was love at first sight. she didn't know that he loved her but slowly his love started getting Deeper for her. He wanted her desperately for him. Only for him !! "Xavier, p... please leave me.." Kiara stuttered. "Sleep peacefully baby doll." Xavier muttered and her eyes started getting close all of a sudden. Kiara Wilson is Reyansh Khurana's best friend and sister. She is bubbly type but what if she meets Xavier who is also called as Devil?? what if he fell for her at the first sight?? Will she be able to fall for him?? Or not?? For knowing do read the book... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT)

?Shining? · Urban
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62 Chs

You are beautiful

Reyansh prepared lunch for Myra and brought it to her room. As Reyansh entered the room, he saw Myra playing games on her mobile. 

"Myra, have your food first," Reyansh said sitting opposite to her. She made faces looking at the soup. 

"Stop making faces." He said and took a spoon full of soup and kept it near her mouth. She had the spoon full of soup but made weird faces. 

"What??" He asked, suppressing his smile. She was looking cute while behaving like that. She made a cute pout and said "This tastes bad." He chuckled and said, "who told you to fall??" 

"Okay okay, now don't make me remember that moment or I will not drink this yukk soup." She said making faces. He just tilted his head sighing. This girl will never stop behaving like a kid. 

He fed her the soup and went out to dump the plates in the sink. Then he came back and said while sitting opposite to her. 

"See, now we have to decide how we will be working. " Myra looked at him confused and asked "work??" He nodded. 

"But my leg." She said pointing to her swollen ankle. He sighed and said, "After your leg will be okay."

She nodded. He took a deep breath. " You will be taking care of dinner and lunch and cleaning the floor." 

She narrowed her eyes and said, " and your work." He smirked and said " breakfast and cleaning the dishes." She scrunched her nose and said, " I am not gonna do anything like that." 

Reyansh clenched his jaw and warned " No fighting." She sighed and said "Okay, let's forget about this for now. Sit beside me." He looked at her confused. But she patted the seat beside her. He sighed and sat beside her. 

"Thank you." She said with her cute dimpled smile and kept her head on his lap. His eyes went wide seeing her behaviour. 

"What the hell are you doing??" He asked with a shock written all over his face. 

"I have heard from mom that your hands have some magic so start massaging my scalp." He rolled his eyes and said "No way." 

"Please Reyansh, my head is bursting." She said with a puppy face. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Why do you want me to do this??" 

"Please Reyansh." She said pouting. 

"Okay okay fine." Saying this he started massaging her scalp. She felt like heaven when he did that. He smiled a little seeing her sleeping peacefully. 

"Sleepyhead." Saying this he made her sleep properly and was about to go but she held his hand tightly. He tilted his head sighing and slowly removed his hand from her clutch and came out. 

After two hours she woke up and decided to go out of the room. She tried standing but her ankle was hurting a lot. But after a lot of tries, she finally woke up and started walking while taking the support of the wall. 

"Reyansh." She called him. He was busy with some meetings. He looked at her and said " Ms Myra, can't you see that you are hurt. How can you wake up?? Go and rest." 

"Shut up. I want to go out." She said with a pout. He made a face that told you out of your mind. She shrugged her shoulders and said " I want to explore this place. Please Reyansh." 

He sighed and said, "You think you can walk." She smiled brightly and nodded. 

"See I can and you are there with me so you can help me." He rubbed his forehead and said, "Tomorrow not today." 

Saying this he closed his laptop and was about to go but she came in front. 

"Today, please." He denied it and was about to go again but this time Myra got angry and kept her right leg on his way which was okay. And as Reyansh was busy with his mobile, he didn't see and was about to fall but held her arm tightly and they both fell on the floor. 

"Aahhh …." Myra shouted. 

"You dumbo!!" He cursed her. Myra looked at his brown orbs and gulped. He was very handsome. When he looked at Myra, he too was lost in her eyes. They wanted to say something but no words were coming out of his mouth. 

"You are beautiful."  He said all of a sudden but when he registered what he said, his cheeks turned red. He immediately stood up and she too stood up. 

"I am beautiful??" She asked with a teasing smile. He looked here and there and said " there is some important call. I have to go." Saying this he went to his room. 

Here Myra was smiling hearing what he said. 

"I am beautiful." She spoke to herself and went to her room with a bright smile.