
Obsessed With Her

"What? Could you please be serious? I have no idea who this man is, I can't possibly get married to him". Kayla looked at the two men and realized they really meant business. "We're serious, miss Kayla", Mr Leon said calmly but authoritatively. "You both must be crazy, and I don't even know him! ", Kayla yelled at them. She felt so used. First, she had sex with the stranger without her knowledge. And now, she was being forced to marry him.

Daoist6uvIcy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Chapter Three

Bryan, the name of the man who Kayla spent the night with, hugged her waist tightly. They had walked to the garden at the back of the he hotel, and no one was around there. She sighed in relief and fell weakly at his feet. Bryan swiftly picked her up in his arms.

The events of the previous night came flashing through her mind again, and Kayla forced herself out of his arms. "Leave me alone! Let me go!". Those were the last words she said before she passed out.

No one had ever talked to Bryan the way she just did. He smiled lowly, then took her in his arms. 

"It won't be possible", he whispered in her ears.

When Kayla woke up, she felt her head spin and everywhere turn black. She looked around the room, it was the same hotel room, although the bedsheets had been changed.

Thinking about last night, she looked down at her body. Her dress had been changed to a long, blue plain dress.

"The maid changed your dress".

Kayla suddenly looked up when she heard a familiar voice. He sat on the sofa, his legs crossed, and his hands placed on his laps. Kayla thought he looked like god. 

His eyes were sharp and cold but beautiful, and he was staring at her. 

Kayla felt his eyes pierce through her, and she quickly looked away. Then she saw someone else in the room. It was an old man standing behind Bryan, Mr Leon. He was a generational housekeeper.

He looked at her and nodded slightly. 

"Miss Kayla", he called out in a low but firm tone.

Kayla felt scared. She had never seen the man before, but he seemed to know who she was. 

Her hands trembled slightly in the bedsheet. She clenched her fists and forced herself to calm down. "Who are you? What do you want from me?!", she asked.

"Is that how you thank people for saving you? ", Bryan spoke softly.

Kayla forgot about how annoyed she was and mustered courage to talk to him. "Excuse me? You raped me last night, and this morning you suddenly showed up in front of the paparazzi and try to kidnap me. How the hell could you have saved me?"

Bryan raised his eyebrows."I saved your career. Isn't that enough for you to say a thank you? Wasn't that what you wanted?"

Kayla was stunned."What do you mean?"

"None of the photos taken down there will go out to the public, and no bad reports will be written against you. Was I not helping you by doing that?" he asked.

Kayla stared at him in disbelief. She had never seen anyone as powerful as he was. "Are you serious?", Kayla said.

Bryan shut his eyes. Obviously, he hated to answer such questions. Kayla thought about how she lost her virginity last night, and she became more furious.

"You raped me just last night, now you say you want to make amends? Is that what you mean by saving me? "

Mr Leon looked quietly towards the young master's direction and saw that he was at a loss for words. He knew that the young master did not want to answer the question, then it was left for him to answer. 

"Well miss Kayla, according to our investigations, you were supposed to have spent the night at producer Jones' room. Instead, you were brought in here because there was a mistake ".

Kayla was shocked, and after a while, she asked,"Producer Jones?"

She knew this man very well. He had been asking her out for the past few months since she got to know him. He had harassed her on several occasions about going out with him. If she had been sent to his room, it may have been the end of her career in the entertainment circle. 

Kayla's eyes shifted to Bryan's direction, her gaze landing on his handsome face. At least he looked better than the fat and ugly producer, she thought to herself. 

"Yes, and my master was drugged as well. So he obeyed the mechanical instincts in him and did what was out of his control ", the old man answered.

He looked at Kayla's face and realized she was really scared. Then, he continued."My master is really sorry and regrets everything that happened last night. So, he has decided that you both get married, and you can pick up your marriage license and get wedded in the courthouse ".

"What? Could you please be serious? I have no idea who this man is, I can't possibly get married to him".

Kayla looked at the two men and realized they really meant business. 

"We're serious, miss Kayla", Mr Leon said calmly but authoritatively.

"You both must be crazy, and I don't even know him! ", Kayla yelled at them.

She felt so used. First, she had sex with the stranger without her knowledge. And now, she was being asked to marry him. 

They must be crazy! She didn't want to be with a stranger forever because of a one-night-stand.

"I am Bryan, the CEO of Williams Group of Companies", a cold voice interrupted.

Kayla wondered why he was introducing himself. Did he think that introducing himself would make her accept his proposal and then they'd live happily ever after, like in fairy tale books?

"You can't do this, okay? We are both adults, and we slept together. It was only a one-night-stand, and it was a mistake. We were both drugged. Let's just forget about it, can we?", Kayla said.

The man's face was without expression, and she could not figure out what he was thinking. 

Kayla got more pissed. She jumped off the bed and looked at her bag. She grabbed it, and as she made to leave, she felt weak and almost fell to the ground again. 

Bryan, who hadn't been watching her all along, rushed over to her and stretched out his hands. He clasped her shoulder and hugged her in his arms before she fell.

"Just let me go", Kayla shivered, anger clearly in her voice. 

Bryan looked down unwittingly and saw her big, round eyes staring at him. Her cheeks were red with anger, and her eyes darker than before. 

"Breakfast", he said to Mr Leon, his eyes still on Kayla. He glanced at Mr Leon, and he nodded immediately and respectfully said, "Yes sir".

Despite her struggles, Bryan picked her up and placed her carefully on the bed. He sat back on the sofa and looked at her. He could feel those strange emotions stir up in him, feelings he had never felt before.

"While you were sleeping, I got the doctor to come check your vitals, and he checked your sugar level. It appears you have hypoglycemia, which is why you're really weak. Breakfast is served, if you don't mind", he said to her.

"I won't eat anything from you! Just get me out of here!!", Kayla bit down on her lower lip.

Bryan smiled."Since you've refused to let me take charge, why don't we talk about a deal?", he asked her.

"What deal?", Kayla opened her big eyes wide.

"My family wants me to get married, which I don't like or want to. If you and I can act like we're married, afte

r six months, I'd set you free. I'll pay you a great deal".

Kayla frowned."Why me?"

Chapter 4