
what's it worth?

You recall back in your college years that a philosophy major would often come. Talk to you whenever you are alone. One of the things they said to you, which made no sense to you at the time was that people at their core are often clouded by the now, thus preventing them from seeing beyond themselves your call thinking what a weirdo but reflecting on this moment now you think maybe you sort of get what they're saying. Anyways, the remainder of the trip only lasted one day after your first day, of course like Tiffany said the guys from before agreed to show you two around things were going well. You got to see a lot of interesting sides of the land and you could have swore you saw a man carrying a basket of fruit and tugging around a yak, but you don't recall there being any mountains in the area, but that is beside the point. Another interesting thing that you saw was this guy who had t-shirts printed with movies on them. In your opinion, this is just further proof that culture doesn't really spread that far even across the world. There's always that one guy selling graphic t-shirts as you reminisce about this, thought you couldn't help. It notice that Tiffany was gone again as was the guy she was making out with from before yet again leaving you alone with the other guy. He seemed to be acting hospitable but as soon as the two of you reached the main street he started to notice that the other two were gone. At that point he did start to distance himself a bit. He became obvious to you that you weren't very subtle about rejecting him because now he's very much aware that you don't like him, which is a good thing. But also now he's also aware that you don't feel comfortable around him even in the social environment which makes hanging out with him. Awkward rather than putting on a brain face. And keeping you company for a bit. He was sincere enough to bow out and leave you to your own devices, not sleeping you alone in a big country where you don't speak the language. You have your smartphone with you, but it only has so much battery in it so you can't really rely on it to translate everything you need. And you don't recall if you charge the power pack in your backpack so you decide to wander around for a bit before heading back to your hotel. At some point you do start to notice someone is watching you from a distance. It keeps you out of bed. Makes you a bit on edge and the more you want girl the more it's very apparent that someone is definitely watching you having been a stalker yourself. You are already knows the tools of the trade. Always keep a close but far distance. View on your target. Never let them get into an obscure area where it's hard to follow and if they do give up before it's too late in your caught. Knowing this fact, you decide to make a beeline to the most populated area you can find and that area had a lot of people about the time you hit the area. You were basically sandwich ed between a guy toting around a bunch of heavy boxes on his back and the mother using rope to secure her children so that they wouldn't get abducted in the crowd. Who had a fascinating fact. Where's your thoughts on the matter at then going deeper in? Not only do you no longer feel the presence of someone watching you. You also no longer feel your wallet. It was clear of someone stole it. Good thing for you. There was only a few rupees in there the rest of your funds were hidden well in your backpack and your cards were hidden well in your hotel room. Having only one card on you and your passport which is on your person very very hidden. You decide to buy lunch and head back, returning with a sandwich filled with goat meat, blue cheese and a weird sauce on nan you decide to give Mackenzie a call letting her know that things went well and she didn't need to interfere, but at the same time explaining to her that Tiffany did in fact ditch you again, curious on her actions. She insists that you come down to California with her. Did you wish you originally agreed upon and work the bars at the beach? The company that they were going to interview for still needs another bartender and they haven't found anyone yet. If she hopped on a plane tonight, she should be in by tomorrow with just enough time to interview weighing your options you decide whether you stay or not. On one hand, you stick with Tiffany and end up in more bad situation that you don't like. On the other hand, you bail on Tiffany who seems to be fine on her own. Go to California a place where there's tons of bikinis and get to take a photo of Mackenzie and bikini serving drinks though. You also have to wear a bikini and serve drinks at the beach and of a bummer, but the idea of seeing other girls in bikinis really sells you on the idea. So you immediately start packing up all of your things and rush into the airport after leaving a note behind so that Tiffany doesn't worry You're heading back after that moment. You never hear from Tiffany again for a while, but you do have a photo of Mackenzie and several different bikinis now save it to the cloud in case she ever sees your phone and deletes them. What a great holiday! Thinking about it now in the present. You do realize how your actions might have been misconstrued and cause certain problems. You didn't take the time to carefully word your letter making it sound like you were fed up with Tiffany and wanted to space yourself from her. However, in actuality that no, it was only meant to let her know that you returned to America to be with Mackenzie and that she shouldn't worry about your second disappearance and that the only reason up till now that you thought she stopped hanging out with you was because she regretted some of her decision making during India. What in reality it was pretty clear. She probably thoughts you were telling her off but of course a good thing to note is why are you thinking about this as you stand over your overly drunken friend? Puking into a toilet padding on her back telling her this is going to be okay. And of course the next thing on your mind obviously is why did it come to this? Earlier today you would realize that after your little exercise routine and it almost been two full days since you left and you would only fed your piranhas once since you had left home contemplating the matter, you knew that there was only one person in your life. You could rely on to feed the fishes while you are out of town. You quickly call up your boss and beg him to stop by your place and feed your piranhas for you. Him having a pet himself understood the matter very well and quickly made his way to yours before going into work himself. What a reliable guy he is. He's quite cool now. Many would naturally ask family members to do a favor like this, but among the family members that you have, your dad currently has his driver's license revoked. Due to an accident caused by your mother, your mother would not care for your pet. In fact, she despises your piranha and the last time you asked her to feed them. Not only did you not she had planned to threaten to let them starve. If you didn't do what she said mother of the year everyone and your brother who would agree to do it, try to do it but then immediately raise your fridge for alcohol. Get drunk and forget to do it all together. And with you being gone for more than just a day, that's unreliable. After dealing with that matter, you're immediately turned to deal with Tiffany, who seems to have words for you as well wanting to air out her grievances. She offered to paper drinks and once you to attend the bar further out where she told you her side of the story for what happened in India, most of which was nothing you weren't surprised about after arriving in India, her plan was for the two of you to have as many things as humanly possible without getting involved in something unnecessary before returning after spring break. Of course, her attempts to help you hook up with someone had failed as for her usual, so she thought maybe her approach was too rough and required a more gentler approach. Thus ditching you during the touring while she did for a moment. Hook up with the guy leaving you alone with the other guy. She was surprised when she reconnected with the other guy to have found out that you had gone your separate ways wanting to quickly catch up with you and apologize to get this situation back. On course she returned to find The hotel room empty after which she figured you probably just hadn't returned again so she went looking for you around town several times after returning. Later on she did find that your things had been gone and a note had been left. Reading the note. She did take a moment to consider some of her actions over the years and how they might have affected you afterwards. She figured that it would be best to give you time before trying to make amends, but after almost a year should realize it was harder and harder to come up to you and apologize for what she had did and to make things even more difficult. Mackenzie wasn't exactly happy about things either. Keeping you as far away from Tiffany as possible whenever she could. Bridget also helping out with this task. Nicole not so much then when graduation came around she tried looking for you. But the thing was you were nowhere to be found which would make sense because at the time of graduation, even though you did receive your degree, you were currently in the process of moving out of your old place which apparently had mole issues and was at risk of the house collapsing into the ground. So you had to move to a new place over near the base side where you currently reside. Because of that, you had to explain to your professor in charge of your graduation so that he would mail out to you your certificate since it's too far to travel back to campus and receive it parents right? There was just never the opportunity to actually talk how about things explaining on your end? You went through the list of things that she did. That really weren't okay in your book from hacking your social media account to always dragging you along to Amy and every hookup/ mixer she could find to even that one time when she forced you to switch lab partners with that really sweaty dude who's always flirting with people for no reason and then finally having been very very very drunk. You said the one thing you haven't said to anyone else. You told her in the most honest way possible that part of the reason why this bothered you more than it would have bothered most people who is that you didn't even like guys which actually startled her and stopped her from drinking for a minute and the bartender stopped in his tracks mid surfing when he heard that in passing them proceeded to talk down the entire glass and request another one while the bartender was stuck in. Thought he then proceeded to get out of there before things went either way. Tiffany remained silent for quite some time after that. Looking at her face. You recognize the expression. All too well the dreaded recap of life's greatest mistakes. She must have been reminiscing about all the things she did wrong all because she didn't know then she started to realize another thing that she actually said to you. She asked in the most blunt way possible so is that why you're so attached to Mackenzie which caused you to spit out your drink true and the current day. You don't spend as much time with her due to you living on the other side of town from her and her work. Keeping her busy and your work not giving you enough funds to mess around. You just couldn't find opportunity to hang out and then with the asking you to move in with her which happened during your mole issues and you having feelings with her and having already broken into her apartment and putting a wire in there and the whole shebang just felt it wasn't right for you to move in with her just yet or ever. But during your time together in college, you weren't hatched at the hip with her for a good majority of the years. Whenever you weren't being dragged around by Tiffany, you were hanging out with McKenzie as if she owed you money or something around those lines. And when Tiffany stopped dragging you around, there was almost never a time where you weren't hanging out with her Knowing this and hearing what you just said could easily paint together and obvious picture. In short, you're basically an open book you think about telling her the truth in the moment but before you do she starts getting ready to puke panicking you immediately hoister over your shoulders and run to the restroom as fast as humanly possible one of those nice places that had at least two stalls not like your workplace where there's only one bathroom and it's a nightmare to clean, especially during happy hour. You're mine immediately starts drifting towards that time you served a guy who had diarrhea and Kevin said and you serve him. You clean it. Your thoughts on his words were what a prick not only does he have the nerve to use the fact that you have a liquor license and he does it to get you to clean up something he won't. He's also trying to make it seem like it's your fault at all. This happened. The man only had four drinks while reminiscing about the fact that you hate your co-worker you would unconsciously due to work habits started comforting. Tiffany puking seeing her in such a vulnerable state caused you to reminisce about what started all this for the two of you and leading you back to where you currently are now. She's more empty and capable of moving around. You decide to bring her back to the bar and order as much water as they'll allow. While doing such, you schedule a pickup for the two of you since neither of you are sober enough to drive and then tell the bartender. Which vehicle is yours so that they can keep an eye on it until you can come back in the morning and pick it up? Well waiting outside for a purple sedan, which in your opinion is a rare color to pick you up. You ask yourself in a curious way. Are we friends? Have we always been friends and I just never considered it? Or is she just saying this because she's desperate to have me back under her thumb?