

It finally happened. Your carelessness and recklessness has led to your inevitable circumstances as you stand in front of a mirror with a bag of makeup borrowed from your newly found roommate, you start to realize a rather unfortunate problem. You know not of how to use makeup. You think about searching how to do it on your phone but that'll take too much time and might cause greater concerns to your future friend who is accompanying you but the thing is the person who just so happens to be in the same restaurant as you is also an individual who has a restraining order against you, one of which if you are found to be near, her police officers will have you taken away and placed in a cell for breaking a legal contract. You think about it and consider the possibility of maybe informing the legal department of what's going on and see if they can possibly get her moved away before things get complicated. But then the possibility that getting it all sorted out and making sure that you didn't do this on purpose could result in you still getting carried away by police officers, even if you're going to be released later on in the afternoon less than destroying your plans and ruining your image with that future friend of yours, the only conclusions you can give right now are hiding yourself and getting out as soon as possible, but you already paid a decent amount of money on the food skipping out and not eating on. It would be a waste. Not only that, but you don't know how they might feel about you rushing their eating. It could lower your image in their eyes. Well thinking about this. You decide to go with the only things you know. Heads in the bathroom you come out with the best disguise. Your puny brain can come up with sunglasses tied up hair black lipstick as you sit down with your new look, you can tell your new friend thinks you're having a midlife crisis. You recognize that look anywhere, but clearly they're nice enough not to call you out on it nor ask what's happening. Instead, they pretend that everything is perfectly normal. There's the two of you try to enjoy your meal. You try to think of a way to get out of the restaurant before things go south. While thinking about it, you contemplate the possibility of her noticing you here. You're just guys is okay. Plus you knew each other back at Middle School and you haven't seen each other since. And you have gone through multiple growth spurts you wouldn't say that you're a Black swan via ugly duckling type situation, but you do look different from how you used to enough to where most people who knew you back then would have a hard time identifying you. Heck, your own mother commonly States every time when she sees you, she doesn't recognize you. Although you're not sure if she's just insulting you or if she just doesn't bother to remember what her own spawn looks like. Ignoring that Segway you decide to take a chance while eating the food and then the two of you decide to pick up a conversation about how your jobs are going. You, of course tell them about life as a bartender while occasionally accidentally letting slip your hatred for your co-worker. Kevin for which they can relate to having co-workers that they also don't like. What's your feel? Is a potential common ground that the both of you have as the two of you enjoy each other's company laughing and carrying on. You realize that your food is dwindling away. At some point you fail to notice they're not. The person you were trying to avoid is sitting at the table across from me. This bit of information doesn't come to your attention until accidentally knock over an item that was on your table. In an attempt to pick it up, you reach down and spot them sitting across from you and that very moment's your heart doesn't skip a beat. It skips a whole tempo. One could argue that your heart forgot the notes entirely and almost flatlined but of course your commitment to living brought it back on track. Realizing your set of circumstances, you try not to act so awkward hoping that she just doesn't notice your acting strange and you're just some rando that happened to be in the same areas or eating in the same places her without giving anything away while returning from the ground with the item of question to the table and try to act as normal as possible while figuring out how the heck did this happen? From your understanding, the restraining order had a perimeter patrol that would observe your location and her location simultaneously. Of course they got fed up with that because it was a waste of police manpower. So eventually they had you where a ankle monitor to keep track of you that way and they started to realize that she would have been behaving well. So in place of the ankle monitor, since you had officially acquired a phone, a program was placed on your phone. That GPS's is where you are at all times. And since a log to the victim where they can track your areas and choose to avoid them, the understanding being that as long as they know where you are they can't meet up with you and if perchance they do meet up with you. Legal action can't be taken against you if it's proven that you had no intentions of breaking the agreement. But of course when they start to enter your area, your phone supposed to give off a notice and there's a host to be a text message from the officer in charge of your case to let you know of what's going on and a Stern warning for you to keep away from her. None of these things had entered your phone. You are fairly certain of that.