
Oblivion: Rebirth of the Shadow Demon Lord

On the night of the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis, Slaine meets his demise at the hands of his envious boss. Reincarnated into a realm where Magic and Technology coexist, he finds himself embodying a Shadow Demon Lord, a being of unparalleled darkness and with a rogue System. However, his new existence is filled with unexpected challenges: confusion, friendship, love, hate, betrayal, and vengeance. In it all, Slaine must learn to live in a world where he is both loved and hated, with a substantial bounty on his head and tagged as an enemy. He must swiftly unlock his powers and abilities bestowed by the System, Oblivion, before his time runs out.

Khaos_SZ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Two Voices

Slaine lay facing the ceiling, barely awake, thinking about what Oblivion had revealed to him

For the past eighteen years of his life, he had never imagined dieing and then reincarnating as a demon in a different timeline.

If anything, the plans he had for himself after gaining a year of experience were to create games and sell websites for companies. He planned to find someone to spend the rest of his life with, that's if he ever got over the irritation he had for people, if not he was better off alone, staying indoors away from the scorching heat and sunlight like a Vampire.


[Yes? ]

"Do I have a holographic screen, like those games have?"

[Yes you do]

"What can I do with it?"

[The screen shows your Profile, stats and a map of the city or directions for certain places.]

"Can I touch or do something on it besides those?"

[You can, but for other activities that would require a screen, You will have to purchase a smart phone]

"Where can I get one?" Slaine asked, slowly falling asleep, his voice was low and calm, his eyes were heavy that he couldn't even fight to keep it open.

[The store five blocks away sells all sorts of gadgets you would like]

"Mmh, What?"

[Plasma blasts, Swords imbued with Energy from different Races, full gaming and computer set, headsets also with special features, smart phones of different types, These are the main ones someone with your personality would like]

Slaine chuckled softly and sighed "if I had such money..." He drifted off, leaving his sentence incomplete as he let darkness and his exhaustion take over.


It was Morning and unusually peaceful, no sounds of birds, cars or voices of people, just the soothing sounds of wind.

Slaine heard a faint voice while he was barely awake, he kept his eyes closed hoping to go back to sleep again, but the voice kept ringing in his head, gradually becoming loud. He frowned deeply, wishing the person would just vanish instantly.

However as the voice became unbearable, he turned to his other side, hoping who ever it was would leave but instead the person came closer and continued bothering.

His face twisted in annoyance, still keeping his eyes close, he uttered threats that were terrifying but also offending. Whoever it was, got furious and as a result a fierce blow landed on Slaine's face, causing a gasp to escape his lips and he sprang up.

"Damn what was that?" He massaged his throbbing forehead, "Someone couldn't have hit me right?.....It hurts so bad".

Slaine hissed painfully, turned his head and saw Xanax beside him, looking down at him with a deadly glare.

His brows curved in confusion wondering if Xanax must have hit him, but the real question was why?

"You didn't hit me, right?"

"I did," Xanax stated briefly, "clean up and come for breakfast" he left the room without sparing Slaine a glance.

He groaned rubbing his forehead gently, still confused of Xanax change of mood,then he dragged himself out of bed, threw on a t-shirt and strolled out of the room in a hurry.

He sauntered into the living room, his feets sweeping the tiles as he dragged his legs on the ground, his gaze swept the room, taking in the peaceful view of the dimly lit living room, the black plush couches and finely polished furnitures, but Xanax was no where to be seen. He made his way to the kitchen and decided to ask where Xanax had gone.

"He's on the roof, breakfast is already served" The cook replied, her voice distracted as she turned to finish cutting vegetables.

"Why on the roof?"

"I do not know sir" She bowed respectfully and scurried out of the kitchen like she was frightened or maybe forgot to do something.

"Weirdo" He uttered and walked out of the kitchen, he managed to locate the elevator since it was the only door different from others in the house. It whisked him to the last floor, beeped and open slowly, revealing an Exquisitely designed roof, it had a grey interior, furnitures professionally crafted with different designs and painted Black.

He spotted Xanax close to the edge of the building, reading a book twice the size of his head, Slaine squinted and saw that he was not holding the book but it was floating before him.

He walked over to where Xanax was and sat down in his usual lotus position, few feets away from the edge of the building. The cool air soothing his skin and ruffling his air as well,

"Good mor....."

"You have alot of explanation and apologizing to do young man" Xanax interrupted closing the book before him, he placed it gently on the floor and faced Slaine, his face void of any emotions but his expression stern.

"What exactly do you think you are, to have the audacity to threaten me boldly?"

Slaine's eyes widened in surprise, his mind racing as he thought of how would he possibly threaten someone as powerful as him, that could read minds and likely do more damage than Martinez did.

"I am so confused here"

"Let me make it clear to you, I came to wake you up for breakfast since you refused to answer the Servants. I tried multiple times and then you said...you would wipe out my entire generation and use my horns as cups, use my children especially the girls as Sex slaves, tell me have I made a mistake not handing you over to Hyperion....."

Slaine burst out into uncontrollable laughter, he was laughing so hard that he began choking and also infuriated Xanax. Angered by his mockery, he stood up, grabbed Slaine by the neck raising him to his height. Slaine's feets barely touched the floor considering Xanax's height and strength.

He strolled over to the edge of the building and brought Slaine before him, the wind ruffling their hairs but Xanax's managed to maintain its style.

The ground below Slaine was a thousand feets down, the vast expanse of grey hard concrete with steel underneath, if Xanax was to let him go, the impact that would occur between him and the floor could cause alot of unimaginable damage.

Just the thought of the danger he was in, made panic suddenly kick in, shocking Slaine, knowing that he was actually eager to live was surprising since he had always seen his life not as important as others say life is.

"Xanax relax"

"You are a brave Man indeed, but I doubt if you actually are the Shadow lord, I feel fear coursing through your veins; you are afraid of death."

"Believe me , I simply do not care if I die or not, I am afraid, not of death but of the things I have yet to accomplish and discover" Slaine stated, forgetting the danger he was in.

Xanax chuckled dryly and smirked, "Well then if you are actually the Shadow lord survive falling from a building this high"

"You didn't tell me you were this brutal"

"I have two sides Slaine, this is just one percent of the side you wouldn't want to anger" With that said, he slowly let go of Slaine and watched with delight as he plummeted towards ground with immense speed.

Slaine looked around him, millions of thoughts running through his mind as he descended to the ground with full speed.

All he could see was the hard, grey concrete below, getting closer and closer.

[Slaine, focus! activate your gravity anchor to slow down your fall.]

"No, don't listen to it, Slaine. Embrace your true power and let the darkness take control" a second voice whispered, it's tone sinister and familiar.

"Which one do I trust?" Slaine thought, his mind racing.

[It does not matter who you trust, just remember, you are about to hit the groud in fifty seconds]

"Trust yourself, Slaine. You have the power to defy gravity, Let it consume you," the voice tempted.

Slaine looked around , fear and uncertainty clouding his thoughts, he thought hard and then made his decision.
