
Oblivion: Rebirth of the Shadow Demon Lord

On the night of the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis, Slaine meets his demise at the hands of his envious boss. Reincarnated into a realm where Magic and Technology coexist, he finds himself embodying a Shadow Demon Lord, a being of unparalleled darkness and with a rogue System. However, his new existence is filled with unexpected challenges: confusion, friendship, love, hate, betrayal, and vengeance. In it all, Slaine must learn to live in a world where he is both loved and hated, with a substantial bounty on his head and tagged as an enemy. He must swiftly unlock his powers and abilities bestowed by the System, Oblivion, before his time runs out.

Khaos_SZ · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Hybrid Faes

Arya's body trembled terribly as Slaine leaned in, he wasn't going for her lips but for her throat and with the way his fangs gleamed under the light, her fears doubled-maybe tripled.

"Slaine!" Xanax called outside the room, his voice painfully loud as it penetrated his ears, he moved away from Arya, opened the door and frowned staring at Xanax who held a bag-probably a shopping bag. "I see you are busy with my daughter," A knowing smile appeared on his face, causing a frown to appear on Slaine's face.

"Believe me, If I wanted to be busy, your daughter would be the last person I'd think about," He paused and roughly grabbed Arya by her arm, he pushed her out of his room and smiled mockingly at Xanax before slamming the door shut.

"So annoying," He uttered and sauntered to the bathroom to wash off.


Ravena sat quietly in the living room meditating, her legs crossed as fingers intertwined, the warmth of the white rug below her calming her nerves even more. Soon she heard Footsteps, fast paced but quiet, she could feel another person's energy-Dark energy giving her an idea of who it was already.

She peeked through one of her eyes and saw Slaine seated before her.

His hair dripping water slowly and some strands sticking to his forehead, she smiled and changed her form, leaning back to the Sofa behind her, her eyes darkened when she had felt something odd about him.

"What's the matter?"

"I feel sick, Sick and tired of Arya and her constant Games," He complained like a little kid and she couldn't help but smile.

"Get used to it, you will be seeing alot of her from the moment you start you missions."

Slaine glanced at her, his eyes scanning her body from head to toe, he couldn't help but get amused at her-Was it a glow up or Improvement, he just couldn't place it, all in all she looked good, he hated to admit. But that was all he felt, disappointed he didn't feel anything else.

"You where meditating,right?" He decided to ask, shaking off his initial thoughts to avoid getting distracted, she nodded and stretched out, a low groan escaping her lips. "What's the point?"

Ravena glanced at him and slowly sat up, she sat up straight still in a lotus position, strands of her hair brushing the ground. "To focus, Plan my next move, remember those I have forgotten and get my mind off things that would stress me" She explained briefly, sounding like Arya now.

'Miss Know all' he thought hoping he would be annoyed but nothing came as well, it was like he felt nothing at the same time felt something for Ravena but couldn't put a finger on it.

"Is it compulsory?"

"Yes it is, especially for someone of your level, Furore was far more collected and calmer than you are and it helped him alot in so many ways, Pressure isn't always the answer, trust me."

He nodded in understanding and sat in the same position, His eyes slowly shutting. He could hear sounds of birds from trees below, The cool wind brushing his skin, that came in from the Windows and air ways in the ceiling. He felt at peace, his worries and thoughts about how to level up and take down Hyperion vanished temporarily.

It was now replaced with an Empty vast expanse of darkness, the sound of wind and water, he was in a void, his safe place. If he could recall well, the last time he was ever that peace was during his Eighteenth birthday, when he got to celebrate alone and with his Father's Presence.

Amidst the meditation session, Xanax and Arya trooped out of the Kitchen, he had a wine glass in his hand, while Arya had a frown on her face and fiddling with her fingers nervously. They settled beside the duo, Arya keeping a safe distance from Slaine.

"I just found out there is more to that mountain that meets the eye," Xanax revealed, he crossed his arms, waiting for Ravena and Slaine come out of their thoughts. "Fourth grade beasts and Hybrid Faes like myself live around the mountain and even in the fountains as well as within it"

"Okay, Explain to me, what exactly are hybrid Faes?" Slaine inquired, annoyed once again about the amount of information he was always had to digest.

"They are just like you, Two different species coming together as one to birth a child, a hybrid," Xanax stated and continued, "however the ones who live around the mountain are beasts types and are third grade Beasts, Someone like Slaine couldn't even beat an army if he tried " He glared at Slaine, after reading his thoughts clearly.

"To easily kill one, You must be swift and quick enough to dodge their attacks, they have venoms in their teeths, Strong enough to immobilize anyone," He added and opened up a scroll. Slaine eyes gleamed with curiosity as the contents came to view, there were hideous looking beasts drawn on it including ones that looks like a humans, but with five eyes and four arms other had wings as well but with the same number of eyes.

"Ugly," Slaine mumbled earning a giggle from Ravena, He touched the Paper and Immediately withdrew his hand like he was electrocuted, Unclear images appeared in his head causing him to shut his eyes in pain. When the others asked what happened he asked them to continue and Xanax to speak that he was okay.

"Well, These Hybrids are difficult to kill as they have Five thick layers of which one is metal, sand, Flesh bone and liquid, for that you need weapons," With a flicker of his fingers the wall behind them vanished and was replaced with a wall of weapons; Guns, Swords, daggers Scythes anything for enough to be a weapon...One particularly caught Slaine's eye.

A Black Baseball bat and it was calling him, When Xanax noticed what he chose a smile appeared on his face. "That's a Bone Crusher, Built with metal but imbued with Energy from the past Shadow lord and his companions, nice choice,"

"Girls," Xanax faced them and once again he smiled, Arya held a sword with a Pink shinny glow, it's blade Silver and enchanting like her eyes were, she put it back in its sheath and smiled.

While Ravena, had two guns in one hand and a sniper gun in the other, They had massive fire power strong enough to penetrate at least three layers of skins of the hybrids.

"This is really cool, been a long time I used one if these "

"True they are good weapons but you need one more ," He picked out a sheath locked in a glass case and drew the sword out of it, the black blade glowing Proudly and drawing Slaine's soul and body to it, He wanted to use that sword to cut open fleshes, be it human or Immortals he cared less. He just wanted it for himself and he would have it, even if it costs him his...

"Slaine it's yours," Xanax interrupted his thoughts with a soft smile then continued, "Furore always used it for his mass killing but he didn't quite make it to the end," He chuckled softly, mumbling something inaudible to himself, something Ravena noticed and frowned at. As he handed the blade over to Slaine, something flickered in his eyes that Ravena once again noticed, panic immediately replaced her excitement.

She grabbed Slaine's hands, took the blade from Xanax and hurried to the elevator with Slaine who seemed a little Dazed at first, as the door closed, Xanax and Arya not in sight anymore, she turned to him looking worried, "You didn't notice that?"


"His eyes," She looked disturbed very disturbed, She remembered the look in his eyes, it was so familiar that it would be difficult to miss,.The dark glow that seemed to appear and vanish, like Slaine's but Xanax's was different.

"Relax Ravena I saw it too but he means no harm, Trust me" He assured her, he placed his hands on her head and ruffled her hair much to her displease but she only growled while he laughed at her pouted lips.

Sorry for Slow and Lack of updates. I appreciate the Engagement. I will improve as time goes one. if it doesn't seem Right to you guys.

Support the book as well, comments, reviews and Power stones are welcomed ^^

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