On January 10, I went on a trip to Klausenburg - to an event (I gave the details in a previous post). Coincidence meant that Rita and Luca had a shoot in the exact same location, on the same day.
Then I returned to the Great City for the second time, I had been once before in November, before Blackie died. And then, on Rita's birthday.
About a week before, on Epiphany, I had decided to write - I had a short story in mind, but one that would forcefully reproduce all the mental processes I had just gone through. The spiritual night, how esotericism deceives us. Actually the result of our choices in life and the reaction of people to our choices, of the malice with which some react in their stupidity and limitation, in this case those who have no place in this world and want to eliminate those who don't s like them - regardless of which side of the barricade they are on.
Only one detail from that time is important: I saw at the meeting a boy who was a stranger to our group, who was standing at a distance, he seemed to be spying on something.