

A college boy had a completely ordinary life, just like any other, but one event would turn his life upside down in a sleight of hand. Everything changed after Souta was accused of murdering a famous model, without knowing what to do he will try to prove his innocence to avoid being unfairly convicted.

RexxDrink · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 13

Saturday 08/08 14:20.Akemi and I are heading towards the press that released to the state about Maki.

-Will Ryu be okay? (Akemi)

-I don't know. Knowing him... I'm worried about the girl. (Souta)

-Hahahaha you really get along very well. (Akemi)

-Huh?? Got crazy. Oops! I'm sorry I ended up being rude. (Souta)

-Hahahahaha don't worry, I don't really care about that kind of language, just don't do it within the company. (Akemi)

-Do you need to maintain the image of a tyrant? (Souta)

-EXACTLY! (Akemi)

-Uhhhhmmmmmm. (Souta)

Ryu... what are you doing now.

In the center of town, Ryu, Maki and their butler stroll through the mall. Ryu was in charge of carrying the groceries and Maki took advantage of this to mistreat him, making him carry a superhuman load.

-Miss, are you sure about that? (Butler)

-Hmmmm. Of course I do, he wanted to follow me so he'll have to prove himself efficient, so I'm making him suffer to see how far he can go. (Maki)

-But no matter how you look at it... he looks like he's enjoying it. (Butler)

Ryusaki despite being forced to carry an absurd weight, was enjoying being mistreated by Maki and his face betrayed it.

-Uuhhhhhh, disgusting! (Maki)

-Miss Maki! How long have I not seen you? How are you doing? (?)

-Huh, everything was going well, until I found you. (Maki)

-Who's the fat one? (Ryusaki)

-He is the director of the company that hires you. His name is Yamato, besides her he has the contract of several other famous members of this branch spread all over Japan. (butler)

-Hmmmm. So it's an old pervet... (Ryusaki)

The butler comes out of his rigid posture to cover Ryusaki's mouth and prevent him from continuing to speak.

-Hmmmmm? (Yamato)

-You really don't have any scruples, do you? (Butler)

-So, what are you wanting? (Maki)

-Like this? (Yamato)

-Don't be a fool, what do you want with me? (Maki)

-Hohohohohoho, don't worry, I didn't come for any specific reason, I was just passing by when I found her, so I decided to say hello to my favorite star. (Yamato)

-... (Maki)

-Good, but you know how business is, I have to go now. Hope we can run into each other more often. (Yamato)

-And I hope that doesn't happen again! (Maki)

-Hohohohohohoho! (Yamato)

At the station's location, where Souta and Akemi were driving.

-Miss Akemi, what grants us your illustrious presence? (journalist)

-Please skip the formalities, where is he? (Akemi)

-He? Akemi, who have we come to see? (Souta)

-Well well well. If it's not Akemi's brat. What have you come to my fortress? (?)

In the direction of Souta and Akemi, a person was approaching, however the closer he got, the closer he got, the clearer his tiny height became.

-A child? (Souta)-YOUR CHILD C*!! (?)

The short one got annoyed and punched Souta's lower region.

-Hey Yosuke, I see that no hair grew on his chest even after many years. (Akemi)

-Huh. And I see that the only thing that has grown on you is your breasts, as your intellect remains as tiny as ever. (Yosuke)

-Wait... ahhhhhhh that hurts... you two already know each other? (Souta)

-Yes, Yosuke and I studied together at the same school. Although your child's face and your clothes are very similar to a child of yesteryear, we are the same age. (Akemi)


-Wait! So are you the same age? (Souta)

-Actually I'm a few months older! (Yosuke)

-Why are you proud of it? You should be ashamed to admit it and still look like you're my son. (Akemi)

-Hmm! Look the mouth. Can't you see who you're talking to? I am the top director of all information networks in Asia. Besides, unlike you who used your father's money, I made it this far alone. (Yosuke)

-So you are so important! This is really amazing! (Souta)

-This this. Flatter me dearest mortal. Although Akemi denies my abilities, when she is pressed against the wall she always comes to me asking for directions with her tail between her legs. (Yosuke)

-And who gives you case results to publish in the newspaper before any other press? (Akemi)

-Huhh. This is just a result of my help. It's a mutual agreement, it's just that. But enough of the bullshit, so what's back here? (Yosuke)

-We want to know who gave you the information about Maki-chan's case, plus everything you know about it. (Akemi)

-Ahhhhhh, imagine that would be it. Unfortunately I won't have any useful information to brag about. (Yosuke)

-Like this? (Akemi)

-I received the system data about possible corruption by a neutral file, it had no shipping address, because it just appeared one day on my computer's desktop. Whoever he was, he did an excellent job of hiding his identity. (Yosuke)

-So he did all this work to stay out of the case? This is really suspicious. (Souta)

-Yes, there are two possibilities. The first is that he can't send his ID for fear that Maki-chan's manager, Mr Yamato, will send people after him. And the second is that this person is involved. (Akemi)

-This person couldn't be this Yamato guy? (Souta)

-Ahnnnn? That doesn't make any sense, why would the person who earns the most from Maki wanted to frame her and dirty the name of their own company? (Yosuke)

-Well, but to have access to information as personal as the company's money system... (Souta)

-Yes, only a person with high authority could access such information and Mr Yamato is not someone who trusts others very much. (Akemi)

-Tsk, it really sucks to work with people with tiny gray matter. Think about what I said, the person who sent me the file managed to put it on my computer without leaving any trace, it just came and went easily for all my security, even Yamato would have problems with this hacker. (Yosuke)

Four hours have passed since the start of the investigation. Souta and Akemi returned to Akemi's principal's office without any information. When they entered it, they saw Ryusaki sleeping sitting on Akemi's chair and with his feet on the table.-He looks pretty relaxed. (Akemi)

-I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll get him out of there in a moment. (Akemi)

-Aaa please don't bother. I'm sure Ryu had a rough day so it's better to let him rest. (Akemi)

-You were late. (Ryusaki)

-Were you awake?! (Souta)

-No, I just woke up because of the screaming. (Ryusaki)

-Forgive us, it was not our intention to disturb your sleep. (Akemi)


-So, how was your investigation? (Ryusaki)

-Not good, we spent most of the time without getting anything. (Souta)

-But we managed to get some valuable information from an acquaintance of mine. He is the owner of the press that broadcast that information, he says the files just showed up on his computer the other day. (Akemi)

-We suspect that the person who disclosed it is a well-trained hacker, he hasn't left any trace. (Souta)

-What was the computer room like? (Ryusaki)

-If it was already difficult for a person to make contact online with his computer, personally it would be practically impossible. It has one of the best locks in the world, I just try the fingerprint and the key to get inside it. (Akemi)

-I see, it makes sense, having highly important files, I see that your friend is no idiot guy. (Ryusaki)

-Not! This person is the dumbest I've ever seen in my life. (Akemi)

-Hmmm? (Ryusaki)

-Heeeee leaving that aside. Did you get anything useful from Ryu? (Souta)

-Yes. (Ryusaki)

-What did you find out!? (Souta)

-Firstly Maki likes sweet things, but not too many sweet things to the point of being cloying. According to her, she likes scenes a little more... (Ryusaki)


-Ahhhh, then no. I was fired early by her. Looks like she got pretty mad after meeting her boss Yamato in the middle of shopping, she ended up canceling all the events scheduled for the day and told me to come back tomorrow. (Ryusaki)

-Yamato? We also heard about him. It means that Maki-chan doesn't have a good relationship with him, even though she makes a lot of money for him. (Akemi)

-One more thing. Hmmmmm? Is it that late already? Well, I think it's better to close for the day. (Ryusaki)


-Let's go Souta! (Ryusaki)

-Wait Ryu and the information? (Akemi)

-Don't worry tomorrow I'll talk. (Ryusaki)

-You might as well speak her now. (Souta)

-What's the difference? (Ryusaki)

-Exactly, what's the difference? So count soon instead of waiting until tomorrow. (Souta)