
When there is an untrue rumor about you going around

He will immediately hold a meeting, having a strong feeling one of his brothers, aka Mammon, started this. And he was right. Mammon claimed it's just some innocent fun, but that didn't stop Lucifer from giving him a punishment.

He will find the person who started this and pin them against a wall, telling them to undo this mess they made or he will not hesitate to throw them out the window on the top floor. When the person declined, he punched them in the face. Then it spread around that anyone says that untrue rumor gets punched so nobody really tells it anymore.

He knows he can't do anything to stop a rumor, so he will tell you not to focus on it and just distract yourself with other things to forget this childish rumor.

He will assure you not to focus on it and that it will pass since it's just a silly rumor. When you frown and say you don't like that people are saying untrue things about him, he will promise to tell everyone he knows if they hear the rumor not to believe it because it's a lie.

He will huff, saying they're just stupid and dumb before dragging you to his room so he can give you a massage and do your hair to help you relax and forget about this untrue rumor.

He will give you food, saying food always helps him cheer up. While you ate, he left and told everyone he knew the rumor is untrue. When he returned, he had brought your favorite snacks, telling you what he did and that you should do the same to everyone you know so you can try and stop the rumor from spreading even more.

He will roll his eyes, saying people can really be childish sometimes. If it's a rumor that is upsetting you, he will comfort you before storming away to go deal with these idiots that started this rumor. Afterwards, the rumor stopped. You don't know what he did and he refuses to tell you, claiming you don't have to worry about such silly things.