
Valentine's Imagine!

"C'mon....c'mon..." I spoke to myself as I made sure my hands were steady. Once I had finished it, I sighed a huge sigh of relief. It had taken me about four tries in order to get it right. Today was Valentine's day, and I wanted to do something special for Lucifer. So I made him his usual cup of coffee, but I had made a little heart out of some steamed milk on top.

So I carefully lifted up the cup, and made my way down the hallway to Lucifer's room. Luckily, I didn't trip or stumble, so the pattern didn't move or mess up at all. I softly knocked on the thick wooden door, and a "Come in" came from inside. I smiled as I opened the door. Lucifer, as always, was sitting at his desk. Most likely working on some kind of paperwork. He glanced up, and he smiled when he saw me.

"It's unusual to see you here in the morning. Did you need something?" I shook my head as I set down the cup of coffee in front of him. "I made you some coffee. But take the lid off before drinking it." He raised an eyebrow, but did as I told him to. When he saw the art, he suddenly stood up from his desk, and walked over to me. "L-Luc-" He leaned down, and placed a kiss on my lips. When he finally moved away, he smirked as he went to his desk, and pulled out a small box.

"Since it's Valentine's day, I decided to get you something. It seems you were one step ahead of me." I opened the box, and inside were little chocolates. "Thank you, Lucy." I picked one up, and ate it. I smiled in delight. "I'm glad you like them. However, I have one more surprise for you." He took the box from me, and set it down. Lucifer grabbed my wrist, and led me to his bed. I felt my face heat up.

"I can't believe I'm doin' this..." Mammon looked down at the box he had bought yesterday. He knew that humans celebrated Valentine's day, so he had decided to get Y/N a box. He was a little embarrassed about giving something to her even though they were dating. He opened her bedroom. He was about to go on a tangent on how Y/N "should be grateful that The Great Mammon got her something," but he noticed that she was still asleep.

"Are ya kidding me?" Me mumbled as he set the box of chocolates on her nightstand. He glanced around the room, and noticed a little tray on the table in the back of the room. Curious, he walked over to it. There were a few heart-shaped cookies sitting there, and a note to go along with it. Mammon picked it up and read it.

Mammon blushed as he looked at the little heart that was drawn on the note. He took one of the cookies and silently ate it, trying to ignore the blush that was getting worse by the second. He was so distracted that he didn't notice a sleepy pair of eyes looking at him. Y/N had woken up, and noticed that Mammon was standing by the table. A small smile crept onto her face as she slowly got out of bed. She tiptoed over to him, and wrapped her arms around him. "Y-Y/N?! When did you get up?" Mammon nearly dropped the half eaten cookie in his hands.

"Just now..." She yawned. Mammon wouldn't admit it, but he thought her yawn was cute. "W-Well...I got ya some chocolates." Y/N looked back at her bed, and saw the small box. She hugged him a little bit tighter. "Thank you..." He turned around, and awkwardly wrapped his arms around her. "It was nothin'..." The two of them stood in silence for a few minutes. "So, what now?" Y/N broke the silence. "I dunno. We could always hang out or something." Mammon spoke. The two of them spent the rest of the day eating the gifts they got each other, and just chilling together.

"Levi, open the door~" I knocked on his bedroom door with my hand. Today I had a plan, and I was hoping that it would work. "Fine..." A moment later, Levi opened the door. He quickly pulled me inside before closing the door behind us. Levi sat down on the ground, and started playing some game.

You see, Levi doesn't really show me too much affection. He only rarely ever gives me hugs, and he hasn't kissed me before either. But I planned to change that today. I glanced at my hand, which was holding a box of Pocky. "Hey, Levi. Do you know what day it is?" "Sunday." He said absentmindedly as he continued playing his game. I frowned. "It's February 14th." Levi glanced at me, clearly confused. But once again, he faced the TV.

I opened the box of Pocky, and held it out to Levi. He subconsciously leaned forward and took it. I quickly moved in front of Levi. "W-What are you-?!" I placed the other end in my mouth, and Levi's eyes widened in acknowledgement. I could tell he knew what was going to happen. I bit down on my side, but Levi stayed frozen. So I continued to get closer to his face. Then our lips finally met. We broke apart, and I smiled.

"Happy Valentine's day, Levi~"

"Aah-!" I nearly tripped, but I felt arms pull me up. "Are you alright?" I heard Satan's voice ask. "Y-Yeah I'm fine. But where are we going? It feels like we've been walking for ages, and I wanna take off this blindfold." Satan had come to me this morning, and asked if we could go somewhere. But what I didn't know is that I was going to be blindfolded. "We're almost there. Here." Satan wrapped an arm around my waist, and I let out a little squeal. He chuckled.

After a few more minutes of walking, we stopped. "Okay. We're here." I felt Satan move the blindfold off of my face. I gasped. There was a picnic blanket laid out in the middle of the forest. There was also a picnic basket, and a bottle of what seemed to be Demonus. "Satan..." I hugged him tightly, and he stroked my head. "Happy Valentine's day. I wanted to do something special for you, and this is what came to mind. I'm glad you're happy." We walked to the blanket, and sat down next to each other. "Don't drink too much Demonus. I don't know if I can get you home." "Oh right. Humans aren't effected by Demonus. Alright. I'll be sure to handle myself."

I opened the basket, and set out the food that was packed inside. We began eating, and just talking about random things. "You know, I'm glad I met you." "Me too." I leaned my head against his arm. "If someone told me a year ago that I would fall in love with a demon, I'd call them crazy." Satan laughed. "I guess that just shows that life has crazy plans for people." "Okay Mr. Philosophical, we get it." I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Wake up~! It's Valentine's day~" I heard a voice call. I slowly opened my eyes, and I immediately felt arms wrap around me. I glanced to the side and saw my boyfriend smiling at me. "I'm up..." I yawned as I snuggled into his side. "Are you sure~?" "Mhm..." Asmo reached his arm down, and started tickling my sides. I started laughing, and attempted to escape his grasp. "I-I'm up! Pfffft-! Hahaha!" Asmo let go of me, and I gasped for air. I turned away from Asmo.

"Aww is someone mad~?" He teased. I stayed silent, and waited for the right time. "Don't be mad at me babe..." I felt him get closer, and I smirked. "Revenge!" I quickly turned around, and started ticking him. He started laughing. I didn't notice how close we were to the edge of the bed, and we suddenly tumbled off of it. I let out a little yelp as my back collided with the floor. Asmo was hovering over me with a worried look on his face. "Are you alright?"

Before I could answer, the door opened. Lucifer was standing there with an unreadable expression on his face. "L-Lucifer! I-It's not-" "It doesn't matter. You two are in a relationship, so I have no right to tell you what you can and cannot do. However, I would suggest locking the door if you are going to do...that." He closed the door, leaving us in silence. "Well, now that we're down here..." "Nope. Not now." I deadpanned. He pouted. "Fine. How about we go on a shopping date then? We can get something to eat afterwards." "...only if we go to The Headless Café." "Deal. Let's go." He helped me up, and lead me out of the room.