
Missing (Lucifer x reader)


I was in my room, reading a book from the manor's library, when I accidentally spilled my drink on the cover of the book. It was too late to save the book, so the next best thing was to go out and find the same book.

I glanced at the title of the book on the spine, and nodded to myself, memorizing the title of the book. I silently left my room, and made my way down to the foyer. I didn't hear anything, so I quickly left the manor and headed into town.

I carefully looked at each of the signs for the different shops. There were shops that sold potions, cafes, charms, and other things. But I wasn't seeing any book stores. I suddenly felt tense, realizing that I was a defenseless human surrounded by all of the demons walking around me.

Even after thinking that, I felt incredibly paranoid. Every single person that walked by me could harm me at any moment, so I was focusing more on the demons walking around than my surroundings.

Before long, I glanced up to see where I was. My blood ran cold as I looked around. It didn't look anything like the town I had just seen moments ago. It seemed...more run-down and scary. There were only a few people walking by, and they were giving me scary looks.

I turned around, and looked behind me. The only thing I could see were run-down buildings and no streetlights. The only sources of light were the faint glow of the lights from inside some of the shops, which made it look like the buildings themselves had eyes, eerily staring back at me.

3rd POV

"Y/N? Are you free at the moment?" Lucifer knocked on the door. He couldn't hear anything within the room, which slightly concerned him. He had texted her a couple of times to come sit with him in his office.

Not because he had any work for her, or that he wanted to talk about anything serious. He just wanted to spend time with Y/N alone without his meddlesome brothers getting in the way for once. But he had sent those texts about an hour ago.

Lucifer sighed, and opened the door. To his surprise, the room was empty. He glanced around, and noticed her phone sitting on her bed by itself. He also noticed a book on the back table.

There was a large stain on the cover, and a glass that had a little bit of F/C on the bottom of it. Lucifer easily figured what had happened, and the most logical reason Y/N wasn't in her room. He took out his phone, and texted his brothers.

Everyone split up into their groups, and began checking the areas they were assigned to. Belphie and Beel didn't have much luck in checking the manor, so Beel got distracted in the kitchen while Belphie fell asleep.

Satan basically had to drag Mammon to all of the bookstores in the more populated part of town. Mammon kept getting distracted by all of the stores, and all of the shiny things in the display cases. When Satan asked the shopkeepers if they had seen Y/N, they all said they hadn't seen her.

Levi, Asmo, and Lucifer went to the more hidden areas around town. However, there weren't too many bookstores around, so they went through all of them fairly quickly. Lucifer was started to get more worried, but he wouldn't dare show it on his face.

Then it struck him. There was one area he had forgotten about until now. He turned a corner, and opened a portal on the wall next to him.


I had been walking around for a while, looking around for any familiar landmarks that could lead me back to the House of Lamentation. But my efforts seemed to be fruitless. It felt like I was walking in circles, and I was losing hope.

My body was shaking from exhaustion and anxiety. So I decided to go hide behind one of the buildings and try to calm myself down. Luckily, no one had followed me. I sank to the ground, and pressed a hand to my chest.

My heart was racing, and it was getting harder and harder to breathe through my nose. My body didn't quit shaking either, which was only making the experience even worse. Multiple thoughts started swarming around in my head, but it was hard to keep track of them all.

Just then, I heard the sound of loose gravel crunching beneath someone's feet. I curled up into a smaller ball to keep myself hidden from whoever was getting closer to me. The seemingly endless thoughts stopped, and my mind went blank.

The footsteps got louder and louder, and so did my heartbeat. When they turned the corner, I winced and covered my face. A few seconds went by, and nothing was happening. So I slowly looked up, and saw Lucifer looking down at me.

"Luci...fer." I felt incredibly relieved to see a familiar face. Though I knew he was probably really mad at me, it didn't really matter to me. All that mattered was that I had a way to get back.

"Let's get you back." He held out a gloved hand, and I raised my hand to take it. However, when I tried to stand up, I immediately stumbled into Lucifer's chest.

"Sorry..." He wrapped his arm around my waist, and opened a portal on the wall behind me. We walked inside, and I noticed that we were in his room. He helped me over to the bed, and he took out his phone.

"Do you understand how much trouble you caused? You should've just told me that you spilled something on that book. One of us could've escorted you to a bookstore." Lucifer spoke in a serious tone. I wasn't too surprised that he figured out what had happened.

"Sorry..." I spoke softly. I was pretty tired after stressing so much, so the only thing I could really do was keep apologizing. He sighed, and got on the bed next to me.

"I will let it slide this time, but next time you better tell me. If not, there might be a punishment waiting for you." He wrapped his arm around my waist again, and pulled me close. The warmth of his body was incredibly comforting. So I snuggled against him.

"I-I was scared."

"You know, where you ended up is called "Wanderer's pass." When someone gets lost down here, they usually end up there. The only way out is if someone shows you the way." Lucifer explained.

"Or if you have portals." I chuckled softly. Lucifer smiled at me. He leaned forward, and kissed me lightly on the lips. My cheeks turned red, and I hid my face in his chest.

"I'm glad I was the one who found you. I was going to ask you to spend time in my room anyway, but laying here with you is better than doing paperwork." I felt him kiss the top of my head, making me blush even more.