
Obey And Serve

On his way home for work, Jack was stabbed on the street and robbed for what he had on him. Despite the fact that there where a few people around no one tried to help. Jack was left to bleed out under the gazes of everyone around him. His death was one of pain and anger. A cold grasp took over him and blackness struck. When Jack awoke he was in a forest. “Kaz! Krazis! are you okay?!” A burly man screamed. Follow Kaz on his journey in a distant and magical world. His road isn’t an easy one but Kaz do anything for power.

NecroManFan · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Deep Thought

Soon after meeting the patriarch I was shown to my room.

It was small and tidy. A bed, desk, chair, and wardrobe is what I had. I was also given a ring. Sir Darius told me it was a special ring for storage with the Blackrain imprint. On the ring, a man with large black clouds could be seen.

'It's likely this man on my ring is the founder of this family. For one to wield such power he can bend nature to his will… I will surpass him and bend death to my will!' I was special. I knew this based on my elements.

For one, someone with so many elements is practically unheard of. On top of this a Death Element is the rarest of Elements. Only rivalled by Holy Magic. I also had shadow, mind and frost!

'So many possibilities!' My thoughts were happy. That is, until I thought of what got me here.

A frown was etched onto my face.

'Was my relationship so poor they would just give me up like that?' I was thinking of my parents of course. They just let me be taken!

'No, it's the consequences… what could my parents do against the world?' My thoughts were scrambled all over the place. Anger to understanding, and back to anger. I was confused and hurt.

'But isn't that what parents are for!? Sacrificing for their children!?' A anger unlike any else I have ever felt before started climbing up my spine.

'They betrayed me dammit! They betrayed their own son!' I knew what I was saying was wrong. I wasn't their son. Their real son died in that attack. But I grew close to my parents in the two years we spent together. I'm sure they felt some disconnection with the drastic changes. I became colder and more like a scholar, spending all my time in the study.

My hand gripped itself hard, my nails slightly dug into my skin. Blood trickled out.

'I'm truly too weak. Needing

Mommy and daddy's protection. If I was strong enough I could have just saved myself! Now I'm stuck as a slave…' at the thought of my predicament with the Blackrains I became sad.

'I can only hope they treat me fairly.'

Not long after this thought, I heard an aggressive knock on my door.


'I swear I will become so powerful that I never have to leave my fate to others!'

"I'm coming in." I heard Sir Darius' voice from the other side of the door.

I sat up and awaited his entrance.

As soon as Darius came into my room he glanced towards my hand. His face remained cold.

He ignored it and looked towards me. "I have some things my father has told me to tell you." I nodded my head and he continued.

"Humans are fragile and weak while vampires are superior. Don't challenge a vampire thinking your powerful. As a human, your body can't handle a fight with a Vampire." His face couldn't hide a tinge of pride.

'I hope I can get a history lesson on why the hell every Vampire hates me.' Darius isn't the only one. All the guards, although respectful in words, clearly see themselves as superior.

Even Shamus, who has been the most kind, speaks down to me.

'It's power… it's always power. First the other humans and now these vampires. They act so overbearing because of my glaring weaknesses. This is what the academy is for I guess. Lord Blackrain wouldn't have saved me if I was useless after all.' It was clear that what I needed was power.

"Yes Sir Darius. I won't be careless." My words were truthful. I didn't want to end up like that poor guard in the prison.

"Good. Now one last thing. The other Vampires are going to see you in a

negative way. Be prepared for this. That's all, I'm off now." With that I was left to my own thoughts.

A new light shone in my eyes. A light of hunger and understanding.

'Power! Power is what I lack! I need power!' I had a true thirst for power. With power I can be free from manipulation and oppression.

"No one will suppress my potential."