
Oathsworn: Knight & Dragon

In this fantasy realm, a select few are bestowed with unique abilities known as Virtues at birth. Aldrich, a knight-in-training and the son of the captain of the Order of the Rose, lacks such powers. Yet, his ordinary life spirals into turmoil upon encountering Leviathan, a boy whose body harbors the soul of a formidable dragon. Join the duo as they encounter allies and adversaries alike, embarking on a quest to rekindle the dragon’s might, with the ultimate goal of vanquishing it once and for all.

oblivAeon299 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


"It's too bad we couldn't get a room with two beds." Veliona thought aloud as she and Larian stood in the small single bed room they had booked.

They were lucky to have gotten a room at all, the whole place was packed with travelers from all over coming to see the Moonglaive bloom.

Veliona glanced at the knight through the corner of her eyes. His expression was unreadable. It had been that way since they arrived at the inn. "I guess we can sh-..."

Larian spun on his heels, headed for the door. "It is of no matter. I was going to stand guard at the door anyway."

Before she could finish her sentence he was out the door. She shuffled after him, sticking her head through the doorway. "You are just going to stand there all night?"

Larian nodded. "I'll be fine. It is getting quite late princess, you should get some rest."

Veliona shut the door once more and trudged back to the bed, flopping down on it face first. She sighed as she turned over onto her back.

There was only two days left till the Moonglaive bloomed. She really hoped it could grant her wish.


The moonlight filtering in through the window illuminated the hallway. Larian stood in front of the princess' room. Back to the wall and arms crossed.

Alot of different people had passed by earlier but now there was barely anyone out. Just ome or two intoxicated bar patrons stumbling back to their rooms from a late night of drinking.

An errant beam of moonlight hit his eyes, causing him to blink. When he opened his eyes once more he was standing face to face with the purple haired man from before.

The man waved at him. "Hello again, crimson knight."

Larian's hand shot to his sword. Only to grasp air. His sword was gone.

"Looking for this?" The man asked, holding Larian's sword in front of him. He held it out. "Here. I'm not here to fight."

Larian took it out of his hands cautiously and slid it back into its scabbard. "Then what do you want?"

The man gestured towards the stairs. "I was hoping you might join me for a drink."

Larian weighed his options. The man didn't seem hostile, atleast for now. So there was a high chance he would leave quietly if he refused. But he also knew too much for Larian to just ignore.

He glanced quickly at the room door. The princess had been asleep for a while now. He would be back before she woke up.

He turned back to the man and nodded. Then they both headed downstairs towards the bar.


The purple haired man slid into a seat at a table and gestured for Larian to do the same. He pulled an odd looking dagger out of his cloak and began to fiddle with it. The dagger's blade was a shade of blue and purple. It glowed slightly.

Larian sat down opposite him. Keeping his eyes on the man. A strong smell of roses wafted through the air.

The man took a deep breath. "You can stop releasing your flower gas, or whatever you call it, it won't work on me."

Larian folded his arms and sat back.

"It's quite impressive though, being able to alter a person's mind after just one whiff." The man commended. "You've got everyone in the capital under your thumb, even managed to get one over the king of Yves. Not many can say the same."

A few minutes later a woman brought two wooden jugs filled with beer to them. The man downed the beer in two gulps before proceeding to sigh and stare at the empty jug dejectedly.

"And just like that, it's all gone. Makes you wonder, what's the point of these fleeting moments. All this effort just to live, and for what?"

Larian didn't think he was talking about his drink anymore. "I take it you're one of those 'harbingers of Naut'."

The man grinned, setting down his jug. "What gave it away? Akh-Null, but you can just call me Null. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."

He held out a hand, Larian shook it.

"You know, I've had my eye on you for quite a while. I sense we have something in common." Null continued. "How fortunate for our paths to finally cross directly."

Larian observed him warily, his still full jug in hand. "You'll forgive me if I don't agree."

Null stabbed his dagger into the table, leaving it to stand. "You're a soul aren't you? Just like me. Except there's something slightly off about you... your real body is still alive somewhere in this plane isn't it?"

Larian slammed his jug down, the beer sloshing around. "Is there a point to this meeting?!"

"No not really. And there's not much point to anything, for that matter."

Null raised his hands in mock surrender upon seeing Larian's unamused expression. "Apologies if I hit a nerve. I'm not much of a conversationalist. Anyway, I believe we can be friends."

Larian doubted that. "And why is that?"

Null leaned back in his chair. "Those that walk the path of Naut are all searching for 'the end'. And as for you, you're working for the lightbringer. His re-emergence into this realm will surely bring about some kind of 'end'. I'm curious to see what that 'end' will be."

Larian leaned forward, intertwining his fingers. "What exactly are you proposing?"

"Not a proposal, just a friendly warning." Null grinned, plucking the dagger from the table. "In two days everyone in this town will be killed. I want you, and your little princess, to leave before then. I'd hate to have to erase you."

"Erase me?" Larian laughed. "I thought you wanted me to achieve my goals."

Null shrugged. "Doesn't really matter to me. I care about the end not the means, so to speak. We're all marching towards it either way."

Larian pushed out his chair and stood up. "I think our business here is done."

"So, are you going to leave? The town, I mean."

"Sadly, no. I gave the princess my word, I will be retrieving that Moonglaive for her. No matter what." Larian answered, walking away.

Null watched the knight's receding figure. In a few moments he was gone. Then he leaned forward and picked up his still full jug. It'd be a shame to let it go to waste. Not that it mattered, either way.


Veliona yawned as she rolled out of the bed. She could barely keep her eyes open, how long had she been asleep?

And Sir Larian, she realised. She rushed to the door and swung it open. Had he really stood outside all night.

Larian stood in the same position she had seen him in the night before. He turned and greeted her at the sound of the door creaking open.

"How are you less tired than me?" Veliona asked, stifling another yawn.

Larian led her down to the bar and ordered food for her. It certainly wasn't on the level as the food back in Yves, but it was better than nothing. She chewed on the hard bread while looking around the lobby. There was a fair number of people also eating breakfast here.

When she was done they left the inn to take a walk around the town. They had a whole day to spare until the Moonglaive was set to bloom. She didn't get out that often so she'd take the chance to sightsee as much as she could.

Myrn wasn't nearly as big as the capital but right now it seemed almost as lively. The sound of children laughing and people talking, the smell of freshly cooked food wafting through the air, and the sight of colorful stalls filled with all kinds of trinkets and oddities.

She made it a point to stop by everyone of them. She even bought a few things, she was sure Aldrich and Levi would find some of them interesting.

Before she knew it, it was afternoon. After a quick lunch Larian followed behind her as she took a walk through the grasslands outside the town. A cool breeze blew against her face, making her hair fly about wildly.

It was so peaceful here.

She found a spot and sat down, admiring the view. Larian stood beside her.

"Forgive my boldness but," Larian started. This was the first time he'd spoken since they had left the inn that morning. "I wanted to ask, what exactly do you want to wish for. With the Moonglaive."

Veliona placed both hands on the ground, leaning back to watch the sky. It was a brilliant shade of blue. "My mother."

"Your... mother?" Larian repeated. He had done his research before coming to Yves, but there was little to nothing on the Queen. As far as the history books went there had only ever been the king.

"My father has told me next to nothing about her. Who she was, how she was. Whether she's dead or alive, somewhere out there. He flat out refuses to talk about her. But I want to know."

Larian looked down at her. She had a sad smile on her face. "And what if she is dead? What then."

Veliona met his gaze. "Then... maybe the wish could bring her back?"

She chuckled seeing his doubtful expression. "It's worth a try, at the very least." She met his gaze. "I hope you don't feel like this trip was a waste of time now."

Larian shook his head. "Ofcourse not. I too have impossible dreams I wish could be a reality."

The princess smiled again, happier this time.

The two of them continued to watch the sky in silence.