


r0b1N · Fantasy
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3 Chs


In a rural area , far off in the islands ; a few villagers were chatting anxiously and tensed.

"Will it be a boy or a girl?"

"I hope it's a boy. He will make a good heir"

" Nah, I think it's a girl ; the lady's inheritance will continue and our tribe will prosper"

"A boy will be a suitable heir "

Opinions make a ruckus. very soon opinions got conflicted and divided.

Few hours later ; The lady physicians came out of the small lodging and looked at the surrounding atmosphere. It was tense.

An incense later , the lady opened the robe and a small kid on her arms " IT'S A BOY CHILD" she announced. The atmosphere lit and loud cheers were everywhere. Very soon the leader came out and announced a banquet. Every one was in high spirits and left hurriedly to prepare gifts for the leader. After a while, the lodging got deserted and the leader spoke " How's her health ? Any injury? " The women lifted the child and gave it to the leader " Lady is very tired and she's in need of rest. Her vitality is amazing as always and she has no injuries."

Hearing the chief physicians words , the leader was overjoyed . "However, the child' s condition is strange ".The words struck leader's heart like thunder . "Whhattt's wrroonggg with my child? Is he OK? Should I bring any herbs? " His calm heart was panicking, He was about to lose it and throw up. The chief physician was silent for a while and slowly said " The child has inherited Lady's vitality but his soul is strange.His consciousness is recuperating and in deep sleep as if someone fought in his soul space. It's very complicated to cure". Hearing the words ,the leader was shocked. Physical injuries heal from rare medicinal herbs but soul injuries are not to be taken lightly. The leader's wife was an inheritor of soul arts from an ancient tribe.They were soul hosts called MEDIUM which can host souls from the dead and transverse freely in the river of time. It's strange that a new born child has soul injury. That meant someone's consciousness invaded before he was born.It was highly impossible for normal people.People who can seperate souls and enter another individual can be counted on fingers and live far from our village. They must have some sort of godly treasures or be a higher being themselves.A strange sense of danger lingered around the leader. An unknown enemy is the most dangerous opponent to come across . The leader was getting wacked in his brain. "IS THERE ANY WAY TO HEAL MY CHILD?" The leader did not give up and wanted to give it his all even for a slight chance. The chief physician was thinking deeply and paused and then finally spoke." let's watch for the time being ; when lady is fully cured we can ask her to check the child's soul condition. It's the best we can do right now." The leader was lost in deep thought. He was happy and sad and his emotions conflicted. He was not sure if he should laugh and enjoy the banquet or cry and curse the soul invaders. As a leader priorities lie in his tribe' welfare. He could not kill the atmosphere with this tragic news. So he chose to keep it a secret and wait for time to unravel it. He spoke a few words and expressed his thoughts and left for the banquet.