
O Saga: Part Two: Book of Death

Oren is a child of destiny. Dark forces search for his location, while forces of light protect him. Rovan is a warrior who helped defeat an ambitious leader; now, he must rush home to save his family. Kittisek Khan and Sultan Graeo'gi look to suppress revolution as they prepare for war. Thea and Flaero will bid for influence over Malum.

rsLuebben · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter Two: Normal

Malum was finishing work in the stables and sweating to death on top of it. The mud, manure, and straw mixture stuck to his clothes and skin. His hair was greasy and stringy. He couldn't imagine what he smelled like.

Thea was riding Morgan, which she did every day after finishing chores. Morgan was a spirited horse who seemed to enjoy the daily ride as much as Thea did. Malum could have ridden Nox and joined her, but he prefers to watch.

Malum could live vicariously through Thea's joy of riding. It brought out a childlike quality in her that Malum wasn't sure he ever had. Malum's childhood had been very different.

Malum didn't have a proper childhood. He had to take care of his Father and Brother. With his mother dying giving birth to him, Malum took her place in many ways in the household.

Malum often wondered if he could return to Jyoti, his hometown. After all, the Tsar was dead, and he was a war hero now. Malum wondered if he was still wanted for murder there. There wasn't much for him to go back to.

His brother Kai was dead, killed by Soror Dominus. Malum didn't know if his Father Udai was still alive, but he often didn't care if he was. Thea's Father, Kiron, had been more of a father to Malum than Udai.

Malum was ashamed to admit to himself his dark thoughts about his hometown. Now that Malum had better control of his powers, he dreamt of going to Jyoti and killing all the people who had bullied, teased, and treated him like dirt. It was just a dream, not a desire. He knew it was wrong, and it was just a remnant of his lingering anger toward the past.

When he killed Soror Dominus, he purged many of those dark thoughts. Malum felt satisfied that he had avenged his brother Kai's death, and all that was over. Thea was his world now.

Life had become peaceful again for Malum and Thea. They visited Kiron's grave every morning. Malum felt the presence of Kiron watching over them. There were plenty of chores to do, but not as many as when Kiron was alive. Malum and Thea didn't grow many things and only kept horses now. They let farmer Herm keep the rest of the animals. Herm took care of things while they went off on the run at first, and eventually to fight in a war.

Malum wanted to forget the events of the past, the war, the fighting, the blood, but his stomach injury didn't let him. Soror Dominus stabbed him before Malum killed her. Thea's talent for healing was the only thing that saved him.

Thea may have stopped the bleeding that day, but Malum still felt sharp pains from where the dagger had pierced his flesh. Some of it may have been the residual mental memory giving him pain, but it also might be the dark magic Sorors use on their weapons.

Thea was still troubled from her time being kept at the Hagar Covenant. She had a lot to deal with. The childhood trauma of the Sorors killing her mother. Her father, Kiron, eventually succumbed to his injuries from a Soror's poison dagger. It was the fact that she had also found friends there that had confused her.

Thea was essentially a prisoner in the Covenant. They tortured her and played mind games until Malum was able to lead a group to rescue her.

Malum tried to talk to Thea about when the Shadow Coven captured her, but she only gave small tidbits here and there. Malum had to piece them together to paint a picture of what happened so he could attempt to understand what was paining her. But he could understand her reservations.

Malum could use his imagination, but that was often worse than reality. Thea did tell him that they tortured her when she first got to the Isle of Wicca. They wanted to know about Flaero and other things. Then, they wanted her to join them and redeem the memory of her mother, Soror Decima. Thea said she started to comply and did as they asked just to make them stop the torture. They stopped the physical torture, but then the mental games began.

Thea said that the island and Covenant wasn't all bad. She was given her own room and left alone most of the time. She had free time to explore the island's many gardens and beauty, as there was little chance of her leaving the isolated island.

Some of the other Sorors were decent to her, but the Mother Superior was mean to everyone, according to what Malum gathered. Thea even told him of times some of the Sorors snuck out of the Covenant and went for nude swims. Malum had trouble reconciling the evil he saw the Shadow Coven and the Sorors do with hearing things that made them sound normal.

The Sorors had ordinary faults and chased pleasures like anyone else. Malum thought it was hard for Thea to process her mixed feelings. She probably didn't want to tell Malum about all the good things because she probably felt guilty about feeling pleasure.

It's a heavy part of manipulation. They make you feel normal and integrate the fucked up parts, so those seem normal too. If you have someone to share the experience with, like Thea had other Sorors, it can be a bonding experience. Then, it becomes confusing.

Malum and Thea were very isolated on the farm, and it was how they liked it. The farmer Herm would come over every once and while and ask them to tell them stories of what they did when they were gone, but that was about all the company they got, animals excluded.

Morgan, Nox, and Stully had had their adventures, and Malum hadn't developed enough powers to communicate with two horses and the donkey to build on. Malum was fairly certain that they had, at one point, been captured by Black Legion soldiers and used in Battle. It was quite shocking when Malum and Thea reunited with their hooved friends after the Battle on the ice.

Farm life wasn't the only thing getting back on track; Thea and Malum were also refinding their passion for each other in the early days of their romance.

They were making nightly visits to the lake again to watch sunsets and stars. They were falling asleep in each other's arms every night. All the kissing and caressing Malum had been longing for since they left.

Malum needed her comfort. He had felt rejected by everyone his whole life. With Thea, he could be the best version of himself. She accepted him as he was.

Thea needed Malum for many of the same reasons. Although they had been outcasts most of their lives, they belonged together.

When Kiron passed, it created awkwardness, and the battles put their relationship on the back burner. It had confused Malum and tormented him that he could be close to Thea, but she would push him away.

Thea was the first relationship he had ever had. Malum had no references to cling to and get him through it. Flaero had tried to help him, but it was of little help; only Thea's love would solve it.

But that was all behind them. Their love was blooming again. Malum found himself smiling all the time. He'd be watching Thea do something, and she'd ask him what he was smiling about. He guessed it must be love.

Malum was doing the cooking tonight. He wanted it to be a special night, not because they were celebrating, just because he was in love. He had plucked some wild herbs and lemons to use on a chicken he bought from Herm.

After dinner, Malum and Thea headed for the lake; it was their evening ritual when the weather was nice. It was also the place where they had first made love.

They sat gazing at the sunset, admiring the beautiful reflections in the water. Insects buzzed, birds chirped, fish floated, and frogs croaked around them.

"Don't be shy about holding me tonight; it's getting cold." Thea invited.

Malum reached around her and pulled her close. She pulled his hand to her chest, but Malum didn't know if it was on purpose, so he let the moment linger.

"Do you think life will always be like this?" Malum asked.

"No," Thea said, surprising Malum.

"You don't think we'll always be together?"

"I don't mean that. I mean that things change. I can't say how or when, but things change on their own."

"One thing that will never change is my love for you. I can promise you that."

"I can't promise the same," Thea said.

"You don't love me?"

"I do. I can't think of anyone I love more."

"Then why do you doubt it will last?"

"I don't. Circumstances separated us once; they may again. The Witches may find me again, and I fear they will continue looking for me."

"Is that what you fear? I won't let them take you ever again. I'll never let anyone harm you." Malum asserted.

Thea didn't say anything. She was staring off into the distance, seemingly ignoring what he said. Malum was about to say something, but Thea leaned in to kiss him. Whatever he would say couldn't have been that important as he lost himself to her full lips embracing his.

They had kissed many times, but Thea kissed him like it would be the last time. They hadn't kissed with this much passion since the first time.

Malum laid on his back and rested his head on her lap. Thea lightly stroked his hair with her fingers, and Malum closed his eyes. She caressed his cheeks lightly with the back of her hand. He was trying not to fall asleep.

On their walk back to the farm, it started to sprinkle a little, quickly turning into a downpour. They ran the rest of the way home, but it was raining so hard that they were soaked to the bone.

When they finally got inside and away from the rain, they both burst out laughing at how wet they had become. Malum instinctively threw off his shirt and was going to find a place to hang it to dry, but Thea took the shirt out of his hand and tossed it aside. She sprang on him with kisses, and it took a second for Malum to catch up with her.

She began kissing his neck and chest. Thea ran her fingers through the wetness on his skin. She pushed him to a chair and took off her top. Malum was sitting in the chair, and Thea climbed on his lap, straddling him. Her body glistened with rainwater.

Thea kissed him and let Malum quench his thirst by kissing his breasts and body. They made love with an unbridled enthusiasm. He was devoted to her pleasure as she was to his. Malum was lost in the bliss, and he felt electric.



The next day, Thea acted like it was just another day while Malum was still reeling at how good the sex had been. They were distracted with chores, so he hadn't brought it up.

Malum was feeding the few chickens they kept when he saw Thea standing in the field, staring at the fence line. Malum came out to see what she was looking at, and at first, he didn't see anything. Suddenly, a horseback man came into view, and he was quickly followed by a dozen more. They were dressed for war.

Malum had a moment where he flashed back to the war and felt fear washing over him. He was about to run to Thea's side when he noticed the man in the back; it was Flaero. Malum felt an immediate sense of relief. Malum ran to greet his friend and newly elected Chancellor.

Malum and Thea had invited Flaero into their home and were preparing lunch. Malum hadn't asked why Flaero was here as he was glad to see a friendly face.

"I'm not sure we have enough for you and all your men," Malum said.

"That's ok, we weren't planning on staying long," Flaero informed him.

"What brings you to our humble farm then?" Thea asked.

"Unfortunately, war," Flaero said.

"War? The Tsar is dead. It's not with the Witches again, is it?" Malum questioned.

"No. It is with Kittisek Khan of Nanook and the Sultan of Anahiti. Things have gotten complex." Flaero began to explain.

"What is happening? Are they attacking Ishavara?" Malum didn't entirely understand the circumstances.

"It is partly my fault. I had good intentions. I thought we could not be satisfied with our victories, give up what we had taken, and seize on the momentum we held. You remember how your brother Kai and I were passing out leaflets and how we wanted to change the world?" Flaero said.


"I've been doing something similar again. I want to continue making the world better for everyone, not just the rich and royal. Kittisek Khan and Sultan Graeo'gi didn't appreciate my gesture."

"What did you specifically do?" Malum wondered.

"I told people to speak their grievences. I had people pass out literture. Gave funding to rebels. It rather enraged them that I was supporting revolution in their lands."

"I don't blame them," Thea said, but Flaero ignored the comment.

"Kittisek Khan began making Chevauchée raids into Hanwi and Qamata, not full-scale declarations of war, but just enough to cause serious harm. They slash and burn crops and buildings, devastating life in the area."

"Why are they raiding in Hanwi?" Thea asked.

"Because they helped defeat the Tsar, they've been dragged into this. I regret this development, as I don't wish others to pay for my sins," Flaero said.

"What has King Ohdakota said to you?" Malum quizzed.

"It has strained our relationship, but we are working together to resolve this. The alliance between Anahiti and Nanook complicates matters. We are making progress."

"And you want us to join you in the fight? That's why you've come?" Thea said.

"Yes, I'm afraid I have," Flaero said.

Thea seemed annoyed by this but not surprised. Malum was unsure how he felt but wanted to help his friend. The people of Hanwi and Qamata had helped Malum; he didn't feel right to turn his back on them.

"I owe everything to the people of Hanwi and those who fought with us to defeat the Tsar and the Shadow Coven. I know it is asking a lot to ask more of those people. I know I am asking a lot of you two after what you went through." Flaero said respectfully.

"How much time do we have to decide?" Malum asked.

"As much time as you need, I'd prefer you decide immediately. I have to get back to the capital. But there is something else I'd like to discuss with you. We are recruiting as many as possible. I am forming an elite squad I call The Ningal, and I want you two to be leaders in it. I want Malum to be my right hand. The Ningal will not be restricted by background. We had help from all over in the last battles, people like Rovan and Olafur. The Ningal will be its own thing and free of military leaders or politicians. They will only be loyal to the Chancellor. They will be the leaders on the battlefield. King Ohdakota initially disagreed, but now that the war has broken out again, he has reluctantly let go of his concerns. Elisapie and Gaia of Nanook have already joined. They have been sent to find Malaika and Chaska to recruit them. I've spoken to Olafur's Uncle Loean, who is sailing to meet with him. He will try to recruit Rovan and Olafur when they return. I know it's sudden, but I wanted to ask you in person as I am very fond of both of you." Flaero explained.

"Do we have enough time to eat, at least before we decide?" Malum asked while Thea remained silent.

"Yes, of course."

Flaero left with his men after they had eaten, leaving just as quickly as they had come. Malum told him he would ride to the Capitol in a day or two, no matter the decision. Malum didn't know if Thea would be riding with him.

Malum was gathering some things in preparation for his journey when Thea interrupted him.

"So you are joining him in battle just like that?" Thea accused.

"No. I only promised to ride to the Capitol with an answer." Malum said.

"I don't like the influence he has over you."

"What do you mean? He has only positively influenced me; I don't think I would have achieved my true potential without him."

"Yes, you would have. There is something about him that rubs me the wrong way. There is something he is hiding; I can't explain it."

"We all are hiding things, but hasn't he changed things for the better?"

"Maybe, I don't know. Flaero is something more than what he lets on. I can feel it."

"I'm not asking you to like him or even join him. I'm just going there to see what is happening for myself. I owe him and the people of Hanwi that much. You can stay here."

"I've been thinking of joining the Order of the Medicine Wheel for a long time. I think I can make a difference as a healer. I healed you, and I think I helped prolong my father's life from the effects of the poisoned dagger," Thea said.

"Ok, I didn't know you were thinking that. Where are they? What would that mean?" Malum said, trying to hide his shock and devastation.


"Eladoer? When were you going to tell me of this?"

"I hadn't made up my mind until now."

"That's it? You going to break us up just because I'm going to the Capitol?"

"Who said anything about us being done? You can join me." Thea offered.

"And here I thought I was going to go and tell Flaero no and come back and raise a family with you right here."

"Who said that's what I wanted?"

"I don't understand. Why didn't you tell me what you were thinking?

"As I said, I only just made the decision now. You're the reason I've stayed. I don't want to leave you."

"Then why leave? Why must you go?" Malum pleaded.

"It won't be forever. I am only going to train and develop my healing powers. You can go to your friend's aid. Take Nox and Stully with you. I'll keep Morgan, and the rest I'll sell to Herm."

"You've got it all figured out? I wish it could be so easy for me."

"Don't be mad. You can come with me. This isn't goodbye."

"Sure seems like it," Malum said, getting madder by the second.

"I understand if you don't want to join me and learn the healing arts. I love you, and I always will. If I don't do this, you'll never get the best of me. A part of me will always wonder what might have been. I'm not leaving you for someone else; I'm leaving to become what I feel in my heart is right for me. You might not understand, and I probably don't either, but Flaero and the war just brought this to a head. I'm seeing this clearly. Maybe you will, too, and forgive me for this." Thea tried to explain.

"I never thought this would happen, but I hate you right now. It is best that I leave now before the feeling sticks."

Thea sighed at her failure. "Don't leave like this. Can't we have a final moment together?"

"I don't feel like it just now."

"Listen, please. If we don't see each other, let's plan to meet sometime in a year. I might be fully trained by then. We can pick up where we left off."

Malum almost stormed away from her but then knew he'd regret letting the moment's emotion get the better of him.

"Where? Where are we to meet in a year's time?"

"I don't know, I didn't give it much thought. You'll be with Flaero, so how about in Dhara, the old Tsar's palace?"

"Fine." Malum didn't kiss her goodbye or look back to see her reaction. He needed to leave before he said or did something he'd regret.