
Nyanko da! (ft Natsume): A Brothers Conflict Fanfic

It's just Mai's luck when the water pipes burst at her apartment. Forced out of her rental, Mai's friend Ema offers her a place to stay. At first, it seems like a luxury to stay at Sunrise Residence, the esteemed home of the Asahina family. But all good things come at a price. Mai soon learns that the house is full of boys, all of them Ema's chaotic brothers! As she learns to adjust to her new life, Mai is pulled into the everyday antics of the Asahinas, especially those involving Asahina Natsume and a pair of adorable cats! ---------- A Brothers Conflict Fanfic ft Natsume x OC It'll be slowburn so all the brothers can get some screen time!

MintMatcha_Long · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 7: Genki Guy

Ukyo and I really hit it off talking about food. Poor Ema fades into the background, though graciously letting me blab about the different foods I've tried. Ukyo listens, telling me in turn about all the fancy and homey foods that he's made in the past.

"I want to try more casseroles," I say at one point. "Like yaki curry, but the oven at my place was pretty useless even before the flood."

"Yaki curry..." Ukyo considers it. "Isn't that a dish from Kyushu?"

"Kyushu..." Ema murmurs.

"I think so," I say, remembering a magazine from the cafe I work at. "I wonder, would I be allowed to try it out here sometime?"

"Of course," Ukyo says excitedly. "If possible, would I be able to join in? I'd love to take notes, and a large casserole might make a good dinner for the guys."

"I might try it vegetarian first, since I don't know if I'll be able to buy that much beef." 

Just then, footsteps descend the stairs. 

"What's that about dinner?" comes a chipper voice from above. "Don't tell me Kyo-nii's going vegetarian."

We turn to see a man with platinum white hair hang over the edge of the railing. His left eye is covered by bangs, while his right ear is visible, showing off a stylish earring stud. 

"Oh, Tsubaki," says Ukyo, completely unfazed. "I didn't know you were back."

"Ah, Azusa and I just got in," the other man says. "I'm starving. How long on dinner?"

Ukyo checks the time. "Less than half an hour. I can put on some tea if you're that hungry."

"Never mind, then. I'm going to go back up to read through the scripts again. Call me when it's done!"

All I can think of at this point is how I've got two more names for Brothers Bingo.

Ema steps toward the stairs and says, "Okaerinasai, Tsubaki-san. How was your day today?"

Tsubaki flashes a grin. "It was great, thanks for asking. Azusa and I made way on the anime. At this rate we'll be right on schedule for its release."

"That's great!" Ema exclaims. "Good to hear."

Tsubaki hesitates, like he wants to say more, but we hear someone call him from upstairs. It must be Azusa, another brother. 

Tsubaki turns to head back upstairs when his violet eyes fall on me. They linger a little too long for my liking.

"Oho. Who's this?" he says with interest. "Does Kyo-nii have a girlfriend?"

At the stove Ukyo nearly drops the spoon in the pot. 

"She's my friend," Ema explains, oblivious to her older brother's reaction. "She'll be staying with us until her place gets fixed."

"Really?" Tsubaki gives me a flirtatious smile. "Well, then, if you're ever want for a tour guide of the mansion, I'd be happy to show you around."

I stare at him, then at Ema. She must have nerves of steel if he's like this around all the people she brings home.

I decide to play dumb. "And who are you?" I ask him. 

Tsubaki doesn't take the hint. "I'm Asahina Tsubaki. I'm a voice actor, and I'd love to practice lines with you sometimes. I seldom get to practice with a beautiful girl like yourself."

Ignoring his attempts to flirt, I simply reply, "Nice to meet you," as courteous as possible. "I'm Tsukiyo Mai. You can call me Tsukiyo."

"Wah! So formal!" Tsubaki whistles. "I must thank you for looking after my imouto-chan at university. I wish I could do it myself, but alas, I work long hours at the studio all day."

So dramatic... Did the anime he's working on get to his head?

"Thank you very much for letting me stay," I say with a bow, pretending not to have heard his speech. Better not to give him any attention.

Tsubaki hardly seems fazed by this. With a chortle he hurries back upstairs. "Take care, Tsukiyo Mai-chan! See you at dinner!"

After he's gone Ukyo shakes his head. "Tsubaki is energetic as usual," he sighs.

I bite back a retort. "Is Azusa-san another brother?" 

"Hai," Ema says. "Tsubaki-san and Azusa-san are identical twins, but they're very different people."

As twins are. 

"Are they both voice actors?"

"Hai," Ema says. "They're both very popular and passionate about their work. They've even let me attend some of their events. All the girls there love them a lot."

Yeah. I can imagine.

"They'll be down for dinner later, so they can give proper introductions then," says Ukyo.

I count having seen five brothers today, four of them named. I try not to think too much about how many introductions there'll be later today, or how I'm definitely going to mix them all up.

Ukyo, Ema, and I finish up with dinner. Ukyo pops open the rice cooker and starts scooping out the portions. He lays out eight rice bowls. There must be five others joining us.

Ukyo, Ema, me, Yusuke, the unnamed boy, Tsubaki, Azusa, and... who else? 

Ukyo checks his phone. "Ah, Masaomi-niisan got called in tonight after all. Sorry about that."

I shake my head. "It'll be alright. Ema and I are stronger than we look." I flex my tiny arms. Ema giggles in the corner. Ukyo is a bit startled by my straightforwardness, but he takes it in stride.

"Hai, well, let me know if you stay out late," he says. "I may be able to pick you two up."

"Un, sounds good."

And that's when we hear more footsteps coming down the stairs. If it's Tsubaki I will ignore him.

It's not.

A grade schooler comes down wearing a yellow sleeved pink jacket and short grey shorts. His hair is almost the same shade of pink, but I could call it salmon.

"Onee-chan!" he calls happily. "You're back!" He runs down the stairs and barrels into the kitchen. He stops short of Ema a couple feet. She crouches down to meet him. "You'll never guess what happened today at school."

Ema smiles, tapping into Big Sister Mode. "What happened, Wataru-chan?"

The boy beams. "We were playing soccer at lunch in the field, and my team won!"

"Congratulations!" Ema praises. 

"I scored the winning goal," Wataru adds. "I'm becoming a worthy opponent, aren't I?" 

The little tuft of hair on his head twitches in excitement. I've never met someone with such a prominent cowlick. It's kind of cute.

"You're certainly becoming a great soccer player," says Ema. 

"One day I'll be the greatest!" Wataru promises. "I'll even surpass Sukkun!"

I have no idea who Sukkun is, but it sounds like Wataru looks up to him.

Wataru's cowlick twitches again as he spots me. His eyes fill with curiosity and shyness.

"Ne, Onee-chan, who's that?"

Needless Commentary: We're already at Chapter 7, can you believe it? I try to keep my chapters short because I like reading bite-sized online novels, though it does mean there's limited space per part.

I wanted to spend a little time with just Ukyo and Ema. Ukyo's grown on me a lot since I started watching the anime, not least of all because of how gentlemanly he can be!

Newcomers to the BroCon fandom, if you're confused by all the names, don't worry, Mai is too! I hope to spend a little time with each of the brothers while building up the romance with our ML.

More brothers to come in the next chapter. Also, who is this "Sukkun"? ( ̄ω ̄) …Stay tuned!

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