
Rise In Calradia Chapter 95: : Became a share of the theater company

Mr. Byron, I understand what you mean, but there are already many people who are willing to provide us with funds, and I have rejected them. With all due respect, I will not let my troupe be controlled by others and perform what they call classics. Yes, I don't like someone interfering with the programming of the show."

   In the background, Byron got his wish and saw Alma José with his makeup removed. At this time, he was dressed in men's casual clothes, and his appearance was still high, which made Byron ashamed. With every smile in his eyes, he could fascinate thousands of young girls.

However, after knowing that Byron was planning to invest money in his theater company, the other party directly rejected Byron's proposal, and revealed a little dissatisfaction and impatience in his tone. Byron believed that many people must have made suggestions before him. And with many conditions that the master bard could not accept.

"I don't want to interfere with the theater company. Your performance is very good. Compared with other theater companies (although Byron has only watched the performances of this theater company), it is simply a difference. However, I personally also love poetry and literature. I very much hope to communicate with you."

Byron did not express his dissatisfaction. As the captain of the mercenary, many people had an impression of him before they met him. It is estimated that this master Jose is no exception. He may be afraid of Byron using those vulgar things. Insulting his work, Byron still understands this.

   However, Byron is always able to impress those who do not look down on him with his long-term conversational behavior and cross-generational thinking, and this is naturally no exception.

   "If this is the case, of course you can. But please give up about the investment in the theater company."

  Alma José's attitude has improved a lot, and he is more polite to Byron, but he still has no expectations for what Byron wants to say. Of course, if the other party is very sincere in asking for advice, of course he is also willing to teach the other party something.

   However, Byron's advice was far beyond his imagination.

  Byron told him a script he had never heard before, about a love story between a man and a woman. Romeo and Juliet, these two names sounded a bit strange to him, but the story between them deeply moved him.

   In the beginning, Alma José just pretended to listen, but soon he threw himself in, and finally took out some of the plots after obtaining Byron's consent.

  Byron can't play the piano or sing poetry, but Jose can. When he was writing, he had already begun to think about how to transform this excellent script into the form of poetry.

After   , Byron told him the story of a young prince. Byron himself didn't remember much, but because of this, it gave Jose a lot of room for imagination. After sketching the outline of the plot, he began to add details and stories to the prince named Hamlet. The ink of the quill quickly ran out, and he even took out the unburned charcoal directly from the stove. Keep writing on paper.

   "Prince's Revenge"

   He finally wrote his name, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Forgive me for being rude, Mr. Byron. Too many arrogant and ignorant people told me their bad ideas, which made me feel a little bit of resistance to outsiders. It is my honor to see you today. Maybe. You are not a poet, but you really know how to write stories."

   Saying this, Jose bowed, for Byron, he really had the meaning of admiration.

   "I just put together the stories I have heard. Borrowing other people's works is not a skill."

  Byron smiled and shook his head gently.

   "However, I still know some stories. These stories are very good, but with the current form of performance, I am afraid that the performance will be difficult, so I have another suggestion..."

   Byron's conversation with Jose continued until late at night. Fatis was waiting outside to see the two come out side by side. Alma * Jose was a little tired, but his face was full of smiles. They shook hands, and Jose sincerely invited Byron to talk about cooperation the next day.

   Jose is very interested in the knowledge about opera and drama that Byron brought from later generations. Although this kind of repertoire may replace the previous way of performing and weaken his position in the troupe to a certain extent, Jose is not that selfish. This is his troupe, and he doesn't want him alone to be famous.

   "It seems that the talk went well."

  Fatis yawned and said to Manid.

   "If this is the case, then we should really think about how to plan this investment to maximize our returns."

   Manid stood up and stretched his body, thinking about those investment matters, he seemed even more tired when he was a little sleepy.

   "If Elaine were to see that Mr. Byron had such a good relationship with Mr. Jose, guess what he would say?"

  Yamira smiled and walked towards Byron and the others.


At noon on the second day, Byron and Alma Jose had another talk for more than two hours. Finally, under Manid's reminder, the two people signed an investment agreement~www.mtlnovel.com~Alma Jose Cirque du Soleil received an investment of 10,000 dinars from Byron.

   In addition to the investment amount, Byron also helps them rehearse new repertoires, but also enjoys 10% of the company's revenue. Except for a loan that had already been repaid by the theater company at the beginning, this was the only investment Jose accepted, from a mercenary team that had nothing to do with poetry.

  Alma* Jose doesn't hate money, but he doesn't feel too much. He agreed to cooperate with him completely because of Byron's repertoire beyond the times. If he had an idea, it would be difficult for him to do well, so he needed Byron's help.

   And Byron does not expect this theater company to bring him much profit. What he needs is Cirque du Soleil, the publicity effect of this theater company that is very famous in the mainland. For example, in the opening remarks, there should be a line of thanks to Peony Mercenary and Feng Byron. And for every play, Byron also suggested adding the names of their actors and screenwriters, and there will naturally be Byron's name.

   Gradually, Feng Byron and his peony mercenaries will become unknown to everyone. And Byron can also use his identity as a shareholder to reserve seats for his soldiers as a reward during the performance, further increasing his prestige and reputation in the army.

   And as long as you add something to the show, insinuate something, some inconvenient goals can be achieved.

   For example, to create a savior-like image for Byron and publicize it. Over time, even if Byron claims to be the emperor of Calradia, many people will support him.

   Of course, Byron is naturally unable to do this now, but this long-term investment is very cost-effective in his opinion. Even Fatismanid and the others could not see Byron's intentions.