
Rise In Calradia Chapter 65: : Noble Bandit Troops

 "The mercenaries behind keep up, we are almost there."

In the wild of Dreham, the yellow-bottomed black bear flag of Earl Kleis was flying high, and a knight armed with sleeveless plate armor and wearing a huge helmet held high the flag, and the horse under his hips screamed from time to time. , Seems to be full of desire for battle.

   Behind the flag, in addition to Earl Kleis himself and his loyal guards, there are close to five hundred soldiers following in their footsteps.

Nearly a hundred cavalry are arranged like an awl on the periphery of the infantry and the carriage loaded with supplies. Each person's lance and spear are hung with a yellow ribbon. This is given to them by Earl Kleis. Hope They can fight bravely on the battlefield.

   Their goal is an abandoned village one kilometer away, where the two forces will confront each other.

   Although most of his men are robbers and unscrupulous mercenaries, the opponent still agrees to fight here in the name of the nobleman.

   There are a lot of rocks with broken houses nearby, and the terrain also has some ups and downs, which can limit the attack of the cavalry to a certain extent.

   However, Earl Kleis would not miss the opportunity. He came here as early as possible, searched the surroundings again, to avoid any accidents, and was able to detect the opponent's actions.

After the troops arrived at the small village that had been abandoned for more than ten years, the light cavalry immediately dispersed, and under the leadership of their respective captains, began to search the surrounding slopes and forests.

   And the infantry began to search the abandoned houses to check whether there are robbers hiding here.

   Byron sent Kress to be in charge of the investigation. Although the little girl is not good at riding horses, the changes in the surrounding environment can't escape her eyes.

   After about half an hour, there was no more place to check nearby. Earl Kleis began to arrange the formation and arranged all the soldiers on the higher part of the slope.

  The bowman is in front, the infantry is in the back, and the cavalry is divided into two teams to protect the wings and the rear. At the same time, they can quickly gather into a cone formation when sprinting.

   The three phalanxes were quickly organized, and Earl Clays arranged the mercenaries on both sides, slightly ahead of his own troops. And he asked Baron Sith and the knights to tell Byron and the other two captains to lengthen the troops, as long as there are two people in each platoon, but the formation must be long enough and strong enough.

  In this way, when launching an attack, the mercenaries can contain most of their opponents, and rely on the advantage of the long formation to surround the opponent. The Earl's elite troops can directly defeat the enemy soldiers on the opposite side and forcefully split the opponent's formation.

   Considering that the opponent has the Rhodok nobles as the backing, the factors of crossbows and heavy infantry must be taken into account, so the heavy cavalry will take the lead to charge, so as to disrupt the opposition of the opponent's archers and break down their infantry as much as possible.

   Byron brought his soldiers to the left flank, and handed over 20 cavalry of his own to the Fatis commander, and followed James and two other knights to launch an assault.

   "Sit down and have a rest."

   waited for a long time and didn't see the other party coming, so the mercenaries rested in place, but the infantry under the earl had been standing there waiting for orders.

   Originally Byron also wanted to learn from the elite of the nobles, but many of his soldiers were overwhelmed, so he also let his own people sit down and rest.

   After waiting for another hour, the cavalry who was investigating in the distance rushed back to inform them that the enemy had arrived.

   All the soldiers stood up, regrouped, holding their weapons, and looking in the direction where the cavalry came.

   After a while, a pale green flag appeared in Byron's field of vision. There were some textures on the flag, but Byron was not sure which Rhodok family belonged to.

   A figure wearing a thick plate armor and a knight riding a war horse walked at the forefront of the team. Behind him was a mixed unit of about 400 people.

The weapons and equipment of those people were very mixed. About half of them were mercenaries. A small part of them wore armors similar to that of the Rhodok army. They had halberds and spears. A few others had hands with a length of one and a half meters. Dajian, it seems very difficult to mess with.

   In the team, there are dozens of pirates. Their Nordic armor weapons are very eye-catching, so they are easy to recognize.

   They stopped on the other side of the village. Obviously, they had lost the opportunity to choose the most suitable battlefield.

   They stopped there, and the previously chaotic formation gradually became neat in two minutes. Although launching an attack during this period did not conform to the rules and style, the count still pushed his troops forward by several tens of meters.

The knight riding a war horse brought the only seven or eight cavalrymen in the army to a place not far from Byron and them. He saluted him respectfully on the horse, reported his name, and then reported his name to Clay. Earl Spitz challenged to rescue his lord.

"For the sake of glory, I accept the challenge of you as a robber knight. You and your rabble will be punished today, and your men will lose their lives~www.mtlnovel.com~ and you Will see your lord, but in prison!"

   Earl Claes accepted his challenge with some contempt, and told him to prepare his troops for the death. For the nobles, it is very rude to say this, but these guys have caused a lot of property damage to the earl, and have attacked many innocent civilians. This behavior makes earl Claes very disgusted with him.

   The other party listened to Earl Claes and didn't say much. He took those people back on horseback again, and when he was about to reach his team, he took out a flag and waved it, and all his soldiers put down their shields and started to move closer like a shield wall.

  Behind the shield, some archers and crossbowmen also raised their crossbows and started shooting as soon as they were in range.

   "The shooter is ready!"

   On Byron's side, the voice of Baron Sith also came out, and more than thirty crossbowmen on Byron's side took a step forward and wound the crossbow together. They are both Swadia crossbowmen and mercenary crossbowmen. They are all third-level and fourth-level crossbowmen. They can shoot accurately and kill very well. Coupled with the condescension brought by the slope, their shooting effect will be better.

   On the other hand, the knights also began to lead the cavalry to the sides of the troops, leaving room for the troops, and at the same time looking for opportunities to attack the two wings of the opponent's formation.

The phalanx used by the opponent is very common in the Nord Kingdom and Rhodok. If the cavalry rushes from the front, although thirty heavy cavalry and dozens of other cavalry can also rush in, but in the crossbow, spear, The loss would be very heavy under the attack of the two-handed sword, this is not what Byron wanted to see.

   In this battle, Byron is only a supporting role. However, he still hopes that his performance can be better, because it is related to the commission, and the reputation and business in the Swadia noble circle in the future.