
Rise In Calradia Chapter 58: : Training farmers

'' Newly received news that Swadia and Rodok have ceased war, and velvet has once again been shipped to the north. The price of velvet in Rodok has doubled, and the speculative velvet trade has been unable to make money. ''

In the cozy mansion of Dreham, Byron, Jamila and Fatis Eleon were sitting at the table, eating clean apples from the plates, drinking the cooked broth, and chatting. One-step development issue.

  Before, Byron once again intervened in the velvet smuggling trade, and once again cooperated with the insatiable Baron William Hahn. During this tense period before the truce between the two sides, he made another business and earned almost two thousand dinars.

  It is good to have nobles behind to help. Many places can be passed through easily, and there is no need to pay customs duties for smuggling. Of course, the only shortcoming is that although Byron is a big head, the profits are not distributed to Baron William Ham.

   However, the war was temporarily stopped, and King Harous also shifted his energies to the Nord bandits who attacked the villages and towns along the river in the north.

   The business route has become dangerous, and this kind of reselling business is not easy to do.

   And Byron has a lot more manpower than before. Feeding these people is not a small expense.

"Perhaps we can go to Norma. The Green Forest Brotherhood over there is very active, and their lord was captured during the war. The people in the village have come to Dherim for help. They are willing to hire mercenaries to protect them. Teach them to fight."

   When Byron was worried about making money, Jamila seemed to think of something and made a suggestion.

   "It is our duty to help them!"

   When Fatis heard what happened to the people there, he immediately forgot his identity as a mercenary, hoping to rush to help immediately.

   "This job is boring, but fighting with robbers is at least better than being idle in the city."

  Although he was not interested, Eleon finally nodded in agreement. In fact, Byron felt that even if his inheritance rights were not deprived, he would not be idle at home. He would always find something for himself, and it would be best to do it.

  Byron found the farmer and told him that the peony mercenary was willing to take up the task.

  [Training Farmers: Train troops for Norma's farmers and resist attacks from robbers. ]

   There are tasks, but no rewards are displayed. But it doesn't matter. This system has always been urinary, which is similar to the game. The biggest function is to check attributes, upgrade soldiers, and display unfinished tasks. In the end, it depends on yourself.

Byron didn't underestimate this task. He asked Elaine to personally lead the team, with two Vickia riders, and 10 caravan escorts and 10 Swadia light infantry. He also wanted to send Nord's soldiers over.

   Seeing these well-equipped and high-spirited soldiers, and a knight-like Eleon, the villager was very happy and thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

After that, Byron also followed them to Norma with a few hired riders. For this kind of mission that can win the favor of the people, he must show his face so that the local villagers will remember him and the Peony Mercenary Team. .

   It took a week for the journey, which is very fast. When they arrived in Norma, they frightened the patrol in the village, but after explaining, the elders came out to greet them happily.

   The central town of Norma actually has two soldiers and a team of villagers spontaneously organized, but there are six or seven villages in Norma, they can't take care of it.

Byron stayed in Norma for two days, bought some cheap dry goods in the village, and took the troops around around a few times, expelled some robbers hiding near the village, and asked Alain to take the village with him. Of those farmers training.

   During this period, the robbers also tentatively launched an attack. Although it was at night, it was easily repelled by Byron and the others, and several corpses were left behind.

   This is good news for the villagers. The elder invited Byron to eat at his house and thanked them for their contributions.

   But Byron realized that this was not a simple thank you. From the food on the table, it can be seen that the economic conditions in the village are not good.

   During the previous war, Norma was attacked by Rodok's infiltrating forces, and now he has encountered banditry again. Byron also said before the other party revealed this that they did not want to take too much from the village of Norma, they only need to provide board and lodging and a little special product.

   The village chief was naturally very happy about this, and his view of Byron was even better.

After feeling that there was nothing wrong, Byron left Norma with a few hired riders, leaving Elaine and they continued to train the soldiers here, and said that they would be awarded bonuses after they returned smoothly and asked Elaine to go to Dehe Rim's best pub for drinking.

   This round-trip trip is indispensable, especially the horse feed for more than a dozen horses. This item alone is more expensive than the specialty products delivered by the villagers before leaving.

   It seems that Byron has suffered a serious loss this time. Although Fatis would definitely praise Byron for this, it did not reduce Byron's loss.

But for Byron now, his reputation is very important. The reputation of the peony mercenary will spread in the countryside, and some local nobles will also know Byron's contribution. Some people will not care, but there will always be others. I will remember that the more famous Byron ~www.mtlnovel.com~ is, the easier it is to find a life, and there will be more and more orders from the upper class.

   When returning to Dehrim, Byron happened to meet Fatis who went to help the guards and the nobles to hunt down the fugitives and successfully completed the mission to bring people back. After hearing about Byron's experience, Fatis was very happy to praise Byron, saying that this was a way of justice and chivalry.

  Although Byron has lost a little bit, the prisoner who killed the noble family members captured by Fatis has been exchanged for a bounty of 300 dinars, which is regarded as making up for the expenses of this mission.

  Byron returned to Dehrim, in his own house. This is Byron's home in this world, the same place as his home.

   And Byron also found a cook with good craftsmanship. She is very young, she is only eighteen years old according to her own, but with good craftsmanship and quick work. She came from a different place, looking for a job here, and is now helping the cook in that small barracks in Byron.

   Byron sometimes asks her and other workers to come over to help take care of the housework, give them a bonus, and let her cook some food for herself.

  Byron admires this little girl very much. She also has blonde hair. Although illiterate, she is very clever. Byron is enough to take care of her alone, and letting the other people come together is entirely to avoid spreading rumors that are not good for him.

   Another day has passed. In the twilight, this little girl named Mary made dinner for Byron and finished the bread. Byron was very satisfied, sent her away personally, and then closed the door.

   That night, Byron heard someone calling his name. He was a little confused, but then he felt wrong.

   He immediately got up from the bed, and the cold light of the dagger shone on his face.