
Rise In Calradia Chapter 52: : The guidance of a master swordsman

 "It's really an honor for us to be able to see you. Your swordsmanship has made us amazed. I think there will be few people on the whole continent."

   In the hotel where Master Frell stayed, Byron took Fattis and Eleon to Byron, and brought some gifts.

   I heard from the tavern owner that, like other bohemian hermits, Jells Friel was extremely enthusiastic about wine and women. It is not convenient for the woman Byron to find him, but he can still get good wine and good snacks.

"You are too polite. I'm just an ordinary person who is a little confident in my swordsmanship. I travel around the mainland, participate in competitions, get bonuses, and then spend my money before participating in the next competition, nothing more. "

   When he said this, Eleon seemed very interested, but Fattis's expression changed slightly, which seemed a bit surprised, but in the end he accepted it and restored his previous expression.

   "I don't want to work for anyone, and I don't want to take orders from anyone. But if you ask me to practice swordsmanship or play with women together, I'm always welcome."

   The sword master sat down, and at this time two exposed women walked into the door, and Byron could confirm their work at a glance. Moreover, he can also be sure that they must be very advanced among their peers.

   Looking at the happy swordsman who hugs the left and the right, Byron is a bit speechless. He doesn't agree with this, but he still smiles and chats with the other party.

   Talking about what he was happy about, he also said that tomorrow he could go to a place outside the city to practice swords with Byron and the others.

   In Wocheze, in addition to the training grounds that are free of people and other people, it is also a place where you can practice martial arts and swordsmanship.

   When Byron and the others came out of the hotel, there was already a faint moan from the room upstairs.

   "He is really a real master, but his life is not very accurate, but it is nothing to a hermit master."

  Fatis sighed and said to Byron.

"But I think this is what a master should look like. You don't have to be constrained to the noble etiquette and the task of the lord, and you do your best to study swordsmanship, and then teach it to the descendants of outstanding knights. This is what a swordsman of civilian origin should be. It looks like."

   Eleon's face looked a little proud, and it seemed that his evaluation of the sword master had improved. Of course, Byron is very clear that this is an evaluation with the irony of traditional aristocrats. They do not want common people to live like aristocrats and forcibly draw a line between the two.

   Byron will not stop Eleon's thoughts. This kind of self-righteous arrogance of the noble has been going on for thousands of years, and he can't solve it alone.

   Byron's silver coins are already sufficient, and those merchants are willing to trust him. With the salt purchasing certificate from Jarque, he can purchase a large amount of salt and fill his cart.

   In the next few days, Byron will take some of his heroic teammates out of the city to make a few gestures with Master Jells Friel, and learn something along the way.

  Byron also had a few tricks with him one-on-one, and was hit with a sword on the back of the opponent. The pain was no less than a hammer hit.

   It must be said that Friel's swordsmanship is very unique, smooth and vicious. Byron often has not yet determined his position, a series of attacks have already followed, forcing him to passively defend.

   "Wrong again, young man."

  Byron learns very slowly, but it seems that this swordsman is also willing to train him in this way. During the three-day training, Byron's one-handed sword and two-handed sword have greatly improved.

At this time Byron realized that using a two-handed sword is a test of human skills. The center of gravity of a two-handed sword made by a good blacksmith is easy to control. It is more effective than slashing with the advantage of the length of the sword. .

   And blocking is also an ability that needs to be mastered. It can't stop the opponent's attack and will never end well.

   And Fatis and Eleon were not training when they were competing with Friar, and they were actually fighting.

   Although they have never won, the two have been studying how to defeat each other and make up for their own shortcomings.

  Fatis's swordsmanship is very good and skilled, especially when he is on horseback, there is no enemy that cannot fall down when he is riding a spear.

   But he is lacking in strength. It is not that his strength is not enough, but that he cannot use all his strength in his attack. This is also caused by the idea he has upheld since he was a child. He always can't bear to kill him, and if the opponent surrenders, he will leave the opponent's life.

In this regard, Friel directly told him a few stories about his youth. At that time, he saved a family, but let go of a robber. As a result, the other party sought revenge and killed the family. He still regrets it. thing.

The other story is much simpler. He told Fatis that if his hands were weak in the fight, then his neck and heart would be soft next, because there have never been many vicious enemies, and the kindness to the enemy is often only Will cheat yourself. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

   For Elaine, he warned him not to be impatient. Eleon is full of power when wielding heavy weapons, but he will always fail when fighting Freil, because he has messed up his footsteps and has many flaws. In the battle with the master, every flaw could kill him.

   As for Bandak and Yamila Furiel, they didn't say much. Bandak didn't feel much about swordsmanship. They relied on their own experience to fight, so the Master Swordsman just reminded him of a few weaknesses.

   And Yamila's swordsmanship was even praised by Friel, and he told Yamila that all she lacked was actual combat experience.

  Yamira's swordsmanship is said to come from a neighbor in Veluga. He is a master swordsman who was once employed by the king.

  He had been living next door to Jamila's house until the king sent him away, and taught the little girl a lot of things in his spare time.

   This time Byron can understand why Yamila can persist to the end in the team competition. After all, she is a good apprentice taught by a famous teacher.

   After a few days, Byron can be said to have benefited a lot, he has improved a lot than before, and even gained skills.

  [One-handed proficiency +10; Two-handed proficiency +15;]

  [You have mastered the skills of fighting, get [Strike]*1 level;]

   [Your teammate Fatis improved his way of fighting, [Strike] level +1;]

  [Your teammate Eleon has found the trick to fighting and has become more powerful. [Strike]Level +1;]

   Several days of training have improved Byron's strength a lot, and the master swordsman Jells Friel also rented a carriage and went on the road.

   When he was leaving, Byron and the others specially sent him a trip to express their gratitude to him.