
Rise In Calradia Chapter 50: : Participants

After the end of the individual competition, Jal personally awarded the winning swordsman "Jells Friel" a bonus, and asked him whether he would like to leave a car, and Jal was willing to hire him heavily.

   But it's a pity that, just like the urination of the heroes in martial arts novels, he said that he had no intention of becoming an official, just to join in the fun and so on. And he didn't regard money as dung like those heroes, he found a trolley and walked away with a sack of silver, very chic.

  Byron intends to visit this swordsman. Although the possibility of recruiting him is very small, there is nothing wrong with leaving a good impression.

   Of course, now he has to focus on the game.

   The team competition will have to wait until the next day, so Byron figured out the hotel where the swordsman lived. When he returned with the silver coins, several nobles had come to the door and asked about this.

   Byron did not go there, and left quietly.

"Perhaps it's a good idea to wait for him to visit when he has time. You can also bring some gifts to show your sincerity. Fattis and Eleon have fought with him, and you have to bring them both together. He should give one. For the sake of face, at least it will not be enough to invite them away directly."

   Byron thought for a while, returned to the hotel, and carefully considered the candidates for the competition.

Although Fatis and Elaine did not win the championship, they also participated in the banquet for the players with other people who entered the finals and gave a small amount of monetary rewards. Elaine received 200 and Fatis received 100. .

   They already have a reputation, and they have not been injured in the game. Naturally, they will have them in the game tomorrow.

   There are also Bandak, and two Vickia riders, and three more hired riders. This is currently the most powerful soldier in Byron's team. But even so, plus himself, the ten people in the team competition are still one person.

  After thinking about it, Byron decided to ask Yamila's opinion. Although she was mainly responsible for logistics in the team, Byron could not beat her, and her level was similar to that of light infantry.

   And the reason why I looked for Yamila instead of looking for another soldier was because of Byron's own thoughts, the female fighters can attract more attention and help Yamila's personal improvement.

   Speaking of it, Fatis and Eleon already have some silver coins in their hands. If they want to leave Byron alone, they have the most basic capital. The reason why they still follow Byron is naturally the result of Byron's constant closeness to the two, allowing them to see themselves as a member of the team. Of course, this also has something to do with them. Fattis has now determined that he will always follow Byron in the future, and Alain is because in Byron's team, he can find a feeling that he can't find at home, and Ya Mira also made him reluctant to leave.

   After Fatis and Elaine came back, Byron called a few teammates to discuss tomorrow's game together, but Elaine seemed a bit dissatisfied because he didn't want Jamila to participate in the game.

   "For a woman, the arena is not a good place. What if she gets injured? The Nord Kingdom team games kill several people every year."

   But as soon as Eleon finished speaking, Jamila retorted him uncharacteristically.

"Thank you for your concern, Mr. Eleon, but I don't think I'm a vase. There have been many outstanding female warriors on Calradia, and some of them have become queens. I don't think women have to stay here. In the kitchen and bedroom, perhaps we are not suitable for staying on the battlefield, but you cannot deprive us of the right to fight."

  Yamira's words are reasonable, and her temperament is so good that many men will feel ashamed to hear it.

   Eleon was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly bowed to Jamila very sorry.

   "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that, Miss Jamila."

   "It's okay, sir."

  The problem was solved between the two of them.

   That night, Byron invited the two to have a drink and talk about today's game.

  Fatis was a little bit cautious, speaking mainly about his own shortcomings. Eleon praised Fatis' swordsmanship and showed off his achievements a bit.

   Of course, when talking about "Jells Friel", they almost unanimously praised each other's superb swordsmanship.

  Fatis seemed a little excited, as if he was talking about an idol. He said that the Swadia masters of swordsmanship he knew were probably not the opponents of this swordsman, and it was a blessing to be able to fight against such a master.

   Eleon also admitted that the three of them could not beat the swordsman he had never heard of before, but he seemed confident that he could reach that level one day. He thinks he is still young, and he may not know what it will be like in ten years. This is Eleon, who can have confidence in himself at all times.

   After drinking two glasses, Elaine and Fatis both nodded, not to blame their amount of alcohol, they had already drunk a lot at the banquet before, and the wine that Byron asked for was good without water.

   Especially Elaine, he was overconfident in his drinking capacity. In fact, she only drank two glasses of red wine and couldn't control her tongue.

"Yamira is really a good girl, I like her. If she is a noble lady~www.mtlnovel.com~ and not the daughter of a businessman, I will definitely propose to her. She is like a rose, beautiful But thorny, I like it, really like it..."

   He blushed and his eyes were erratic, and Byron knew he was drunk.

   "What about the nobility? If you don't fight for it now, sooner or later you will regret it because of this. Then you will find that this identity is of no use to you."

  Fatis leaned back in his chair, holding a wine glass in his hand.

   He is much more sober than Elaine now, his face is deep, and he seems to be thinking about something.

   "Thank you for your reminder, Fatis."

   Eleon opened his red glasses, smiled, and drank the last glass of wine tonight.

  Byron also felt a little drunk. He had been in Calradia for a few months, but he was rarely drunk.

  Byron feels that it is really comfortable to be able to open up and say something with friends, even if only a little is said.

   The more realistic the game, the harder it is to play, the happier you will win, and the more satisfying you have achieved.

   Byron lay on the hotel bed and slept comfortably until he was awakened by Fattis's knock on the door the next morning.

   "Good morning, sir, we should leave."

  Fatis entered the room and said to Byron who had just gotten up from the bed.

   "I'll be fine soon. By the way, how is Eleon? He had a lot of drinks last night."

   "No problem, sir, although he was drunk yesterday, but he sobered up quickly. He got up earlier in the morning and was full of energy."

   "That's good, let's take away the championship bonus, let the whole car cheer our name!"

   "I hope so, sir."

   "Yeah, I hope so."