
1.17 - Viserys

Viserys - 1​

"We must act." Sir Criston snarled, slamming a fist on the table. "We cannot allow that little bastard to galivant about Essos with a dragon."

"I must agree with Ser Criston." Said Lyonel, his face twisting oddly at the words. "While it is perfectly within the rights of an unattached knight to seek his fortune wherever he chooses, allowing Ser Aelyx to take Vhagar across the Narrow Sea would be seen as nothing less than a declaration of war against the Triarchy."

"While I too worry about the implications of Ser Aelyx riding Vhagar against the Triarchy, we must remember that they did not retaliate against the Iron Throne when Prince Daemon launched his invasion of the Stepstones. A campaign which, as I may remind you all, received significant monetary support from King's Landing." Lyman pointed out.

Viserys hummed in agreement. It was true that he had sent Daemon a significant amount of gold over the years to finance his war without any sort of major diplomatic backlash from the Triarchy, so it was difficult to believe that they would act against Westeros should young Aelyx take arms against them.

"Indeed," said Lord Cressey. "Prince Daemon's campaign in the Stepstones has also provided a certain degree of precedent for members of the royal family, even dragon-riding ones, to embark on their own private wars. Should his grace censure Ser Aelyx many will wonder why he did not do the same to Prince Daemon."

Viserys frowned slightly at the Master of Law's word. It was true that it would be rather hypocritical of him to tell his nephew that he could not wage war against the Triarchy when he had allowed the boy's father to do so.

"Let them wonder." Ser Criston spat. "If the king commands the bastard, not to cross the Narrow Sea then you will have no choice but to obey"

"Let us not be hasty." Said Ser Rydden, the Master of Whispers speaking for the first time since he had informed the Council of the agreement Aelyx had struck with the Pentoshi. "While I had not joined this Council at the time, there were very good reasons that my predecessor counseled his grace to support Prince Daemon's war. The depredations of the Triarchy, made crossing through the Stepstones even more perilous than when the pirates infested the islands. It is only a matter of time until the Triarchy reclaims the Stepstones. Should that occur, we will be in the exact same position as fifteen years ago. While Ser Aelyx's actions are rash, they represent an opportunity to check the resurgence of the Three Daughters."

"So, you purpose that we just sit back and allow him to leave with the last of the Conqueror's dragons?" Asked Lyonell.

"Why not." Ser Rydden shrugged. "As Lord Lyman mentioned the same was done when Prince Daemon began his war."

Realizing that the argument was simply circling around to the beginning, Viserys decided that it was time to weigh in. "Aelyx will be a man grown in just a few moons, and if it is his decision to join hands with Pentos and wage war on the Triarchy I see no reason to stop him. So long as none in Westros suffer from his actions."

"I don't believe they will." Said Lord Mallister rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "The Triarchy did not issue any formal sanctions against during the last war, so I doubt that our trade will be affected beyond what can be expected as a result of any conflict in the region. They simply cannot afford to pick a fight with us when their enemies in Essos already watch for the slightest sign of weakness."

"I must disagree, Your Grace, the other Free Cities were perfectly content to allow Prince Daemon to challenge the Triarchy in the Narrow Sea, but they might react unfavorably to a Targaryen dragon rider fighting on the mainland of Essos," Lyonel argued.

"It's possible that it may be viewed as an attempt by the Iron Throne to gain a foothold in the region," Melos added.

Viserys turned to look at his Master of Whispers. "Ser Rydden? What is the likelihood of that?"

The knight hummed thoughtfully. "There will probably be some concern, particularly from Braavos, but I believe that desire to see the Triarchy humbled will outweigh any consternation about Ser Aelyx's actions or the Iron Throne's intentions."

"That fact that Prince Daemon has named him Prince Regent of the Stepstones should also help." Lord Cressy put in.

"A meaningless title from a defunct kingdom." Ser Criston snorted.

"The title might be meaningless materially, but legally it still holds a certain amount of sway." Lord Cressey explained, sending an annoyed look at Ser Criston. "We recognized The Kingdom of the Stepstones and the Narrow Sea, years ago when Daemon was first crowned, as did Pentos, Braavos, Volantis, and Lorath. Nobody has since recognized the pirate who currently claims the title. This means that as far as anyone, except the Triarchy and Dorne is concerned, Prince Daemon remains the rightful sovereign of the Kingdom and is perfectly within his rights to dispatch his son to wage war on his enemies as part of an ongoing conflict."

"That's little more than a fig leaf." Saud Lyonell doubtfully. "Even when Prince Daemon was ruling from Bloodstone, most still viewed it as little more than a Westrosi Protectorate."

"But, a useful fig leaf, nonetheless." Came the rejoinder from Ser Rydden. "The Triarchy has seriously upset the balance of power across the water, and so long as Ser Aelyx doesn't plan on declaring himself the King of Myr, I think the other Free Cities will tolerate his presence until he departs for the Steptones."

"I am convinced, that my kingdom will not come to any harm from my nephew's adventurism." Began Viserys. "However, the question remains, should his expedition be endorsed by the Iron Throne."

"No," said Lyonell, instantly. "If we do as Lord Cressey, suggests and maintain the position that this is purely an internal matter of the Kingdom of the Stepstones and the Narrow Sea then there is no reason to offer Ser Aelyx any sort of public endorsements. Although if your grace wishes you could of course offer private funds and access to manpower as you did for Prince Daemon, without making a binding declaration of support."

Viserys nodded, that was good. For all that he wished his nephew the best of luck in retaking his father's kingdom he had no desire to embroil Westeros in Essos's endemic warfare, as many had feared would happen when Daemon had first begun his campaign all those years ago. Which reminded him of another pertinent issue.

"Will the Velaryens, be supporting Aelyx in his war with the Triarchy?"

"They appear to be readying a small fleet of transports to ferry the men that Ser Aelyx has been recruiting across the Narrow Sea, but there is no indication that they are planning to make the same kind of commitment that they did during the previous war." Lord Mallister responded.

"Interesting." He drummed his finger on the table thoughtfully. He supposed that after having been driven from the Stepstones once, Corlys would be hesitant to fund an entirely new invasion. "What about other Houses, Aelyx has just returned from a tour of the kingdoms, is there any indication that he means to seek aid from his new acquittances?"

"Not, that I can tell." Ser Rydden answered. "So far as I can tell Ser Aelyx is just gathering volunteers from the Narrow Sea Houses. I am given to understand that he plans on increasing the size of his personal force with the loot gained from the advance on Myr, at this point he seems content to allow the Pentoshi to do the navel work for his invasion.

"Keep, in mind that this is the early days though." Melos cautioned. "Ser Aelyx may well be planning on waiting until he is in a stronger negotiating position before he goes looking for Westerosi allies. He will after all need ships to hold the islands even if the Pentoshi do succeed in taking them. Of course, that's assuming the whole venture even gets that far."

Viserys, leaned back contemplating the information. "If Aelyx or the Velaryons approach any houses inform me."

"Do want it quietly disseminated that they are not to support Ser Aelyx?" Asked Lyonell.

"No, in fact, if any approach you seeking royal permission you may tell them that they will receive no censure for joining my nephew's war so long as they inform me of their intent before committing troops. Now does anyone else have anything else to say about my nephew's incipient voyage to Pentos?"

One by one the lords, of the Small Councill shook their heads albeit some more begrudgingly than others.

"Excellent, now I believe that Lord Strong wished to discuss river tolls, at the Reach-Crownland border."