
Royal Zodiac Meeting -Part 5

"I could tell you all my background story of how my parents were brutally killed by the Banned Emperor Assassins just as I was a newborn baby. There should be police records of it years ago assuming none of them had been deemed classified, archived or worse still, scrapped." Jin said thinking none of them will care with the exception of Yang Rou Xiang, the Head of Royal Zodiac Sheep as well as the lady who said that she could cure everyone of their ailments if Jin had poisoned the food that they ate previously.

"No, explain more. Especially how they were found dead." Rou Xiang queried even though this was delaying the meeting even further. (And that is why meetings are never productive...) Even though almost everyone in the room believed that they needed to know a little more about Jin, they did not really care about him much until the Royal Zodiac Sheep Head had decided to probe further.