
Restoring Ryuli's Weapon

"Your…luxury healing instance is a one hit wonder," Ryuli said as she could feel that she felt brand new. With the exception of the need to regain her chi naturally, there was not much problem with her body at all. The only problem that she had was the War Umbrella now broken. 

"You can head to our blacksmith, he should be able to either fix it… or throw your War Umbrella away and give you a new one," Jin told Ryuli about the Three Head Bear Blacksmith and she laughed.

"Can that bear really make a War Umbrella for me? Usually, I had to go to the northern parts of China to get it sorted out and I bought quite a few War Umbrellas just so that I do not usually go back there," Ryuli replied.

"You cannot hurt and give it a try. Considering now that you are part of the store, he should be able to hook you one War Umbrella easily." Jin commented as he opened the portal and brought the Ryuli there instead of riding the train to his store.