
Operation Dreaded Winter -Part 3

The Mong Drug Smugglers were already smiling when they heard about the demise that Ress was about to bring to the Southern Kingdoms. While sure, they might not make as much money as they would as drug smugglers but with this mission, the smugglers knew that their efforts would be repaid with a fresh new start in Ress.

In fact, all of the Mong Traitors were looking forward to this new start and that was not the entirety of the deal. They had been given the privilege to keep whatever spoils they had earnt as part of betraying Mong for Ress.

At first, most of them actually thought this was a prank, a joke of a deal until all of the current Mong Traitors saw first hand how Ress had managed to fend off the beings from the skies. The armies descended from the gods themselves were killed right in front of their own eyes. The power they wielded was stronger than any forge could proceed.